Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1220: If you continue like this, you will become Teacher Chen.

The American version of "Into the Master" took the most disadvantageous posture in the face of grading, and it is necessary to shoot the essence of the real film. It should be different from the implicit version of the Chinese version and show a certain black and white tone in the most direct way. .

In Hollywood, there has never been a shortage of extreme filming of a certain type. What this generation of filmmakers need to do is go beyond and go beyond those extremes. Maybe they are not necessarily great or classic works, but they are all in film history. Zeng deeply imprinted his own name. Even after a century, the audience ’s appreciation tastes have changed. For these films that show the charm of the movie, they will still be remembered deeply. When they are taken out to watch, they will not talk about backward shooting methods. I would care about the picture that is not clear enough, and watch the extreme lethality shown by this movie.

The "Enrollment Master" as understood by Wen Ziren is more cruel than the family sentiment contained in the Chinese version. The film treats several guardian families as the neuroticism of the highest belief in life and brings them into a family. The coincidence of fate has made this family doomed There will be different lives, and it turns out that their lives are extremely ups and downs. If they have to be crowned with the word 'wonderful', it is an accurate description.

After the two arrived in the town, less than three days later, Wen Ziren announced a full-scale filming and all supporting actors were in place. This time, the crew was also very wealthy. For better shooting conditions, Wen Ziren chose to start a large group of filming It is better to waste some time in the future, but also try to let all actors exercise tacit understanding in the group play, resulting in better chemical effects.

Facts have proved that his choice was correct. He alone has contacted all actors and talked about the drama. Apart from the two core protagonists, all the trials were personally participated by him. More intuitive cognition.

But at this shot, he found that the effect of the scene far exceeded his expectations. He felt that each actor had made great progress in this short period of time. Are they all types of live performances?

Wen Ziren did not deliberately test this matter. As long as everyone is in good condition, they can successfully shoot more than a dozen scenes every day. It does n’t matter how sour it is. N machines are rare, even N machines are also available. The reason why N-machine is really needed is that even a harsh director will not lose his temper. The most things Wen Ziren did on the scene was to discuss the plot with everyone. Is there any other better way to express this play? We just felt that it was not enough and was fuller.

Actors have such requirements at the scene, not to mention that the director is extremely happy, and the investor producers must be satisfied when they come. Is there such a group of creators that they can't make good movies?

In fact, every actor couldn't figure out the reason, and felt that there was a special feeling in this crew. Some performances were completely natural, and there was no need to force himself to perform a certain state. Once the show was over and the machine was turned on, the scene feeling came. Well, obviously I felt it was a very difficult drama in private. When I arrived at the scene, it was a pass, so I don't think it was more enjoyable.

Chen Hao watched secretly laughing, the ability of "performing aura" matched with "contagious power", and acting with himself, the entire performance level can rise to the next level, of course, it feels cool, obviously crying drama depends on The prop-assisted actor acted with himself. When a play came along, the tears fell unconsciously along with the plot. The emotion did not need to be pretended to be out of the way, but actually performed directly along the scene atmosphere. That kind of smoothness, as the actor's perception is extremely clear, like a cold and no ventilation, and suddenly a full ventilation.

After the play is over, I am confident, and the memories I have performed in the back of my head and body language. I will have a similar performance next time, no need to frown, no need to think about how to perform, and I won it smoothly. This progress exists in a subtle way. Chen Hao believes that if this ability is exposed, in addition to slicing experimental mice, he will become a mentor for all actors, and he will also be a downright xiangxiang. From Mr. Chen to Teacher Chen, the transition will be very smooth.

The American version of "Into the Master" has a more cruel plot, and it is even more released in the pictures taken by Wen Ziren. He dares to shoot many shots. It is a gesture that does not care whether the film will pass the trial. The film shot the atmosphere he wanted.

Silent horror, you don't need to use the chainsaw to kill the **** splatters, but let each character bring you a creepy feeling.

The husband is a teacher. His people are polite, his family is cowardly, and I am the king in the bedroom. In that scene, sometimes you do n’t need fierce eyes and expressions, and you can make your back cool. Countdown.

The wife is a housewife. There is no explanation for her words, deeds and actions. You need to find the reason in the film, why she is like this and why.

The mother is a veteran teacher. The horror movie of the old man is a way to show the horror of various countries. The horror movies of various countries have strong means. The old man makes horror-like pictures and has a very strong stimulating effect in the movie.

How does the child show an eye in the crack of the door to show the psychological changes after peeping, do you think she is pathetic or happy?

The American version is more direct and cruel. The Chinese version of "Into the Master" relies on the implicit expressions. It is completely unveiled in the American version. It is not the husband who treats his wife in the room, but the wife is willing to use himself. The gentleness and gentleness of the husband smoothed out the gradually distorted emotions of the husband, and let him do whatever he wanted, as long as he was really happy and comfortable, it was all worth it, because he was the pillar of the family and he showed it outside The image needs to be maintained. The husband is not the weakest one in the family.

Angelina Jolie's shooting scale is very large, she felt the true charm of the film, saying that it is just a horror film, that is a blasphemy, you can not fully feel the charm of this film when watching the script, plus On the Huaxia version, you can't know exactly where its charm limit is. Only when you really shoot in the crew, you become the woman, and you know how powerful the film is.

Do n’t define how deep it really is, then you want to distort the true value of the film, take a good shot, take out the darkest side of your heart, and then cover it with the most tender side, This is "Into the Division".

When Chen Hao said this on the set, even though he was acting disrespectfully to his wife in the bedroom at the time, the only actress in the opponent actress was Angelina Jolie. Performance, all actors are watching, a really good movie will attract actors who want to stay in the crew, always want to finish shooting and leave the actor, or you are not a real actor, or the show is really Too procedural has nothing to attract you.

As soon as this sentence came out, he was applauded by the audience, including Angelina Jolie who was lying next to him. The filming just now was very large. Wen Ziren wanted more exciting effects. Hollywood films have some fragrant Y The camera lens is also normal. During the communication just now, he was worried that Angelina Jolie would resist. With the other's card level, she really wanted to resist, and the director could only compromise.

There was no rejection. On the contrary, he also entered the role very much during the performance. Wen Ziren has watched the Chinese version of "Into the Master" many times. Many of his plays have a comparison in his heart. Other acts do not dare to boast. For acting alone, the atmosphere created by this version plus the performance of Angelina Jolie is definitely better.


I shot in a small town for a month, and the fanaticism of the summer season was announced. The post-production of "Limited Time Rescue" went smoothly, seizing a relatively good release period for the summer season. Chen Hao also came out of the town to participate Promotion of the video.

The effect of the two episodes of running domestic males is very good. You haven't seen the big devil tear up the brand for a long time ~ ~ This time I watched it and it was the first time that I saw a world-class star on the show. In the cognition, Angelina Jolie, a goddess-level figure with a very X sense, put on sportswear and ponytailed, and ran with the members of the men's team on the streets and lanes. The picture was very fresh, not only when it was broadcast. The viewing rate has reached a new high, and the number of clicks on online video is also the highest in this year's variety shows.

Netizens on the Internet have called for the running man to start an international role, and more international stars can be invited. As long as we are here, we will not be low-minded for anyone who comes, and we will not receive a red carpet. meet.

Look at the popularity of our Hao Zi in the world, "Europe's three-time rescue" propaganda, crowds of fans will fill the scene, and no Chinese star has ever had such a high influence and appeal in Europe.

When the "Limited Rescue" was launched in Paris, just in time for the start of Fashion Week, Chen Hao, who had just taken a bath and rested in a hotel, was frowned by a news just updated on

There are artists from Huaxia in Fashion Week. This time there are old friends Tang Yan, Luhan and Guan Xiaotong. The three are not so well-known internationally. Although they are dressed in fashion week, they are somewhat more or less. 'Passer-by Fan', this time was caught by some media. It was normal. At first, Nicholas Tse shot twelve edgy flavors. When shooting in Fashion Week, no one knew him. Domestic audience saw it. The picture of the show didn't feel anyhow. This time, it was completely "involved" by Chen Hao. His propaganda was empty of people. The unscrupulous media only asked for attention, and they would not care whether it would hurt people or not. Compare them.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm. When comparing, the damage value directly explodes.

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