Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 834

2-in-1 chapter.

In theory, Kurapika’s assistance would have no effect on the battle on the field.

This is actually the result.

Under the premise that the beard cannot be harmed, the imprisonment benefit of the chain is equal to zero.

And, because [Absolute Time] is too restrictive, Kurapika will not use [Absolute Time] in this battle if it is not necessary.

Therefore, the hardness of the chain does not increase by 100% of the Enhancer, which basically cannot limit the movement of the beard.

Even if Kurapika’s accuracy reaches the standard, it can only limit the beard to less than one second, and this one second time does not play any role in the hardness of the beard.

A chain was broken, and Kurapika not at all immediately drove the mind to restore the chain, nor did it return the broken chain to breath in order to recover some of the energy.

The advantage of this is that you can give the beard an illusion that the chain is a physical item, not a materialized item.

It’s just that this little trick is meaningless in front of a beard.

Fighting rose again.

The beard and Potter collided, making a dull noise.

Kurapika waited on the sidelines. As soon as there was a gap, she drove the chains to tie the beard, creating an opportunity for Porter to attack.

However, the chain can’t force the beard to go into force. Even if Porter hits the beard head-on, the latter can rely on the superb flow to offset the damage.

A few minutes passed.

Kurapika realized that he couldn’t help much in this battle, and his level was inferior to Beard and Porter White.

Not only was Kurapika aware, but Potter was aware of it.

So, after pushing his beard back in one punch, Potter said solemnly: “Don’t help me, there are other killers in the hospital.”

Tone barely fell, and he was entangled with beard again.

Hearing Potter’s words, Kurapika did not respond at all, but opened the distance first and immediately looked towards the ward building of the hospital.

If there are other movements in the hospital, the most lively is the ward building.

“A killer at Netero President?” Kurapika thought in silence.

At this time, a harsh siren came from the hospital door, and that sound made Kurapika temporarily stay in place.

Outside, police cars parked outside the gate in a fan shape.

A police officer with a firearm facial expression grave stared at the hospital door. Within a short while, the helicopter heard the propeller sound in the sky.

Just before the police arrived, the special police unit also came to the scene.

There were a total of five helicopters hovering in the air, and SWAT members on the ground also arrived in the 5th brigade.

Such a battle immediately attracted the uproar of the lively crowd.

Police officers dispatched to persuade the onlookers outside the hospital, while special police forces entered the hospital from all directions to maintain contact with the members of the helicopter.

Suddenly, the wreckage of a burning car flew out of the atrium. Under the horror of everyone watching, he hit one of the helicopters.


Like a firework in full bloom, a helicopter burst into the air with a dazzling flame, and then twisted into the hospital.

When the helicopter was shot down by the wreckage of the car, everyone in the distance exclaimed.


Kurapika, who has not yet evacuated the battlefield, saw that the beard kicked the wreckage of the car at will and then hit a helicopter with precision.

In front of Mind Power at this level, the well-equipped special police force simply is a chive, and a cut is a lot.

The most uncomfortable thing is that if you want to kill these annoying helicopters, Porter cannot stop them.

Helicopter propellers and explosions reached the ears of everyone fighting in the ward building.

Qiduo encountered two more killers, and the plan of defense at least has been breached. It is foreseeable that the members of the association who died today are not a small number.

At this point, she could not confirm the number of sacrifices, and could only fight with the two oncoming killers.

At the same time, the night sky is high.

A Demon Beast dragon is soaring in the dark clouds, and there are continuous light districts. If you take a deep look, you can see the outline of Boda Hospital.

At this moment, the explosion came to everyone’s ear on Demon Beast’s back. As long as he listened attentively, he could still hear the sound of the propeller.


Killua subconsciously looks towards Luo, and Alluka is resting on his shoulders.

Silva and Tsusubone were unresponsive, no matter what happened underneath, it was certain that they had nothing to do with them.

“I’ll go down first and see if you can find a suitable place to land, and then wait for my news.”

Luo also knows that Zoldyck’s family is urinary, and always only speaks with a commission. When moved towards Killua nodded, he jumps down.

Killua opened his mouth, but Luo was going too fast and had no choice but to withdraw.

Silva and Zisubone bowed their heads at Luo, who went down.

After half a ring, Zisubone asked, “No matter?”

Silva is just nodded.

Tsubone no longer talked about seeing this. She thought that the decision was not inappropriate, but did not know that Silva stayed out of the way because Silva knew that no matter what happened, Luo could solve it alone.

“His strength has become unfathomable, no doubt above us.”

Looks at Luo The silhouette that is gradually going away, such a word emerged in Silva’s mind.

This is what Maha said a while ago.

In the case of Alluka, Maha didn’t interfere much, and he was asked to come out just to fight.

In the family council on Alluka, Maha basically did not make any comments and opinions. The only thing he said was this sentence.

Luo fell into the wind, and things in sight became bigger and bigger.

The black cat suddenly emerged from the back of the hand and made a leisurely free fall posture.

“What are you doing out there?”

Luo glanced at the black cat and questioned.

“Look at the excitement?” Black Cat said politely.

Luo thought about it and beckoned the black cat in front of him.

The black cat had a cold heart and had an unknown hunch and a deep sense of familiarity.

I saw that Luo was like the swimmer when he turned back, and his feet were forced on the black cat’s body, using it as a pedal to generate a kick, pushing the body to fall at a faster speed.

The black cat had no time to scold and was kicked into the air.

Luo’s body fell like an arrow toward the location of Boda Hospital. At the same time, he released a circle with a range of about 1000 meters. Before the body landed, he stepped over the remaining 4 helicopters and covered it. In the key area of ​​Boda Hospital.

The SWAT officers did not respond to Luo’s circle, but the Mind Power in the hospital were all cold.

As the circle passed through their bodies, a pair of cold, ruthless eyes appeared behind them, looking down at them.

“From above, but this range …!”

No matter where the small local battle circle is, whether it is the killer of the black rock or the hunter of the association, the moment the body touches the circle, what they see is a circle sufficient to fill the entire field of vision.


The sudden circle represents the arrival of an outsider.

However, the Black Rock side will think that it is the other’s reinforcements, and the Association side will think it is the other’s reinforcements.

Because this outsider is not in the lineup of both sides, came suddenly, or fell from the sky.

Only a few people can probably guess who it is.

“Is it Luo …”

By agreeing on the approximate time in advance, even if Qi Duo guesses who released the circle, her heart still shakes.

That [round], when it came over, it was like a cold breath from Rin in the winter, which was enough to make the body cold, and it was like an eyes opened eyes, staring at his male lion with cold eyes.

Just being touched, it does not consciously produce a strong sense of crisis, and there is an illusion of looking at the body.

I have never felt this way before in my contact with Luo.

Is this the difference between Luo’s normal time and combat time?


Beard and Potter consciously stopped their hands, and distanced themselves, confronting each other, their faces changed.

Then they made the same move and looked up towards the sky.

Unlike the group of people who are in the ward building, they are outdoors and they can see the person who releases the circle simply by looking up.

Kurapika hasn’t left here yet, standing outside the war circle, looking up, surprised looking towards the night sky.

He doesn’t yet have the experience of knowing who the other party is after contacting [Yuan], and even if he does, he can’t guess at the moment that [Yuan] is Luo.

Without him, because Luo’s strength now reaches a higher level.

Then, the three people all saw Luo and reacted differently.

In the sky, Luo speed of light recovered the circle.

The moment he circled the hospital’s key locations, he knew where everyone was.

In general, the larger the range of the circle, the worse the accuracy.

For example, a circle in ten meters can scan out even an acne when a person is detected, but if it is more than 100 meters, in the case of poor mastery, once there are too many objects, the It will only be a rough outline of a human body.

However, Luo was able to use the 1000 meters circle as a ten meters circle and processed multiple pieces of information at the same time.

Black Rock’s killer and every hunter in the association are within his control.

“Kurapika is here too.”

Luo was slightly surprised, and immediately fell straight into the atrium, the position chosen was the middle of the beard and Potter.

The reason why I chose to stay here is not because it is outdoor, but Luo determined that the beard is the strongest of the enemies.


Kurapika looks at Luo falling from the sky, this sound not at all exits, but in my heart.

Potter White used a complex look at Luo. On the other hand, the beard was full of alertness. His eyes were nailed to Luo’s body. Not to mention that the scope of [Circle] was too exaggerated, mainly from Luo body. Feel a sense of crisis for no reason.

Yuan is a skill that is quite sophisticated, and some people even have a hard time practicing it.

However, this man from the sky has released such a large circle.

After Luo landed, he first faced Kurapika slightly nodded, and immediately looked towards the beard, and asked, “People in Black Rock?”

The beard is silent, and the body’s mental strength is maintained at the highest level.

Seeing Beard didn’t plan to answer, Luo didn’t take it seriously. Whether the other person was Heiyan was indifferent.

The evening wind came, and Luo suddenly disappeared.

The beard’s face changed drastically, and his stern stare at Luo made him smell.

His Sensor came to Luo and attacked from the right.

At about the same time, he pushed his mind to the extreme, punching his fist to the right.


It was the blast of fists in the air.

“Misjudgment? No!”

Beard realized lightningly that the speed of the other party was too fast, and he had performed the second teleportation instead of making his own mistake.

“This Speed ​​can only be achieved by Emitter Mind Power. As long as the opponent is not Enhancer, I will have confidence to defend it!”

In the gap of time, Beard came up with such an idea.

The next moment, his eyes Kakuzu peripheral vision only captured Luo’s silhouette, and then, a white jade-like general crashed into his eyes unsuspectingly, carrying a strong power.

Beard conditionally raised his arms, which he considered to be the hardest, to make a defensive action.

General White Jade waved his arm, the long knife dazzling with white light, cut off the night like this, and suddenly disappeared suddenly, as if never before, and the arms with his beard hovering in the air, his body was stiff In place.

At this point Luo crossed his body and headed towards the ward building.

The beard is slowly looking down towards his abdomen, and a stunned look emerges from his eyes.

He could see General White jade’s knife clearly, and when he was about to cut his crossed arms, he disappeared inexplicably, and then his belly was cold.

“It was cut …!”

With this in mind, the beard looked at a bloodline exuding from the abdomen.

Was that powerful sword just a shot? It’s just to let him distribute some of his thoughts on his arms, and the real trump card is a super-fast blow he takes back.

What a terrifying and skilled technique …

Even so, only the Enhancer could cut his body so easily.

If he is an Enhancer, what is this Speed? What is the general of uncommon military might?

Beard turned hard, but he could no longer see Luo’s silhouette.

At that moment, he didn’t even know how Luo cut his body, it seemed … unarmed?

Beard was caught attention by General White jade’s stunned shot at the time, but Porter White and Kurapika saw the score outside the lap.

Luo cut his beard abdomen with his bare hands, and the moment he took back General White jade’s mind, Speed ​​was too fast.

“Who is he?”

The body was cut into two halves. The beard knew that his death was near, and looked towards Potter and asked Luo’s identity.

Potter was silent for a moment, and then in an unintelligible tone Kaidou: “Ten 2 Earthly Branches.”

With a beard, he fell into a dead silence.

Then he laughed loudly as he lowered his lower body to the ground.

“It’s not over! Not yet!”

The beard roared, and the simple sound wave directly shocked dozens of special police officers who sneaked in.

Porter had a beard that looked at final struggle, did not speak, and made a final blow to the beard.

A corridor in the ward building.

Qi Duo is fighting with 2 killers.

Her ability is bias-assisted, which is suitable for side by side, gathering information when teammates and the enemy are fighting, and when the information is collected, the ability is almost launched.

It’s okay to play alone, and at the same time, it is a bit weak for the 2 strong battle-type Mind Power players.

Qi Duo and the killer are fighting fiercely, at this time, the roar of the beard suddenly came.

The eyes of the two black rock killers changed slightly, and it sounded a little bad to hear the sound of a beard.

The two killers are all male, ranking in the top 2.

Just after the sound came, their temples stinged in vain.


When the reaction came over, the vision was awkward, and the sound of crisp fractures sounded near the ears.

The neck was …

Immediately thoughts fell into darkness.

Qi Duo, who retreated backward, stopped abruptly, and suddenly looked at suddenly appeared, then Luo who broke the necks of the two killers.

“Your mind is not suitable for fighting?”

Luo glanced at the 2 corpses at his feet and posed a question to Qi Duo.

The underlying meaning of that sentence seems to be: Can these two people hold you back?

“…” Qi Duo.

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