Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 836

It’s very rare that the red lights go out so quickly one after another.

Special is the extinguished red lights are all members of the family ranking within 5-1!

The observer hurriedly notified Clan Elder.

But just noticed that there are only 2 red lights in that mission area.

Observer Rao was accustomed to life and death, and was not surprised at the moment.

A total of six red lights, including the Ranked first beard, went out in just five minutes.

It should be known that before this phenomenon occurs, the single red light’s off frequency is basically maintained at 30 minutes.

“In the end what happened?”

The observer solemnly said to himself.

It is impossible to know the situation there, but from past experience, it seems that the commission to send heavy teams this time seems to have failed.

All off?

Observers dare not imagine that result.

That team contains more than 50% of the individual battle strength of Black Rock.

In any case, the observers here can never imagine that the six family elites, including the beard of the first battle strength, died in the same person, and strictly speaking, all were instant kill.

Luo killed all the way and met Wei Yang Yinda who had just solved the enemy.

In front of Yinda, Luo once again released a circle sufficient to encompass the entire ward building.

Under Yinda’s gaze, the floating aperture suddenly expanded and penetrated the wall windows, covering the entire building.

“It’s the circle just now.”

Yinda looks at Luo, startled.

Seeing such a horrible circle at such a close distance is really a hard to describe feeling.

Expressed only from [circle], it feels like Bronze looks up at the king.

And no one who knows can keep the circle in the range of about 500 metres, right? Not to mention more than 500 metres.

In the building, the only remaining hunter and black rock killer contacted Yuan again.

“It’s Luo’s circle.”

Qi Duo and Porter Bai who met together immediately looked at each other.

Kurapika, who was originally in the atrium with Potter, did not follow up. He accepted Potter’s instructions and stayed outside to negotiate with the special police force, so that the special police force would give up the raid and avoid unnecessary sacrifice.

After Luo started to clean up the Black Rock killers, the Association hunters participating in this operation gradually gathered together.

They don’t have Luo’s circle, they don’t know how many enemies are left, they can only move closer to a lot of positions temporarily.

Throughout the building, only Luo immediately understood the situation.


Luo retracted the circle and whispered suddenly.

Yin Da suddenly said a word, this sentence did not seem to say to him.


Yinda shouted Luo’s name.

Luo glanced at Yinda before leaving a sentence.

“I’ll sweep the tail.”

Eyes at Luo As soon as the forefoot left, Yinda stepped out of the back subconsciously, but stopped shortly because Luo left the speed too fast. He understood that he could not keep up, and forcibly under the circumstances of unknown enemy position. It doesn’t make sense to keep up.

There are only 2 remaining Black Rock Killers, one is Blackhead and the other is Montma, they are all hunters who have just resolved the arrangement of the Association.

Within ten seconds after the second round, two Elders from the family called.

Blackhead and Montma were in different positions, but they were connected at the same time.

During the call, Elder told them a cruel fact.

All other teammates, including Beard, died, leaving them with only two.

“Tell me what’s going on over there.”

After elaborating on the current situation, Black Rock Elder asked what matters most.

Because the core of the action was decentralized, Blackhead and Mengma didn’t know the cause of death of the other teammates, but they all associated with the unknown person who released 2 large-scale circles.

So two Elders got the same response.

[Very large circle]

This is the only information.

Then, the red light representing blackheaded life suddenly went out.

However, Luo saw that blackheads were using communicator, so he shot relentlessly, as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves.

Still use the super fast speed sneak attack, and then solve the enemy with one hit.

If Killua in [Fast Speed] has 100% Enhancer ability, it can actually do this, even better than Luo.

When the black-headed red light went out without warning, everyone in the room was stunned.

The call didn’t end, but the blackhead suddenly died.

Before the red light went out, they didn’t hear any abnormal noise, only after the red light went out, they heard the sound of the communicator falling to the ground.

Silent Technology of Assassination …?

Elder, who responded first, immediately interrupted the communication and started the process of destroying the communicator.

On the other side, Luo glanced at the communicator and the black-headed corpse that was suddenly self-destructing, and moved away towards the last target.

At this point, Montmar learned that the blackhead had died suddenly, and he obeyed Elder’s temporarily changed order, abandoned the mission, and fled the hospital as soon as possible.

“It must be the guy who released Yuan!”

Mengma was dignified, and realized that the large circle was to find their position, and then strikes to kill one by one.

How unreasonable self-confidence can be said to be contempt of them completely, so that they dare to release the circle without fear, without any fear that they will be taken away.

If you think so, Monma came to a conclusion from this move, that is, the speed of the guy who released the circle is very fast!

With this mental preparation, Mengma used all one’s strength and fled with all his strength!

“Luck in luck.”

Montma in flight always had an unknown hunch.

He is about to retire …

Escaping from the ward building directly, with a keen sense of danger, Montma ran in the opposite direction from Luo.

Helicopters are still hovering in the night sky, and it is expected that a full police force will be deployed around the hospital.

Mengma didn’t take these blockages into consideration, as long as the distance was increased above 1000 meters, the chance of escape would increase greatly.

At this moment, a slightly weird black cat blocked in front.

Montma suddenly braked, and her face became a little ugly.

Even a cat … gave him a sense of crisis.

“Tsk tsk, a fish that escaped the net.”

The black cat looks at Mengma, and the silver eyes are glittering.

“Sure enough.”

Seeing the black cat talking, Renma quickly looked at the environment around the black cat.

He didn’t want to fight, he had to get rid of the black cat directly.

“Let’s go, I don’t kill the old man,” the black cat said suddenly.

There was a question mark in Mengma and there was a sense of nonsense. I always felt that the black cat’s lines were a bit strange.

In fact, it was the black cat who complained about Luo’s kick. How could he be kind enough to help Luo stop the enemy.

Mengma didn’t care about the black cat’s words true or false, he made up his mind to escape, moved under his feet, and ran towards the right side of the black cat.

The black cat was really motionless and allowed Monta to escape.

Unfortunately, Luo’s speed is faster. Even without the black cat’s interception, he stopped Monma first.

“are you an idiot?”

Luo stopped Montma’s first sentence, but said it to the black cat who was watching it.

“You are an idiot!”

The black cat crept back sincerely.

Luo smiled lightly at the black cat.

The black cat immediately spurred when he saw this, and honestly Kaidou: “I was wrong.”

Looks at Luo talk to the black cat, how can Montma not know their relationship.

damn it……

Montma’s hand trembled slightly and picked up a lady’s cigarette in her mouth.

Luo ignored the black cat, looked at Mengma’s dress and appearance, calmly said: “You are the killer Tonpa encountered on rooftop.”


Mengma was puzzled first, but quickly thought of the thief’s disgusting fatty.

Fiercely shook his head away from Tonpa’s face, and Threw away his head, Monma stared at Luo, solemnly, “You all killed us?”


Luo Kaidou at will.

He didn’t care if it would let Black Rock know.

The reason why he didn’t shoot directly to Monma was thinking about one thing.

Would you like to leave a living mouth?

If you can, no matter who sent the killer or not, you can make tonight a cauldron and buckle it to Paris.

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