Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1223: Just a citizen.

In between, Chen Hao looked at the ceiling in the morning, and slowly made the whole person awake.

Emma Watson is going to make a remake of the film. In fact, where is the remake of the film? It is nothing more than that her agent has learned that her second film will be replaced. In the script, a heroine has been changed.

The chance of remedy was only for Chen Hao, who wanted to make up for a scene. Yesterday's state of mind, he let the other person enter the door, but eventually he resisted, even if the other person was already kneeling in front of him, let him Leave and fasten the belt again.

Maybe it will be hated deeper. If you choose not to indulge yourself at the last moment, you will get a deeper hatred. This kind of harm may be more unacceptable than putting your pants down.

He now starts to understand why there are so many "evil-sticks" in the circle, and sometimes they really do n’t want to do something, but someone is throwing them at you, and when they pass outside, they naturally become men. Interpretation of women from potentially disadvantaged groups.

Knowing that he was useless, Chen Hao got up and washed up, and then sent a message to the other party that would not be any evidence.

"I didn't mean to hurt, your performance is very good, and we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

It's useless, to relieve one's heart, this kind of selfishness, maybe everyone will identify with themselves.

"Jiuer, find me a boxing ground."

This kind of thing can let Qiu Yu find the crew to arrange, Chen Hao eventually chose to find wine, and then took a bus to a boxing hall that was not open to the public. There were more than a dozen people in the boxing spirit. He arrived At that time, they were returning the various facilities in the boxing gym to their original positions. The air-conditioning blower did not remove all the sweat here. Smelling this unpleasant smell, Chen Hao felt comfortable.

Without gloves, without any protective gear, took off his shoes and walked into the fist gym. The first thing he became the target was the heavy sandbag hanging there, which is enough to withstand the sandbags with several times the strength of the strongest boxer in the fist gym. In front of Chen Hao, it became a very ordinary tumbler toy, the only difference was that it was suspended from the steel bars on the ceiling.


Consecutive punches, do you feel that the physical muscles can withstand such collisions? Reality tells you that you can, a dozen people who were dissatisfied with being interrupted by their boxing before, all look silly at this moment. I just saw that the big star came in to occupy the venue. A few people who are not Haomen fans are even more upset. I dare not have it.

Is that human being?

With these bottom-level thugs, I haven't got the news that Chen Hao challenged free fight masters in all parts of the world. Occasionally, some news is vague. Without real photos and videos, it is really difficult for some people to believe. They are in the line of disbelief.

It ’s a bit of a tear to directly punch the sandbag. The sandbag weighing 200 kg can fly like catkins. The most severe contact with the ceiling at 90 degrees on one side is like a muffled sound. Heavy punches in the hearts of everyone, subconsciously will leave a cognition in your heart, don't provoke him, don't run into him, don't even wear protective gear for sparring, that's what it is Go to death.

The coaches of the two boxing halls, wearing a full set of protective gear, holding the thickest shields, stood on the platform to practice punches for each other, their fists and feet fluttered randomly. Chen Hao did not attack and drift, and did control some power. In less than three minutes, both of them stepped down with their arms shaking and their faces trembling, and their bodies were not touched at all, but the power transmitted during the defense process made them unable to lift their arms. After going down, they were taken to the hospital directly. The medicine on the arms couldn't stop the swelling. The two arms were wrapped like baguettes. Both of them had an extra understanding of the actual combat. This world is indeed true. Talented strangers, that kind of non-human power, even if an adult giant bear living in the wild waving his arm and slap on the guard, the two will not practice this end.

Chen Hao asked Qiu Yu to send his apology and a 'mind'. One person 20,000 US dollars was enough to make them satisfied with a month off without work.

He found a way to break the heart barrier, no longer worry about whether he can control his destiny. When the fists are clenched, there is no fear in my heart. I have a pair of iron fists to break all the shackles. When one day When everything I have is not enough to support my destiny, I still have a pair of iron fists, and I can defend my last defense.

"I want to be stronger!"

Standing in the hotel bathroom, holding warm bath water, he was gradually covered by water mist in the mirror. Chen Hao chose a lucky draw, and accumulated nearly twenty lucky draw opportunities. Think of a waste of one or two.

"Congratulations to the anchor for obtaining three key barriers, which can each resist a fatal injury to the key part."


"Congratulations to the anchor for obtaining two danger warning devices, which can make life-threatening warnings three seconds in advance."


"Congratulations to the anchor for getting the system blessing once, the blessing effect-increased physical strength."


Chen Hao stopped to continue the lottery. When I was thinking that I wanted to control my destiny, the lottery draw was a type, that is, his individual was no longer destroyed instantly, and the result of this lottery was also being presented to him. Declare a fact.

You have enough, you are already strong enough, the probability of large-scale thermal weapons being applied to you is very low, and the most dangerous is the sudden danger. Now the rewards we provide three times in a row are to prevent you from being killed suddenly. dead.

The last one, Chen Hao, likes it the most, and once it ’s consumed, it ’s gone. Even if it ’s not used once, he feels that it ’s not his own. He is the only one who can increase his own strength. .

To what extent can physical strength increase?

After taking a shower, Chen Hao took a fruit knife on the sofa for experiments. The sharpness of the blade did not change. The strength of the muscle increased. When he tried to tighten his fist to tighten the muscles, Ren How this fruit knife scratches, pricks, and cuts on the skin does not cause any harm, only a slight white mark.

After trying for a while, Chen Hao put down the fruit knife, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the city in the distance, and sighed.

The so-called Xiangyouxinsheng.

The system will give rewards according to what you think. This is obvious. Between the subtle and subtle, the system will also look at the problem with its own personality.

I do n’t have much culture and I ’m not a talented person with high IQ. I have n’t really become an elite in this industry in the society. I still believe in individual heroism in my bones. I do n’t think anything outside of you is as strong as myself reliable.

In this way, the subtle influence also affects the system. In the cognition of the system, it is also considered that its own strength is the most effective. In such an era, thermal weapons can already destroy a large range of life instantly, and individuals can really Is it powerful enough to surpass these?

Chen Hao has no answer. He believes that the system can't give himself an answer either. In the final analysis, it is the thinking mode of ordinary citizens.

This is also good. At least the style of rewards I give through the system confirms the social status and social capital that I have now, which is enough to defend the kind of freedom I want. The fate under irresistibleness can follow my heart. .

"Thank you, system."

Every time when Chen Hao wants to thank the system, he thinks that the most effective way to thank him is to fulfill his anchor status. In the five five live broadcast rooms, with the cooperation of Red Dot's technical department and Lele's technical department, his The channel does not distinguish between domestic and international channels. When he broadcasts in English, a dedicated team translates it into Chinese online in real time. When he broadcasts in Mandarin, he has a dedicated team to translate it into English in real time.

In the evening, he will premiere in New York. He started the live broadcast willfully in the afternoon. For an hour, he did not have much interaction with the fans. Today, he just performed his own song with affectionate style. He is grateful for everything the system brings to himself in his own way ~ ~ Only by putting more real emotions into it can he afford the system to give him the ability to sing, and give himself an extraordinary voice , The songs given to them, they are cold, but their emotions are lively, put together, is now Chen Hao today.

Chen Hao has n’t had any gifts in the live broadcast room for a long time. Maybe it ’s been a long time since I finished the live broadcast to see how much the background income is today. He only knows that every time he starts the live broadcast, the public screen in the live broadcast room will not have a second. When the clock is stopped, various large gifts covering the entire platform will also make the anchor of the live broadcast at the same time must ignore the gift message that flashes continuously on the top page of the live page. If you do n’t want to accept it, you must accept the fact that visitors in the live broadcast room are constantly The reduction has entered five five live broadcast rooms. Even if it is not a fan of Chen Hao, I can see such a big star on the webcast, and it is not a daily live broadcast. A little time as an online tourist is definitely going to make fun of it in the past. What is the status of the superstars when they broadcast live, and what the studio will look like.

Until he put on his clothes and got ready to go to the scene of the premiere, Chen Hao did not receive a message from Emma Watson. Just when he felt that he was being kindly consumed, the door of the luxury car opened, Emma Wor Tessen got in. In the completely closed rear space, the two were alone, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"Don't promise me, but I believe, but I do n’t ask for anything, just ask not to be your enemy, this is my voluntary, you can be me when I adore you, or when I am forced by your power, this Once, you can't hide, I won't mess with your clothes, let alone my clothes, don't worry, what are you afraid of by a man, haha, the famous Mr. Chen also has such cute times. "

After that, he bowed his head.

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