Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1221: ‘The stars shine’

"Chen Hao's new movie is propagated in Paris, and all people are empty!"

"Domestic artists participate in Fashion Week, and no one knows they have been treated coldly."

Chen Hao shook his head helplessly, took out his mobile phone and found Tang Yan's phone number. Instead of sending a WeChat, he called directly. This is a matter of politeness, and sending messages seems to be a little disrespectful.


"Ready to watch the show at the scene."

"Okay, I'll go later."

Blow-dried short hair, a white T-shirt with a white heart collar, a red suit on the outside, and a pair of white pointed leather shoes at the foot. As soon as a person appeared outside the show, it immediately became the focus of all media attention. The show that has begun, the target of media attention is no longer on the stage, and everyone's attention is also concentrated at the door.

In the past, this situation will definitely attract strong dissatisfaction from the guests, the host and even the performers, and the media will be particularly unhappy. Today, when the big red figure appeared in everyone's sight, all the dissatisfaction that just emerged disappeared. No one can be dissatisfied with him. Now that he just said that he was being interviewed, it is estimated that there will be no more media on the scene. There are many fashion weeks every year, and the group that is concerned is limited.

Chen Hao also has a lot of news every year, but the groups and the attention that he follows are among the best. There may be no way for all the media to shoot him all the hot news, but if one of the media does not shoot him, your day Without him in the news material, then you will be famous. The fixed audience before your media will lose a considerable number of followers in the shortest time. The reason is simple, full, intuitive and violent.

"You can't even get Chen Hao's news, so what's the point of our attention to you."

Chen Hao folded his hands, bowed a little as I was embarrassed, and an apologetic smile was on his face. The meaning was very clear. Sorry, I came late and disturbed everyone. Please forgive me. Keep watching the show and don't affect the performance on the stage.

Some people roll their eyes secretly. Will it affect you if you come?

The arrival of Chen Hao allows the organizer's staff to respond as quickly as possible. Now it is impossible to get anybody up to give up the seat. That is tantamount to beating people's faces in front of the world. Only the staff can hold it. A chair followed Chen Hao quietly, and saw that he was standing in a relatively non-central area. He secretly exhaled, and quickly apologized for several staff members to help the people around him move the chair and let it go. The position of a chair.

Tang Yan, Lu Han and Guan Xiaotong were sitting next to each other. The three of them moved and their positions were almost the same. Chen Hao sat down, put Erlang's legs together, fixed his suit, unbuttoned the front buttons, and his face was always bright. Smile, greeted a few warm people around.

At that time, there was no real hatred between Xiaotong and Luhan. Fans are now dying, and there is no reason for the relationship between the two sides to continue to become a frosty meal from time to time, saying that it is a century of reconciliation. It was considered to have promoted Xiaolu, but Chen Hao also raised the other side when he did not care about this stigma.

During Fashion Week, the two sat next to each other and talked a few words. They knew that they had a camera around them. While they were talking at this time, the picture shot in the media shot was a lively chat.

His appearance has also made some of the domestic media's cynicism and ridicule self-defeating. He and Tang Yan talked and laughed together. We do n’t need you to compare and hurt. We are together. All of our Chinese artists who go abroad are a whole. You media, Do n’t you feel ashamed to see this scene? For the sake of attention, for traffic, for sales, can I really do nothing?

Chen Hao was at the scene, then he was a well-deserved focus. Even the beautiful model on the stage must be overshadowed in front of him. Once on the stage of Victoria's Secret, he could be a guest, and the stage in front of him couldn't hide his light. In the end, a fashion show from Zhenger Bajing added a small amount of entertainment effect. Chen Hao was also invited to the stage and walked on stage once with the two female models.

His height with the heel height of two or three centimeters is enough to match the female model on the runway, whether to maintain the height, on such a stage, your height will be presented in a real way.

He really didn't want to let a big red walk on this stage. The effect of inadvertently inserting willows was even better on the stage. The white chicken heart t-shirt with white leather shoes, bronze skin and certain exposed muscles Line, you have to admit the fact that as long as a man looks like Zhou Zheng with a good figure and is tall enough, it is an undisputed handsome guy. Your facial features have some more features, that is, the undisputed handsome.

Leaving the scene, the four left together. Tang Yan kept the smile on her face to face the camera, and whispered to Chen Hao: "I should invite you to play, when will you give me a role?"

"Ms. Tang ordered that it would be okay, and you will never forget you if you have the right one."

In fact, both sides know the meaning of each other. Without Mr. Chen's play, you will not have world popularity, and you will be treated as a gimmick by some unscrupulous media. Tang Yan also saw domestic news. Thanks to Chen Hao for coming to the rescue, Also secretly shouting in his heart, can't he compare with Chen Hao, can't he compare with others? They can do it, I can do it, the key point is on the man around him, who gives him a chance, even if it is only an important supporting role in "Lost", you played well in the international market, you may not call you Name, but you must know that you know that you are a star, at least it will call out the name of your character in the play.

Tang Yan was screaming, but I did n’t know there were two very embarrassing people. She invited Mr. Chen to play and asked for a role. This was not a shame for a long time, but it became a honorable one in the industry. thing.

"The hotel restaurant I stayed in was great. The caviar was so delicious. Try it together? It happened that I had a bottle of wine from someone else."

This invitation by Chen Hao eliminated all the embarrassment, and Luhan and Guan Xiaotong had a little gratitude from the bottom of their hearts. There was no contact for a few years. At that time, the newcomer successfully grew into an industry leader we need to look up to.

The dinner and dinner were full of joy, and a bottle of valuable red wine was divided by four people. The news the next morning made Tang Yan smile secretly.

Yesterday there was no harm without comparison. Today it has become a fashion week together, and the stars of China are shining in Paris.

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