Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 725

In the information submitted by Division Captain, there is still one Keywords: a fish that escaped the net.

The special human team that was encountered initially was run away and has not been found so far.

There are two basic conclusions. One is that the target died of the unknown Kakuzu, and the other is that the target survived, but the hiding method was so strong that it could not be found.

At the very least, Neferpitou not at all forgot about it, but their duties were in the body, at most they could only move near the ant’s burrow, and they couldn’t leave too far, so they could only count on Captain’s actions.

Unfortunately, the search results were zero.

Although the main mission of the army is to hunt food for the queen, the number of troops responsible for searching is not small, so it can be seen that a fish that escaped the net is not simple.

But after today, this may not be a problem.

Teacher Captain meets here, and Shaiapouf smiles, like a believer who spreads faith.

In the forest ten kilometers away from the anthill, a narrow cave buried under the rock of the root of the tree, where baboons and Ponzu are hiding.

The entrance of the cave is blocked by bushes, and it is hard to see that it is a cave entrance.

Since the rescue of Ponzu that day, several temporary staging sites have now been converted.

Ponzu’s physical condition is not suitable for hurrying, and she was seriously ill a while ago. Fortunately, Mind Power’s physical fitness is too good to hurt his life.

At a time when it was severe, the baboon wanted to carry Ponzu to venture out of the range of Chimera Ants, but there were too many Chimera Ants, which made him almost impossible to move.

Finding food is usually difficult, and the conversion of hiding places is cautiously, not tolerant.

Fortunately, everything is going well, as long as you wait patiently for the reinforcements to arrive, you can get out of this dangerous territory.

The Da Baboon was standing at the entrance of the cave, always watching the movement outside.

Even if he sleeps, he is not far from the entrance of the cave. After all, it is not the Cunning Rabbit Cave 3, and there is only one such exit and entrance.

Ponzu’s face was not very good, and her body was quite weak, but the safety during this time made her spiritual situation slightly better, at least she got rid of the fear of death.

“Rescue … when will it come?”

Ponzu’s voice was very weak, and it was as if he wanted to say nothing.

How she hoped that the reinforcements arrived quickly, and then wiped out the group of unknown monsters. As long as Speed ​​was faster, maybe it could save the rain.

Despite the faint hope, she still had this thought.

Da Baboon didn’t answer, but shook the head.

Questions and answers about Ponzu have been done many times.

As long as the number of Chimera Ants has not weakened, it is clear that the reinforcements have not yet arrived.

If it wasn’t for the surviving baboons in the forest, they might not be able to survive with a towing oil bottle.

“En? Silence.”

The baboon’s eyes suddenly changed.

It’s killing intent.

Maybe it’s not an illusion, it’s really directed at it.

Was it discovered?

The baboon is extremely decisive and confident.

He couldn’t think more, turned around and picked up Ponzu, quickly rushing out of the hole.

When they had just left the underground cave, a loud noise came from behind, the tree Crush opened, and the ground collapsed.

Looking back, it was a Chimera Ants more than 2 meters tall, with a crocodile-like tail, and a tumor ball with a diameter of one meter at the tail.

The reason why the tree crushed and the ground collapsed was because this Chimera Ants behind was full of thoughtful tumor balls.

This Chimera Ants is named Barta, one of Captain.

Looks at that full destructive force, the baboon’s eyes change slightly.

Hold Ponzu to the ground and look all around. At least 2 100 Chimera Ants form an airtight enclosure.


The Da Baboon was dignified.

“Wow quack!”

A sharp cry rang through the forest.

Looking around, it was an unknown bird with eye makeup and clown-like appearance, standing on the arm of a Chimera Ants, which also had bird characteristics.

“People and birds, lift.”

The bird Chimera Ants sneered, looks at clown, the bird turns into an air mass, and then returns within the body.

This Chimera Ants is named Bieber and is also one of Captain.

“Tell you, Lord Captain has told me to stay alive.” Chimera Ants, a slender figure with red hair and fox ears, said earnestly.

This Chimera Ants is named Nick and is also one of Captain.

“Idiot, do you want to say it?”

Next to him, a Chimera Ants with a voluptuous appearance and a serpent-like expression whispered.

This Chimera Ants is named Garp Ass and is still one of Captain.

“Even a prey has the right to know, and besides, honesty is a good character,” Nick said lazily.

Garp opened his mouth and spit out his tongue, and said, “I think your body is only an idiot.”

Nick shrugged, disapproving.

“This person is not simple. Would you like the lower soldiers to consume it?”

After the crocodile man hit it in the air, not at all was anxious to attack, but backed away to show the cautiousness and attentiveness that was extremely different from the magnificent appearance.

“With this necessity, the energy of this person’s body is not weak.” Bieber opened his sharp peck and said with a sharp voice.

Da Baboon clenched his fists and quickly took the situation on the field into the eye.

“4 Mind Power, very powerful qi.”

“Also there are nearly 2 100 monsters. Looks at are not like reading, but the body is not weak.”

“With Ponzu’s words, there is no possibility of breakthrough.”

Da baboons take a deep breath, try to calm their minds, so that the body’s qi can flow smoothly without being affected.

The outcome of Mind Power cannot be determined by the amount of Qi, but the amount of Qi is one of the key points that affects the outcome.

Just talking about the amount of apparent energy, the hard work of the baboon for decades has actually not been as good as any of the four division Captains, but it is not necessarily the case when it comes to actual combat experience.

However, not only the opponent has 4 high-level opponents, but also 2 100 low-level soldiers comparable to ordinary Mind Power.

The gap is too obvious …

If you fight hard, you will only be alive.

If you leave Ponzu, you have a chance to break through.

Da Baboon knows this, but he is not the kind of person who will leave others and run away.

The breathing gradually calmed down, and the flowing air of the baboon’s body gradually revealed the sharp-edged characteristics, but it entered a combat state.

This obvious change can’t help the four divisions Captain Chimera Ants take a few steps back.

“Life Energy is obviously much weaker than us …”

Except for Nick, who was too lazy to raise his eyelids, the other 3 captains showed obvious reactions.

At that moment, they smelled danger from the baboon body.

They didn’t know enough about Mind Power, and simply thought that Life Energy was a definition of strength and weakness, but at this moment, their thoughts changed a little.

Without the slightest flinch and fear.

Captain of those 3 divisions smiled at the same time.

Just verify it.

They had the same idea, but did not immediately attack, but continued to retreat, ordering their subordinates to launch an attack on Da Baboon.

When Nick saw curl one’s lip, he stood aside passively, giving people a strong sense of laziness.

Perhaps, even if Captain of the other 3 divisions started, I’m afraid he would only bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.

Subsequently, 2 Chimera Ants, including Captain level, attacked the baboon like a tide.

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