Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 835

The two assassins were severed by Luo who suddenly appeared, and their bodies began to melt shortly after.

Luo looks at eventually turned into a pool of liquid corpses, and nothing happened.

paused, heading in a certain direction.

“Where are you going?”

Qi Duo may not have returned to God. After seeing Luo’s actions, she asked questions subconsciously.

Honestly, there is still a picture of ** crisply killing 2 killers in her head.

It was a scene that really unexpected her.

She played against two killers, and she probably knew the strength of each other, so she felt a shock.

Despite Luo’s suspicion of a sneak attack, the whole process was so easy that her internal vibrations could not calm down for a long time.

Luo looked back at Qiduo in confusion, as it should be by rights, and said, “Of course it’s the person who cleaned Black Rock.”

The puzzled look seemed to be saying: Are you stupid? Isn’t this a blatant thing, you still need to ask?

In this situation and the words after killing 2 killers, Qi Duo forehead suddenly burst into each and everyone intersection.

She took a deep breath on the spot, forcibly adjusted her mood back, and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Luo heard the words, and silently glanced at the two corpses on the ground, and immediately looked towards Qiduo with a kind of unknown look.

“What is your look!”

Qi Duo noticed that Luo glanced at the corpse. How could he not know what the other party was expressing, and the annoyance that had just been suppressed rose again.

“Is your idea not suitable for fighting?” Luo repeated the question.


Qi multilingual stuff.

Her mind is biased towards assistance, but it is also applicable to combat and belongs to the type that cannot be overwhelmed.

If it is suitable, the combat capability is not very strong. If it is not suitable, cooperation with others can have a great effect.

There are so many signs of annoyance at the moment, Luo thought for a while and said, “Let’s keep up.”

Qiduo was nodded, and when trying to ask Luo what plans he had, he saw that Luo body ’s mental strength suddenly broke out, and he did n’t even say hello, his figure disappeared in place, and I did n’t know which direction to go.


Qi Duo 愣愣 looks at the empty corridor, as if a cold wind rolled over her behind with slumped leaves.

Not only did the Speed ​​that was leaving was quite outrageous, but also deliberately concealed the breath, which meant that she was not allowed to follow, or that the meaning of the phrase that followed was: If you can keep up, it will be together.

“Wang 8 eggs!”

A few moments later, Qiduo squeezed a few words fiercely from the teeth, and even posted several intersections on her forehead.

On the other side, Luo shook Qi Duo away and moved directly towards the nearest enemy.

It’s not that he doesn’t want Qi to follow, but that bringing someone will only delay his efficiency.

The most important thing is that he didn’t think it was necessary.

Traveling at [instant] high speed, less than ten seconds, Luo came to the nearest battle circle.

Still a corridor close to the staircase, a Guild Hunter and a Black Rock killer are fighting fiercely.

The strengths of the two sides are similar, they have played back and forth, and each other can only slightly hurt each other.

It seems difficult for both people to find the right opportunity.

When Luo came to the neighborhood, it was the Black Rock killer who seized the opportunity and drove the short blade to pierce the heart of the Association Hunter.

The Association Hunter is just at the time of exhaustion, and can only look at the short blade towards the vital point.

Just then, Luo stepped in, and held the short blade with his bare hands, forcing it to stay in the air.

This sudden scene stunned the Black Rock Killer and the Association Hunter, and Luo looked towards expressionless.

“The level of” Zhou “was actually held down by bare hands …”

The Hunter’s eyes are hard to hide, but he knows that [Week] wrapped by the black rock killer on the short blade is very concise. If it was not because he also used the knife, he might have died.

But the man who appeared suddenly was suppressed with only his hand!

In contrast, the Black Rock Killer was also shaking, but he was not at all distracted and twisted his wrist very quickly. He wanted to cut Luo’s hand by turning the short blade.

However, after exerting his strength, the short blade did not move, and his hand was completely motionless like Mount Tai.


The black rock killer looked in surprise, as if looking at pieces of mental strength leaked from the palm seam holding the short blade.

Before I can understand what is going on, the right hand arm holding the knife is a pain.


The arm was torn by violence.

The black rock killer face changed, and the swift tune gathered thoughts on his legs. Immediately after the eruption, the body receded extremely quickly, and a dazzling swath of red blood was scattered on the ground.

Luo dropped his arm, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the killer of the black rock and raised his hand toward the empty door and exposed his neck.

The black rock killer only felt the cold of his neck, and the strength in his body slowly passed away.

After cutting through the black rock killer’s neck, Luo didn’t stop for a moment, and moved towards the next target.

Black Rock Killer’s head slipped to the ground first, and then his body slammed on the ground.

The association hunter looked at Luo, when he opened his mouth and was about to say something, but saw Luo’s direct Teleport disappear.


The Association Hunter’s eyes were dull, and he quickly contacted Qiduo and told Qiduo about it.

After receiving news from a teammate, Qi Duo’s face was incredible.

About 30 seconds have passed since Luo disappeared before her eyes?

No, is there 30 seconds?

But in such a short time, Luo killed another killer.

“The strength of King 8 Egg …”

Qi Duo’s eyes floated with surprise.

Even though it was known that Luo played a key role in the Chimera Ants incident, the members of the Tenth Territory lacked intuitive knowledge of the strengths of the Chimera Ants 2 guards and Ant King, and it was difficult to know the approximate strength of Luo from it.

But now … Luo is showing them what absolute power is.

Qi Duo no longer stays and goes outwards.

Her position is the last line of defense, but the target behind not at all Black Rock behind the line of defense.

At this point, Luo was killing and killing, but whenever he shot, Black Rock’s killer could not live for 5 seconds.

One of the reasons why he can be so neat and clear is that he is very strong now, and the second reason is that he is almost a sneak attack every time he shoots.

He is not stupid enough to perform Knight spiritual on the enemy. It is the simplest and most effective way to attack sneak while the Association Hunter and Black Rock Killer are fighting.

After a while, Qiduo, who was moving, met Potter Bai from the atrium.

“The one outside has been resolved?” Qi Duo glanced across Potter’s body quickly.

Potter was silent for a while, Kaidou: “It was fucked up.”

“!?” Qi Duo.

At the same time, the Black Rock family stronghold on Aegean mainland.

In the special room full of equipment, the red lights representing the life of the killer began to go out, as if some kind of chain reaction had begun.

This spectacle of Rin played out in front of the observer.

“what happend?”

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