Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 680

Salinentire group came here without covering Luo. In addition to seeing what Luo wanted to do, she also helped Luo’s mind.

“Little Jin stays underneath. If anyone comes over, I will know immediately.”

Ellie held a high-powered night vision Telescope in her hand, followed the explosion in the far night, and leaned towards the wall.

Sa Ling listened to the explosion sound from all around and the sound of gunfire in it.

In order to ensure the normal conduct of underground auctions, it is customary for Criminal Syndicate to block the intersection and create a vacuum zone.

However, how many years, few people dare to make such a noise in front of the Criminal Syndicate.

Judging by the direction of the sound of the explosion, basically every entrance to the cemetery building was attacked.

In other words, the opponent does not choose a single-point breakthrough, but chooses a comprehensive breakthrough. The opponent’s plan is most likely to completely destroy the members of the Criminal Syndicate currently in the Yorknew room.

In this way, here will be reduced to the battlefield.

Sa Ling came to Ellie’s side, raised the night vision Telescope, and moved towards one of the explosion scenes.

Within a kilometer, there are many high-rise buildings, and most of the sights are blocked. Only sky-high flames and thick smoke can be seen.

She was standing not far behind the two of them, and did not pay attention to the explosions and gunshots all around, she was not interested in these at all.

She slowly looked up towards the sky, and there were a lot of clouds tonight, moving with the wind, frequently hiding the moonlight.

The night breeze blowing with a touch of coolness blows her long black hair back.

There are eleven members of the brigade, divided into five teams.

Chrollo was followed by 2 people, Pakunoda and Peelev.

They are only one three-man team in the team, and the other members are two-two teams. They attack the persistent corner of the Criminal Syndicate from all directions, and then crush them all the way.

Exfoliated Lev took on the responsibility of assault, rushing into the armed forces with swift skill, attracting most of the firepower, and every action could kill several Criminal Syndicate members.

Behind, Pakunoda has a silver revolver, filled with ordinary air bombs, one shot at a time.

Because there is no need to reload, Pakunoda’s speed is not slow, and a large number of heads can be harvested in a short time.

With Peel Lev and Pakunoda killing and killing in front of him, Chrollo didn’t need to shoot at all, double-handed interludes, expression calmly crossed the body of the ground, and the wreckage of the car burning flames.

They are the first team, and the combination of the second team is Hisoka and Kortopi.

Compared to this group of small fish and shrimp, Hisoka wants to meet his opponent who killed Franklin and Shalnark.

Although there is a lack of interest, anyway, there is no paddling. When killing the members of Criminal Syndicate, it is like pulling a bean sprout. It is not soft, and the efficiency is even more amazing.

Kortopi is a logistics member of the brigade. Compared with other members, the battle strength is weak, but it is not an opponent that the Criminal Syndicate can win by guns.

He followed Hisoka, sweeping away a fish that escaped the net.

The 3rd team is Feitan and Phinks.

One with a knife and one with a hand, they were fighting, killing more than anyone else.

With a ghostly Speed, Feitan avoided Bullets, and every time he strayed from the crowd, a dozen good heads flew into the sky.

Phinks’ Speed 鈥嬧€媔s not as fast as Feitan, but it is more than enough to escape Bullets, with a pair of iron hands, twisting the neck of each and everyone Criminal Syndicate members.

The 4th team is Shizuku and Funeral Flowers.

Shizuku is just following the funeral behind, there is no chance at all.

She looks at the funeral flower out of a 7-turn, 8-twisting route, judging that the funeral flower is sent to the members of the Criminal Syndicate by the evening wind, and that smell is harmful to the human body.

No need to do anything, the group of Criminal Syndicate members fell to the ground and died.

“Is it perfume?” Shizuku asked curiously.

“Yeah.” Funeral smiled, and the exaggerated image of the eye was a blooming flower.

“But I smelled it, but nothing happened.” Shizuku wondered.

Funeral flower looked towards Shizuku, who was skeptical, sticking out his tongue and licking his red lips, seriously, “That’s because … you are a virgin.”

“It turned out to be the case.”

Shizuku was not ashamed, and suddenly nodded.

The doubt was explained and she felt very happy.

Seeing Shizuku so dumb, Mourning Flower turned back boringly, feeling the direction of the evening wind, sometimes straight, sometimes off course, and sent the perfume scent to the members of the Criminal Syndicate in front.

Her answer to Shizuku’s confusion was half correct and half wrong.

The fifth team is Akabane and Feimao. The style of the two is similar to Feitan Phinks, and the killing competition begins.

In front of the best Mind Power players, even if Criminal Syndicate even moved rpg to the table, it still could not pose any threat to the brigade.

In fact, even if they drive out of the tank, the result is the same.

The number of armed forces deployed by Criminal Syndicate is close to 3000, and under the attack of members of the brigade, it is frantically reducing staff.

Among the 5 brigades of the brigade, Feitan Phinks and Chizhu Feimao had the fastest killing speed of the enemy. It didn’t take long to break through 500 metres, leaving behind a terrible sight of hell in behind.

The brigade attacked simultaneously in 5 directions, constantly compressing the defense of the Criminal Syndicate.

In the cemetery building, the leaders of the Criminal Syndicate who came to participate in the gathering gathered in the waiting room.

As they listened to changes in the frequency of sounds coming from outside, they inevitably felt a panic.

Originally, the sound of explosions and guns from outside was like an incessant sound of firecrackers. It didn’t stop for almost a second, and the explanation armed forces were engaged in a fierce firefight with the enemy.

But after ten minutes, the sound was no longer so dense, and basically no more explosions were heard, only sparse gunshots.

Just listening to the sound of this change can’t help but speculate that the armed forces may be on the verge of defeat.

The guests weren’t sure what was going on outside, but the site’s person in charge of the auction was clear.

Obviously there were only eleven enemies, but they broke through the defense line established.

That’s … more than 2 heavily armed forces!

The person in charge couldn’t sit still. Immediately asked for Ten Mafia Dons. After getting approval, he ordered the Underworld and the killers invited to leave, leaving the cemetery building, and actively encircling the enemy.

“It’s time to do this.”

Whether it’s a beast or a killer, the same thoughts emerge in the heart, like a beast out of the cage.

There is no cooperation between them, just like lottery, hearing noise to distinguish position, each picking a direction, the silhouette quickly disappears into the night.

Kurapika and Luo’s attack was seen by the Underworld and Killer.

“No need to go north.”

Luo looks at Zeno and Silva’s direction of departure.

“The two are strong?” Kurapika realized, and asked immediately.

“Well, remember, make good use of infernal beasts and killers, and then transform the biggest results with the least cost,” Luo said.

Kurapika is silently nodded, and without Luo’s intentional reminder, he will do so next.

The two of them are sparrows lurking in the shadows and will only shoot when there is only one between the mantis and Xia Chan.

The best result is undoubtedly a considerable result in exchange for a trivial price.

Two people left from the building and maintained, each choosing a direction to leave.

Kurapika is going in the direction where Shizuku and Funeral Flowers are.

The direction chosen by Luo is the location of Hisoka and Kortopi.

A few minutes later, as members of the brigade came from the open and aboveboard, the ghosts and killers quickly found them.

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