Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 681

The brigade was unstoppable, and the armed men deployed by Criminal Syndicate were almost wiped out.

At the critical moment, the evil beast and killer arrived to curb the momentum of the brigade.

There are 6 members of the Black Beast, including bat, black rat, ghost Sasori, poisonous mosquito, ring moth, pupa …

Their actions are different from the loner’s killer, consistent with the grouping of Phantom Troupe, a team of 2 people.

When Luo top secret touched it, he saw bats and poisonous mosquitoes among members of the underworld attacked Hisoka and Kortopi.

The yin beast’s bat, the name speaks for itself, I don’t know how to give birth to a pair of bat wings with the hind legs spread more than 2 meters.

The pair of wings was not a decoration, allowing him to fly at night like a bat.

He was the first to attack, attacking Kortopi with a sharp claw of his short legs.

Kortopi’s short stature, dense and long hair, covered the five organs, only one eye was exposed.

When the bat struck, he heard the sound of the wind and immediately avoided it, but the movement was slightly larger, causing the long hair to move.

The scattered long hair was caught by a bat and carried him up.

When Hisoka sees this, he will raise his hand to release the free and flexible love, but next second, he jumps back decisively.

A slightly green air needle was inserted into the ground where he was standing, causing a local explosion and smoke spreading.

Hisoka’s eyes narrowed slightly and he pulled back again.

This behavior was not the enemy’s second attack, but he thought that the group of micro green gas needles that caused the explosion might be poisonous.

Prevention 10000 One, there is no harm in being far away.

The gas needle was released, the poisonous mosquito coming with the bat came out of the woods in the green area.

When he saw Hisoka 2 receding, there was a flash of grave expression in his narrow eyes.

Was it insightful, or was the other person combative?

At the same time, Kortopi cut off his hair and fell straight down to the ground.

The battlefield was divided as soon as the battle began.

Hisoka plays against mosquitoes and Kortopi plays against bats.

The bat’s cheek-like smile appeared on his chest, dazzling with thoughts, and swooping on Kortopi.

Kortopi is in the air, and it is difficult to change direction. He can only concentrate his whole body in front of him and prepare to resist the damage.

“Go to death.”

The bat made a hoarse voice, with sharp claw full of deliberate lower limbs, and fiercely pierced Kortopi’s arms.

Under the violent impact of the two sides, the bats stagnated in the air, Kortopi, like a meteorite, smashed into the grass in the green area, and the dust swept along with the dull and loud noise.

The bat hovered in the air, fanned his wings, and slowly blown away the diffuse dust all around. After a while, he saw Korotoi lying in the pit, the sleeves of his arms exploded and his skin was red and swollen.

With a single glance, you can tell that your arms must be broken.

Gaze shifted slightly, and Kortopi’s eyes were closed tightly, as if stunned by the heavy blow.

“Is it a trick to seduce the enemy at a disadvantage? Huh, I’m Enhancer.”

The bat was sneaked in his heart. He could recognize the fact that Kortopi fractured his arm with a single blow, but did not recognize that Kortopi would lose consciousness in this blow.

Therefore, he thinks that Kortopi may be pretending to be dizzy.

Whether it is or not, he is an Enhancer. When he comes close to attack and defense, the effect of Qi is better than Kortopi. This can be seen from the double-handed of Kortopi’s fracture.

From this, it can also be directly seen that Kortopi is not an Enhancer, otherwise he would not suffer such a serious injury.

Then, instead of thinking about everything, just give Kortopi a final blow.

With this in mind, the bat swooped down from the air, controlled the sharp claw of the lower limbs, fell from the sky, and fiercely pierced into Kortopi’s heart.

sharp claw cuts through the chest and reaches the heart.

From start to finish, Kortopi showed no signs of resistance.

This made the bat feel a little weird, but the familiar touch from sharp claw showed that his blow really penetrated his heart.

“Misjudgment? It turned out to be really impossible to withstand a single blow, and I don’t know how the sick dogs failed.”

The bat was coldly snorted. I thought that Kortopi was trying to seduce the enemy. Didn’t expect to really faint. It doesn’t matter. It has been resolved anyway.

Thinking like this, the bat’s tense nerves relaxed during the battle, and then pulled out the sharp claw pierced into his chest, carrying blood and fuzzy flesh.

The next moment, the neck became cold, and the vision suddenly flew forward.


The bat froze and saw his headless body in the field of vision, while Kortopi, who had been pierced through his heart, stood by his side.

“what happend?”

His eyes widened suddenly, and then he saw Kortopi lying in the pit.

“There are 2 …”

Before the sudden thoughts had time to be completely released, the consciousness was drowned by darkness.

The bat’s head fell and rolled out several times with a look of death.

Kortopi was standing beside the bat’s body, and silently retracted his hands. At this moment, there were no traces of his sleeves, his arms were only slightly red, and he had not reached the level of a fracture.


The bat’s body fell to the ground, and a lot of blood flowed from the smooth neck of the incision.

“Franklin and Shalnark should not lose to this kind of thing,” Kortopi said to himself.

He is a member of the battle strength of the regiment, and even opponents he can easily kill, how could it be possible to kill Franklin and Shalnark.

[The right hand of God ’s left hand demon]

This is Kortopi’s instantiation ability. Touch the object with your left hand, and the right hand can copy exactly the same thing.

Although it is not possible to reproduce living things, it can reproduce fixed creature appearances, including humans, with a 100% reduction in Gundam.

When he was knocked to the ground by a bat, he used the diffused dust to reproduce his body at the speed of light, and created the illusion of a severe fracture to seduce the bat to attack his own replica.

After creating the illusion, he hid under the cover of [Hidden] in the low bushes aside, which was also because of his short stature.

Otherwise, you can only hide behind a tree farther away. In that case, it may be exposed.

Kortopi’s every move from creating an illusion to one strike certain kill is in Luo’s observation.

So, after Xia Chan died, he waited for a long time and moved.

Right hand, holding the antenna of [carrying the fate of others], went around the behind of Kortopi.


Kortopi’s alertness is much stronger than that of bats. It may be that Luo’s use of antennas is not good enough. His movements are so slow that Kortopi avoids in time and adjusts his posture to turn around.

Kortopi then saw Luo and the familiar antenna, and his eyes were startled: “This is …”

“Hidden away.”

Luo stepped on his feet, and took advantage of the pursuit to fly, kicking.


Kortopi crossed his arms and blocked the foot.

“So strong.”

Kortopi expression changed slightly and was kicked up and down by this kick.

Looking through the gap between his arms, he saw Luo kicking out and stood still, with a slight sigh of relief.

The strength faded, his body fell from the air, his feet slid backwards.

Kortopi not at all noticed that there was a tree not far from behind, and there was a place on the tree that was shining, but upon closer inspection, it was an antenna with the needle facing outside.

In this way, without knowing it, Kortopi smashed into the tree and completely dislodged the force brought by Luo’s foot.

Immediately, it was cold below the back of the neck, as if pierced by a needle.


Kortopi froze for a while, his body couldn’t move for a moment, and his 5 senses were being deprived quickly.

Luo looks at Kortopi at the hairpin, and instead picks up Shalnark’s phone, differently said: “Do you know that there are 2 antennas?”

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