Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 723

The rampant Chimera Ants has never encountered such a killer, but the surviving Chimera Ants are terrified and stand shiver coldly in place.

The anger of their bodies slowly increased with the speed seen by naked eyes.

Luo retracted Qi Yuan Cho, looks at the mutation of the Chimera Ants body with 2 heads, and slightly raised the brows.

Because of fear, are there any signs of opening the fine pores?

If there is no corresponding knowledge, it is impossible to do this.

in other words … Chimera Ants already has a basic understanding of mind.

If you want more information, just ask.

Luo’s flicks to shoot with the finger, 2 small nerds wrapped in neurotoxins hit the ball, hitting the 2 Chimera Ants.

The neurotoxin effect pulls out, and within a short time, 2 Chimera Ants fall to the ground, although conscious, they have been unable to move even a little bit.

Ironically, when they went out for hunting, they also used neurotoxin to disable the prey to move even a little bit, and took it back to the lair for preservation. Didn’t expect that one day they would also suffer from this treatment.

Two Chimera Ants, one beetle-like and one bird-like, more or less human-like.

Luo came coldly, staring down at two Chimera Ants.


Chimera Ants with 2 heads only felt that there was a big mountain down.

That sense of oppression is like the person standing in front of you is the queen’s direct guard, simply is not incomparable.

That is a complete level gap, no matter how hard you can’t pull it apart.

Why can humans be as powerful as direct guards?

“How can human beings be so powerful!”

“A clear wave will tear it up like a rag bag!”

“Don’t believe it…”

Two heads of Chimera Ants have neurotoxins. Although they cannot speak, they can talk in their heads in the style of radio wave communication.

Luo left 2 live mouths, just want to get relevant information from them, as for neurotoxin, just extract a part when asking questions.

However, before asking questions, there are some places to confirm.

The spite of maliciousness was released through the aura of Luo body.

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die …!”

The two Chimera Ants are not low-level soldiers. They are doped with human genes and naturally have the emotions that humans deserve. When facing high-level horror creatures, they will also feel the fear of deep into the soul.

Luo stared at Captain, a Chimera Ants army with human and bird characteristics.

Looks at Luo Cold eyes glanced over, the bird Chimera Ants opened her mouth hard, it was almost an instinct screaming action, but the mouth could only be opened a little, and no sound was heard.

Luo stepped forward, stepping on the chest of the bird Chimera Ants, and then bent slightly.


He tore off the arm of the bird Chimera Ants with his bare hands and let the blood flow.

ka-cha, Chī!

In front of the two silent Chimera Ants, Luo chopped or severed that arm, looking at the structure inside.

The expressionless cruelty fell on the eyes of the two Chimera Ants, like a demon, and they were fish on the cutting board.

For a moment, they wished they were low-ranking soldiers, or one of the corpses on the ground.

In that case, there is no need to endure this kind of spiritual torture.

“On the way here, I passed 2 villages.”

Luo said, throwing a small part of his arm to the ground.

He then tore off the other arm of the bird Chimera Ants.

Because the bird Chimera Ants has neurotoxins, it can’t feel pain and can’t make sound, so it looks very calm.

Luo noticed this in the first half, and it’s no wonder that he always felt something missing.

He did not immediately extract the neurotoxin from the bird Chimera Ants within the body, cut his arm, and connected to what he said just now. Indifferently said: “One of the villages is very quiet and I don’t see any living people.”

“I know exactly where they will end.”

Paused, Luo continued: “Another village can’t see the living either, but more than 20 children’s bodies are left.”

“The bones were pulled out and did not affect the ** tissue. It can be seen that the force was very delicately controlled.

“The extracted bones include the skull, as it should be by rights, the brain is gone.”

“The corpse was hung on a wooden stand with a simple suture, but it can be easily seen from the appearance that the internal organs, including the intestines, are no longer within the body.”

The 2nd arm was cut to the ground.

Luo threw it at will, which undoubtedly exacerbated the fear of the two Chimera Ants.

“I don’t know what the nature of that creature is, and I have no interest in exploring it.”

“These words I said have nothing to do with what I do now.”

“Okay, here comes the highlight.”

Luo said, extracting the neurotoxin from the bird Chimera Ants within the body, which is a method that works faster than any antidote.

Once the toxin was extracted, the bird Chimera Ants finally broke out of paralysis and immediately received the pain, but he did not scream and did not even dare to move.

Luo wrapped his palms on the palm of his hand, and swept across the chest of the bird Chimera Ants quickly. He had a decent hand. The entire skin, hair and flesh skeleton were removed together to reveal the organs inside the bird Chimera Ants.

“Pu goes through.”

Inside that chest, a deep purple hemispherical object was beating.

At this moment, the bird Chimera Ants finally couldn’t bear it, making a cry of fear.

Luo ignored the harsh noise and stared at the structure in the chest cavity of the bird Chimera Ants, which was similar to the structure of human organs, with a large deviation.

“So it is no wonder that the book only records the information of the ontology. After reproduction, it can no longer be called the same species.”


Luo popped a small munition, crushing the heart of the bird Chimera Ants without damaging the surrounding organs.

The heart was destroyed, and the body of the bird Chimera Ants was shaken, and the screams gradually weakened. After ten seconds, the breath ceased.

“The heart is also vital, but it is not directly fatal. It still has about ten seconds to survive.”

“Furthermore, Chimera Ants’ defense is indeed tough enough, ordinary Mind Power people can’t pry at all, and the position of the heart is different depending on the gene of the species.”

“In this case, the most direct way is to destroy the head. You can also consider starting from the neck, cutting off the head, disconnecting Chimera Ants from controlling the body, and then treating the head.

Luo whispered to himself, and then looked towards Chimera Ants, who was motionless, but there was fear in those eyes.

hand of God.

The palm white light floated and turned into a knife, and the body of Chimera Ants was cut into 6 7 pieces in an instant.

“Sure enough, the internal structure is different, that is, the blood is the same color.”

Luo whispered to himself, and then took out some of the toxins from Chimera Ants, making him speak.

“I asked, you answered.”

“Frankly, I can make you happy

Chimera Ants has long been worn away by Luo’s demon-like actions and words.

Meanwhile, Chimera Ants.

Chimera Ants, a division-level, looked pale.

His signal connection with his subordinates disappeared, which meant that his subordinates were dead, and his personal experience before his death passed to his body.

It was … indescribable fear.

Because of the burst of emotions, the signal can only be received so far apart.

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