Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 682

2 antennas, one in the light and one in the dark.

Kortopi avoided the antenna on the bright side, but not the antenna in the dark.

The most unreasonable thing about Manipulator is that once the conditions are met, the battle will end instantly.

What Kortopi understood, next moment, became puppet under the control of Luo.

Luo held the mobile phone around, controlled Kortopi to move around, familiar with the operation, like playing a mobile game.

Later, Luo controlled Kortopi to find Hisoka.

On the other side, Hisoka stood in front of a corpse.

The corpse was a poisonous mosquito in the vampire, with poker cards in the neck and chest, and the cause of death was a severe wound to the neck and heart.

Hisoka looked dissatisfied, and had been expecting, but the result was so weak that he couldn’t support the foreplay.

Shake off the 3 playing cards in your hand, and with 3 consecutive “pu” sounds, the playing cards pierce the poisonous mosquito’s body.

Slightly tortured the body, Hisoka continued to walk in the direction of the cemetery building, never thinking about going to see the situation on Kortopi’s side.

In his opinion, if Kortopi settled his opponent, he would follow up by himself, and if Kortopi was settled by his opponent, his opponent would come to death.

There is no difference between the two.

After walking out of 100 meters, Hisoka stopped abruptly, looking his head towards Kortopi coming out of the shadow.

Gaze glanced over Kortopi’s double-handed, judging by the obvious injury, it was not a hard fight.


Hisoka greetings.


Kortopi said briefly, and walked towards Hisoka.

Hisoka not at all noticed that something was wrong, looked away, and continued toward the cemetery building.

The obstacles along the way should be cleared. The next mission is to kill the people in the building.

Secretly, Luo controlled Kortopi to come to Hisoka. After reaching the distance, he immediately controlled Kortopi to attack Hisoka and directly killed him.

oh? ”

Hisoka was probably because his keenness had not completely dissipated just after the end of a battle, and when Kortopi did something, he immediately noticed it.

The upper body leaned back abruptly, avoiding Kortopi’s fist that hit his neck.

“It’s very good …”

Hisoka looked up at the fist that passed from above, and the golden pupil was full of Rin and killing intent.

He wouldn’t think about why Kortopi did anything to him, only that at that moment he had a good reason to kill Kortopi.

Kortopi missed his fist, turned his palm back, and slashed into Hisoka’s chest.

Hisoka immediately crossed his arms, forcibly blocked Kortopi’s palm, and his body bent into an “l” shape under force transmission.

Maintaining this position, Hisoka lifted one foot and kicked Kortopi out.

After that, in such a weird posture, he quickly straightened his upper body, raised his right hand, and pulled it back slightly to start the retractable characteristic of “Retractable Love”.

Just now, while he was blocking Kortopi’s palm, he had already stuck the thought to Kortopi’s hand.

This pull directly pulled Kortopi back out.

Hisoka grinned at Kakuzu, took a step forward, and stretched out his right hand to move forward.


Just when the two parties met, he took off Kortopi’s head with his bare hands, and Kortopi’s body flew backwards, and when it fell to the ground, it was sprayed with blood.

When originally controlled by [Fate of Carrying Others], it was still a living person, but now it is completely dead.

To this point, the spider has broken 3 feet.

“I don’t have any interest in knowing why.”

Hisoka single-handed held Kortopi’s head and said to himself.

He wasn’t interested in why Kortopi shot himself.

The tiny eyeballs are filled with crazy killing intents, as if the killer and poisoner were attracted to the addiction worm, and the killing was urgently needed to eliminate the addiction.


When killing intent 4 overflowed, Hisoka’s nerve 5 sense became very sensitive, he suddenly noticed the crisis, took a step back, and raised his hands subconsciously to defend.


a sabre light, the majority of the right hand fell to the ground with Kortopi’s head.

Luo’s attitude when he waved his sword broke into Hisoka’s sight.


Hisoka’s eyes narrowed sharply, and the air gathered on the soles of his feet tightened like a spring.


The telescopic nature of the gas erupted in this brief moment, pushing Hisoka to withdraw from the place a full distance of fifty-sixty meters.

That Speed ​​is enough to compare with Luo ’s [Instantaneous], so that Luo has no time to launch the second attack.

“That was just…”

Luo noticed that the method used by Hisoka to retreat seems to be incompatible with one of the properties of gum and rubber, as if it is a fusion of the two properties …

Is this already possible? It seems to be stronger.

Luo thought about it, then raised his foot and stepped on Hisoka’s broken palm.

Just stepping on it, I saw that the broken palm twisted directly into a ball, blood and flesh were then exploded, and at the same time, blood broke out at the broken palm of Hisoka, who had retreated to a safe distance.

Self-destruct …?

“Yes, you’re clever.”

Luo couldn’t help but look towards Hisoka’s half-blooded palm that kept bleeding, affirming his decisive self-harm behavior.

“Are you bragging about me … Luo.”

Hisaku ’s mouth, Kakuzu, was very grinned, and his voice was trembling slightly. Even himself, he could not tell whether the reason for the tremor was fear or excitement, or both.

In the aura that radiates from the body, it is filled with extremely complicated emotions.

Seems scared, but more excited.

Luo would show up in this style, totally unexpected.

But it doesn’t matter, how many years he kept improving himself just to meet this moment.

Was Luo destroyed or was Luo destroyed?

He didn’t want to know this answer in advance.

[Retractable Love]

Hisoka gathered enough thoughts on his feet and became tense after transforming nature.

After being prepared for the alert, raising the right hand, also gathered a sense of thought, and used the gas transformed into chewing gum to condense the shape of a half palm to form a perfect palm.

“Shape it with chewing gum and show it with Texture Surprise.”

For a moment, Hisoka’s broken palm recovered to perfect and without blemish.

Had it not been for the mass of bloody debris at Luo’s feet, it would have been impossible to see Hisoka’s palm had been cut in half.

“This method of self-destructing and remodeling is more practical than using stickiness to stick to the part you cut.”

Hisoka was shrouded in a sweat-filled aura, raised his intact palm, and turned a few times towards Luo not far away, as if showing off.

“This is a change that is made for you, and rightly, my mind has become stronger.”

I have eaten several times in Luo ’s hands, so it is clear that Luo ’s thoughts are more aggressive at the same level, plus the characteristics that can cut off the thoughts, once a part of the body is cut off by Luo, it may become Decided to win or lose.

Although the stickiness of the gum can be used to stick the resected limb, there is no risk that the rule will be continuously cut off.

Therefore, in order to overcome this risk, Hisoka made some changes. It can also be said that he has become stronger, so his thinking has also been improved.

Shaped with the properties of chewing gum, from soft to hard, and then using Texture Surprise to construct the skin. In this way, even if the entire arm is removed, it can be restored immediately.

This is different from regeneration, but it is comparable to regeneration, which is the key to Luo Mind Power.

Also, Luo’s left arm …

Hisoka glinting.


Luo smiled slightly.

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