Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1222: Destiny Chessman

A movie can be praised in the traditional European film camp, it can only be regarded as a film that truly battles the world.

Themes such as "Limited Time Rescue" will only be operated as a commercial film in the past style. Only with the addition of Chen Hao, this film has attracted more attention and was promoted in Europe. The effect was also unexpectedly good, and what made the producer and producer seem a little embarrassed is that the film's popularity is not as good as Chen Hao's.

Everyone more remembers that there is an action-themed film starring Chen Hao to be released, and the number of people who remember the film name is definitely less than a third.

With the end of the European station promotion, the online pre-sale channel has been fully opened, the communication between the global side and the Chinese side is not very smooth, and "Limited Time Rescue" has finally failed to achieve the goal of a world premiere at the same time. In the second half of Huaxia's summer season, it's the best time to go out for a trip. Before the semester begins, students invite each other to watch a movie together, which is also a way to end the holiday.

Of course, Huaxia will not give such an excellent schedule to "Limited Time Rescue". In order to appease Universal and also to appease the audience of China, this film will be released in China in early September. All viewers need to wait less than half a month. Time, you can see the high-definition movies in the cinema.

The channel between Xiangjiang and Treasure Island was opened in advance. Together with various Asian countries, this movie was released for the first time. Once, "Into the Master" simply did not even land on the mainland market, and the emotions of the fans were able to self Control, watch later, nothing. On the first weekend of school, academic pressure is not heavy. Even students in the third and third grades of high school can go to the cinema to watch movies.

Global has indeed made a lot of efforts, but ultimately it was helpless to accept such a reality, but even so, in the mainland of China they are eager to get more than 400 million US dollars in box office, 2 billion Chinese box office in Chen, Under the premise of Hao leading the star, no one would think that such a box office figure would have any pressure in the blowout Huaxia film market.

From the hotel to the airport, not only police cars are in charge of escorting, but only the security arrangements for Chen Hao, there are more than 20 people. Kang Yan and Chen Gang are also very serious about all the changes around them, and they will never let go of the slightest strange movement. .

In Europe, it is no better than in China and the United States. Safety issues must be arranged with the highest specifications and complicated security procedures. Chen Hao has always been a puppet to raise a rope, and travels and participates in activities in accordance with the most professional arrangements of the security team.

On boarding the hotel, Kang Yan and Chen Gang are also much more serious than ever. Kang Yan always stands on the line that is most vulnerable to long-range attacks, blocking any possible imaginary enemy that may be attacked from a long distance; Chen Gang is staring at each Are the people, including security, familiar, and are people in the media too close?

The car is an bullet-proof car. After driving on the road, the front, back, and left cars are very nervous. If there are other cars driving side by side with this car on the road, Kang Yan and Chen Gang can't wait to train their eyes. From the perspective, let's observe if the other car happened to have happened or has the picture.

Chen Hao is okay. It ’s not that he does n’t care. Strength builds self-confidence. His keen intuition combined with his strong body reaction speed matches his physical strength. Unless he encounters a large-scale armed attack, he does n’t really worry about his safety. Not under control.

Including the plane he is flying on, there are two special security personnel on board. They are allowed to carry weapons on board, one is sitting in the economy class near the entrance of the first class, and the other is sitting at the side of Chen Hao in the first class. Kang Yan and Chen Gang also formed a protective posture one after the other.

Emma Watson and the other founding members of the cast who had arrived one step ahead looked at all of this. At the beginning, it was a bit disapproving, and felt that it was not necessary. He was just a big star. At most, it was beyond popularity. As for protecting him as a big man?

"If something goes wrong somewhere, it will definitely cause the explosion of international public opinion and the turmoil of local law and order. There are too many fans and the personal influence will be too great. With just one sentence, he can make a famous brand in the world. Commodity, what's the matter, at least it can reduce your sales to the point where it hurts. "

After Chen Hao got on the plane, he was still as usual with everyone. He was even ridiculed when he was ridiculed: "Nothing is just an exaggeration outside, but the feeling of riding an bulletproof car is still very good, there will be a different kind of A sense of security. "

With a little self-deprecating tone, optimistic and faced with a joke, it also dilutes the seriousness of the people around them. Think about it. In fact, there is no need to go too seriously. What treatment people enjoy, naturally there are relevant people and departments. I think he has this qualification, otherwise he would not have spent so much manpower and material resources to do this.

The plane on which he and the crew members took off took off, and the first statistical information on the ground was exposed by several media.

Pre-sale started from "Limited Time Rescue", and more than 100 million euros have been pre-sold in Europe.

You do n’t have to think about watching Chen Hao ’s commercial movies. You just need to know that he will never be disappointed with the audience. For that commercial movie, let ’s go and watch a lively movie. You will not be disappointed. Seeing Chen Hao's strong skills, he was also very handsome in playing "Gun". This time, the style of "Limited Time Rescue" was a bit popular, not as cool as Mr. Smith in "Smith and Mrs.".

No one discusses the plot, and no one cares about the plot. We use MOUSE to make a lonely heroic theme. Even if the plot is old-fashioned and vulgar, and he is there, the whole story will stand up. He will continue to fight all the way. One or two beauties, just watch him overthrow the entire villain organization alone.

When the plane landed in New York, pre-sale tickets in North America also exceeded $ 150 million. Global has begun to develop peripheral products, began to study how to use this film to make more money, and began to write a second script, Someone started to pay Chen Hao for the second film.

In terms of film remuneration, the whole world now has a recognition that 20 million will reach the top. There is no need to set a higher cash remuneration because of Chen Hao, and he does not need it. Many producers are worried that taking out a lot of cash rewards will affect the shooting, and worrying that the film will not be sold. In Chen Hao, you will never need to worry. Even if you do n’t even give him a fixed cash reward, he is willing, I With this self-confidence, I am able to bring traffic to the box office. If you are willing to share with me at the box office, I will be happy.

Universal has turned this company up and down, and the company has begun to think about how much bonuses it can get. There will always be only one unlucky person. In the past two years, as long as Universal, Chen Hao, and Dazhi made these labels stick together, It is bound to be followed by a small label-Megan Fox.

The unlucky Megan Fox hasn't slowed down until now. He still has been asked for a film from Pitman's "Jedi" before. The film price has been lowered and lowered, and there is still no invitation from the crew to audition.

It ’s not that she does n’t have that value, or that the crew is not willing to offend Chen Hao, offending his nearly 100 million fans around the world. Young people have always been wilder in star chasing. They really refuse to buy tickets because of Megan Fox ’s participation. The crew will be willing to take such risks.

Her agent wanted to talk to Chen Hao through a lot of relationships, hoping that her posture would not be so low, and she would still have a cover cloth covering her face. As a result, she failed again and again when they learned that Emma Watson She was directly thrown out of the second heroine list in "Limited Time Rescue". The reason was that she did not have enough respect for Chen Hao. This time, Megan Fox was completely convinced and no longer thought of resistance ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ I just want to be let go, and the conditions can be opened casually, and I don't want that attitude.

Chen Haoren was in New York and received a phone call from Sanye Ye: "If you can open it if you want, you can send her to Tianyang anytime, anywhere, and she will know how to make a man happy. You can also be at Tianyang. Be assured that it is absolutely safe and that no wind will come out. "

"Father, you are so old, you can do it for me."

"I'm welcome, then I will show" Transformers ", haha ​​..."

"You're terrific, take it."

Chen Hao had no interest, and was not astonished by his appearance and figure. He was unwilling to cause such trouble to his colleagues.

As for hate, he now knows the food chain rule of weak meat and strong food, and sometimes your weakness makes you do not have the right to hate.

Three days later, a global screenwriter came to discuss with Chen Hao. The second part had a female villain role and asked him which actor he thought would be competent. In fact, only one of the five names written in the script was actually shown to him.

"Just her." Chen Hao knew that if it hadn't been through all the links, the name Megan Fox would not have appeared in front of himself. All these things made him feel the power of power once again and made him deeper. Feeling the dirt and dirt in this circle, if you don't stand on top and become a chess player, you will never get rid of the fate of being controlled by others.

Now I really can control my own destiny?

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the 28-story building, he stomped on the land in the most prosperous part of Manhattan, overlooking the New York City. He was also a little confused. If this is not enough, to what extent?

Take out your mobile phone, the feeling of fear and confusion in the heart needs to be replaced by the twisted strength: "If she wants to make up the scene, then come in now."

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