Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 724

A team of more than 50 people received only one signal.

But there is no doubt that it can cause subordinates to provoke such a strong fear before dying, and most of the entire team will encounter unexpected events.

The Captain-level Chimera Ants determined that the subordinates’ team should have encountered the powerhouse.

Since it is identified as a powerhouse, it must be a specific human.

He glimpsed slightly, and headed for the guard’s bedroom.

Going around the curve, I came to a room with a lot of books, a hole was cut in it, and the light beam fell down and covered in a petite silhouette sitting on a chair.

At the moment, she is turning a book and seeing with keen interest pleasure.

When that teacher Captain’s forefoot had just arrived outside the door of the room, Neferpitou turned his head back, and those ruby 鈥嬧€媏yes scratched on Captain’s body like sharp claw.

The division Captain’s body was lightly trembled, and he quickly lowered his head.

“what’s up?”

Neferpitou closed the book unpleasantly.

“Subordinates and subordinates have something to report to Lord Captain.”

“Call me Neferpitou.”

“Yes, yes, Lord Neferpitou!”

“Say it.”

Neferpitou not at all got up, maintaining the movement of turning his head, looking at Captain, the teacher with his head down.

“Just now, one of its teams was killed by unknown enemies.”

oh? ”

Neferpitou’s lips, Kakuzu, turned upwards towards 2 heads, and suddenly he became interested.

Later, Captain Chimera Ants explained his guess, focusing on the deep fears of his subordinates before they died.

“Well, it’s interesting, and it must be very strong. Anyway, look at it and understood.”

Neferpitou jumped down from the chair, exuding militant factors, and the air field leaking out inadvertently, which made Captain under great pressure.

Even with the fine holes open, there is still no resistance against the Captain’s aura.

“In the case of not knowing the specific strength of the enemy, I suggest you send a team to find out.”

In the shadows, a gentle male voice suddenly appeared.

Neferpitou looked towards where the sound came from, reaching out to his lips, differently said: “That’s too much trouble, meow.”

“I just make suggestions. It’s your choice how to choose, but I need to remind you that before the king is born, your duty is to protect.”

That silhouette came out of the shadows, but it was a tall blond man, handsome in appearance, and no different from humans.

He was wearing a white shirt and a black body trousers under his body. He had a pair of butterflies touching Kakuzu on his forehead, and behind was a pair of butterfly wings folded up.

This man was one of the immediate guards born after Neferpitou, Shaiapouf.

“That is also true.”

Neferpitou not at all was angry about Shaiapouf’s dismantling, but said he was a bit sorry and sorry, saying, “I wanted to try how strong I was.”

Shaiapouf embraced his arms and thoughtfully, calmly said: “Our knowledge of Energy is limited to the ability to turn Energy into a special ability or even an object.”

“In order to further grasp the ability information of a special human being, the fastest way is to catch a special human being torture it.”

“But compared to this, the birth of Wang is more important.”

Neferpitou tilted his head and sighed, “Know, know.”

She was also very aware of her responsibilities, so even if she was curious, she was restrained.

This is a stronger sense of mission than nature.

After dispelling Neferpitou’s impetuous thoughts, Shaiapouf looked towards Captain Chimera Ants, the teacher who didn’t dare to talk much, and showed an evil smile.

“Report this matter, and order all members to be vigilant. Don’t act to act blindly without thinking for the time being. After the report is completed, tell all Captains to come here to gather.”

“Subordinates receive!”

After hearing the words, Captain Chimera Ants said that he immediately exited the room and informed Shaiapouf of the news.

“What do you want to do?” Neferpitou asked curiously.

Shaiapouf squinted his eyes, differently said: “The only information you have will be transformed into Strength as much as possible.”

Although Neferpitou is not like another imprisoned guard who is not thinking well, he really didn’t understand the meaning of Shaiapouf at this moment.

As direct 3 guards, they are natural abilities, possess the same strength as the peculiar human, and can freely control the energy of life.

In the information provided by the division Captain, they only know that the energy of the life of the specific human body is far weaker than itself, but it can turn Energy into special abilities and physical items to enhance its strength.

It can be seen that manipulating the energy of life may be the most basic ability.

So what does Shaiapouf want to do with this small amount of intelligence?

Neferpitou was curious, so she chose to follow up.

However, Shaiapouf did not answer her question.

One thing Neferpitou didn’t know was that Shaiapouf developed his own capabilities in less than 3 days after being exposed to intelligence about the capabilities.

Shaiapouf is well aware of his strengths. He is willing to think constantly, analyze more from a small amount of information, and is willing to consult human world books 24 hours a day.

From the moment he was born, he had positioned himself.

That’s … assist and dedication.

For this reason, having the ability to assist others is the most basic condition, so he should try in this direction. The first thing to do is to develop a new ability for Captain, who has already opened the fine holes by himself.

Chimera Ants has 3 direct guards, namely Neferpitou, Shaiapouf, and Yupi.

If Shaiapouf’s positioning is wisdom, then Neferpitou is sensitive, and especially forceful.

Shaiapouf and Neferpitou both have obvious human characteristics, and are particularly unthinkable, because they are generated purely from a mixture of Demon Beast genes


Luo closed the book, and a little bit of thought disappeared.

At his feet, there was a corpse that had been split into more than a dozen pieces.

“Has it developed to such an extent?”

Luo put out a breath, glanced at the corpse around the ground, his eyes were slightly dignified.

By torturing the Chimera Ants, she gained some useful information.

Direct 3rd Guard has been born, and according to Chimera Ants’s rough description, the 3 Guard looks like the original.

Not only that, Chimera Ants already have a basic understanding of the mind, so these two Captain-level Chimera Ants almost opened their fine holes because of emotions.

In other words, except for the 3 guards directly born of Mind Power, which are dozens of division captains, the fine holes may have been opened.

Fortunately, Chimera Ants has not yet mastered the method of forcibly opening the pores. Otherwise, Chimera Ants’ strong physical fitness can completely create a large number of Mind Power in a short period of time.

Thinking of the way Neferpitou stole Mind Power’s information in the original book, Luo immediately thought of Da Baboon and Ponzu. To find them as soon as possible, save Chimera Ants alive.

With this in mind, Luo looked around at the corpses and walked around 4 times, driving the ability to bury all the corpses in the soil and then leave the place.

Five hours later, Luo came to a hidden cave, but it was empty.

“Have you changed places?”

Luo brows slightly wrinkle, guessing that the Da Baboon may be trying to avoid Chimera Ants’ search, so he chose to change places.

In this way, it would not be so easy to find them with the ability of the baboon.


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