Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 722

Investigate the limbs brought back, combined with information from Ponzu’s mouth.

Although incredible, the conclusion is Chimera Ants.

The nature of feeding and mating is reminiscent of the disappearance of a village’s population, and the disappearance of countless species in the forest.

[If it is not stopped or annihilated as soon as possible, 100% will cause a world-wide disaster. 】

This is the result theory given by the experts. In the related report, the estimated time of the birth of Ant King is also attached, which lasts about 2 months.

However, without knowing the specific time node, the reference value of this intelligence is very low.

In view of the possible serious consequences of Chimera Ants, v5not at all waited and put pressure on the association, asking the association to resolve the matter without any errors.

This is equivalent to a commission issued by the government, or a commission that cannot fail.

To address this, Netero held a cadre-level meeting focused on picking people.

The people participating in the meeting included not only the ten 2 Earthly Branches, but also the head of the review department.

The so-called review department is a review agency of the association.

Since most of the Hunters Association’s missions are contracted to the government or large enterprises, once the importance of the mission is high, there will be a lot of hunters who want to take over the mission.

The role of the censorship department is to review the skills and suitability of hunters, and then select the hunters who are suitable for the commissioned content.

The participation of the review department in this meeting is enough to show the importance of this commission.

However, there were also absentees at the meeting, a total of 2 people, one was Luo and the other was King.

Their absence, not at all, affected the conduct of the meeting.

“Morel and Noble.”

Netero read the name of the person he was looking for.

Before the two were singled out, it had been determined that Netero President would personally take the lead.

“It’s not good, Netero President.”

Paris Stone glanced indiscriminately at the head of the censorship department.

“Why isn’t it good?” Netero followed Sailor’s words, saying in a tranquil voice.

However, Paris Stone did not answer Netero’s words directly, but looked towards the censorship, said with a slight smile: “The number and strength are too hasty, and the censorship department should also have opinions on this.”

oh? “Netero frowned.

The head of the censorship department was lightly coughed, saying succinctly: “Experts have given the assessment of the maximum crisis level, so it is really too hasty to send only two people to travel.”

Rather than simply assessing Morel’s and Noble’s abilities, it specifically addressed the issue of numbers.

This is in line with Paris Stone’s words, so it can be seen that, as Deputy President, Paris Stone may have been on line with the review department.

Netero just kept his beard and didn’t immediately express his opinion.

The other members of the 2 Earthly Branches also gave their own views, which are roughly the same as those proposed by Paris Stone.

Now that Chimera Ants has been identified as dangerous, the number of people sent out should not be so small.


Faced with the objections of people, Netero suddenly closed up, calmly said: “It is not a good thing to have too many people. You also know that the battle strength is not strong enough, but will be absorbed by Chimera Ants …”

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, glanced quickly at Luo’s vacancy, and there was a helplessness in his eyes.

That guy …

If Luo is on the list of people selected, the objection should not be so big.

What’s more, after hearing about this, Luo’s reaction was a bit abnormal.

Having said that, Netero’s reluctance is due to its unwillingness to wait.

Expert research, investigation and evaluation.

Government exchanges, confirmations, orders.

Contracting, meeting and confirmation by the association.

You have to go through a whole set of procedures, and finally it is the cadre-level meeting, and then you decide who will receive the commission.

The time this process takes is why Luo is unwilling to wait.

So Luo didn’t participate in the meeting and didn’t care about the commission, but went to Donguotuo first.

For merit or something, he didn’t even look at it.

Netero takes away the extra thoughts and calmly looks at everyone.

Controversy is inevitable. After all, only two entourages were selected. Compared with the objections of the Earthquake, the review department’s point of view is particularly important.

Even if he is President, he cannot go over this and make his own decision.

“The capabilities of Morel and Noble are very suitable for this commission, compared to the number, please focus on the capabilities.” Netero calmly said.

“Well, I think it makes sense for President to say that.” Paris Stone double-handed, calmly said, “So, I personally have no objection.”

First, objections were raised, followed by a light endorsement of Netero’s proposal.

Such an unreasonable change, Netero saw it, but there was no Special response, which is why he kept Paris Stone in the association.

Life is too boring if everything goes smoothly.

Moreover, Netero knows the heart of Paris Stone.

Today, the role of Paris Stone in the association is its own, and its goal is directly to the President.

The Chimera Ants crisis is clearly an opportunity.

v5 is under heavy pressure. If it is not handled properly, then the responsibility will fall on the Netero body. At that time, it only needs to be operated. It is not difficult for Netero to take off the position of President.

Therefore, when Netero only selected 2 companions, Paris Stone agreed from the bottom of his heart, but there were some tricks, and it was necessary to play well.

For deep in one’s heart, Paris Stone has a conflicting mindset.

He hoped that Netero President would die very simply. In this way, the restrictions on Yang De’s body would disappear, but at the same time he did not want Netero President to die. In that case, he would have less fun.

Either way, Bi Yangde will not be able to learn about it.

The dispute at the meeting eventually ended, and Netero’s proposal was passed.

However, in this commission, Netero was burdened with two conditions.

One condition comes from v5 and one condition comes from the association.

East Gordo Republic.

The Chimera Ants queen is eating more and more, and Chimera Ants forces ’aggression is gradually spreading, and even the country is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

However, the public did not all have the right to know, or in other words, the intelligence organization in Dongguotu concealed this fact.

Luo had entered the country long before East Gordo Republic began to strictly control entry applications.

There is room for a black cat. He is not as honest as Da Baboon, so he hasn’t even brought in his cell phone.

When he came to a forest, he was silent and could not see any vitality.

Every Chimera Ants needs to eat, and the lower soldier ants are not qualified to eat humans, so they focus on other creatures, and then sweep the forest species.

In other words, when a forest is so quiet that no creatures can be seen, it means that this is the area where Chimera Ants has been active.

As far as Chimera Ants is concerned, Luo has too little information.

He did not expect Queen Chimera Ants to land elsewhere, and there was no vital clue left behind.

This change led to his failure in all responses.

It’s completely unclear how long Chimera Ants developed, whether the immediate guard was born, whether the Ant King of Chimera Ants was born …

The only information is that Chimera Ants at the Captain level can easily kill Mind Power at the level of every drizzle.

Although it is clear that it is enough to just kill the queen by killing the ant hole, but when the amount of information is almost zero, the behavior is undoubtedly stupid.

“Then let’s test it …”

Luo went into the forest alone and stopped somewhere.

There was a little sound around me, and about 50 shadows appeared in all around.

“Exotic human!”

More than 50 Chimera Ants, there are not less than a dozen Captain level.

They clearly saw the floating life Energy of the Luo body.

“Just talk.”

Luo looked towards the Chimera Ants who spoke, slowly raised his hands, palms down.


Qi condensed into a disc under the palm of the hand, spinning fast, but Qi Yuan cut.

Subsequently, Luo made a flying discus throwing action, throwing Qi Yuan Cho.

The air disc broke the air, with no difficulty chopping Chimera Ants in half.

Luo swung his arm, as if he were controlling a yo-yo, driving Qiyuan around.

Suddenly, more than 50 Chimera Ants were left with only 2 intact, and all others were cut off by Qi Yuan.

However, Chimera Ants’ life strength is extremely powerful, and even if it is cut off, it can survive for a day.

When Luo started, not at all, I thought that many, so when I saw that many Chimera Ants whose heads were not damaged were still alive, they took the trouble to move their hands again, driving Qi Yuan to destroy those Chimera Ants’ heads.

When seeing Luo’s two killers, Captain Chimera Ants, who were intact, felt fear for the first time.

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