Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 666

[Can you tell me the whereabouts of the dark sonata] and [Do you know the whereabouts of the dark sonata]? The meaning of the two sounds similar, but there is a fundamental difference.

This man, who has never been seen before, is sure he knows the whereabouts of the dark sonata.

How did you know?

The deeper you think about the details, the more you feel terrifying.

For the first time, Melody heard his heart beat so fast that it seemed to jump to his throat.

Seeing the melody panicked, Luo apologized, “Sorry, I’m abrupt.”

Such a direct cut into the subject must have touched the secret of the other party’s deep in one’s heart.

Melody’s open eyes slowly eased down, yes, this man may be directed at himself, but he is not malicious.

After calming down, the melody listened to Luo’s heartbeat and shook his head: “I don’t know the whereabouts of the dark sonata.”

“Really …” Seeing that the melody was not like lie, Luo was surprised. He thought the melody would know the whereabouts of the dark sonata.

After thinking for a moment, Luo said with a smile to the melody: “Excuse me.”

After that, he simply turned and left.

The melody looks at Luo’s back, could not help asking: “Why are you looking for a dark sonata?”

Luo stopped and turned his back to the melody and said, “I won’t answer your question, but I may have a way to get you back where you are, if you can exchange information about the dark sonata …”

Having said that, Luo went straight forward.

Melody Body was slightly trembled and asked, “Your name?”


Watching the silhouette of Luo disappearing at the turn of Kakuzu, the melody expression is complicated.

She slowly lowered her head, looking towards the face reflected in the bright masonry.

The half bald Mediterranean Sea has no eyebrows, and the contour of the nose is almost faded. Two mouse-like incisors are exposed and cannot be taken in.

This is how she looks now, ugly enough to scare a little child. If you don’t speak, who can recognize her gender?

Melody’s hand slowly reached into the shoulder bag and touched a photo.

That was her previous picture, recording her original appearance.

“Can you recover …”

A blankness appeared in the eyes of the melody.

Regardless of appearance and figure, the arm under the cover of clothing is as dark as coke.

As the days passed, Nostrade’s family was almost used to the existence of Luo.

His arrival did not pose any danger to Nostrade’s family, and once he shot to protect Neon.

The shot that time gave Da Zuo Nie a few people a more shocking look and feel, but also Mind Power, but far from a level.

After staying in Nostrade for many days, Luo found a situation where Nostrade pulled out almost every day, as if to pull business, and then often enemies came towards Neon.

Neon is the root of Nostrade’s standing as a underworld. After setting up countless enemies, naturally someone will want to unplug his foundation.

This is why Nostrade will hire that many professional bodyguards.

There are only 9 days left on September 2.

On this day, Neon fortune-tells a boss in the underworld.

People who want to divinate do not need to be present in person, but need to bring a color photo.

This simple style allows Nostrade and customers to complete a transaction without having to be on site.

In the large pink-scented room, Neon sat on the bed, raised his pen room, and activated Angel’s automatic note-taking capabilities.

In the room, in addition to 2 maids, also Da Zuo Nin and Luo.

Shua shua !

Ballpoint pen rushed on the paper.

A moment later, Neon wrote a prophetic poem.

Just after a while, Nostrade pulled in more than 200000000 million remuneration, which is really a business without a capital.

Neon threw away the pen and paper after writing the prophetic poem, and lay on the bed looking at a book about the famous collection of human organs.

Da Zuoyi picked up the paper from the ground, glanced at it, and handed it to Luo.

Luo took the paper and looked at the content of the prophetic poem.

[Basement where all items will add value]

[That place will be your sleeping bed]

[As long as there are no stairs up]

[You must not go on]

[Never do digital competition with people]

After reading the content of the prophetic poem, Luo calmly returned the paper to Da Zuo Nie, who took the paper and looked at Luo silently, then stepped aside and dialed the number that Nostrade had drawn.

He will report the prophecy to Nostrade and then Nostrade to the client.

Luo glanced at Neon lying on the bed, shaking his leg, and opened the door and left the room.

Outside the corridor, the melody and Fei Jie are here, they are a member of vigilance.

Seeing Luo coming out of the room, the two reacted differently.

Melody’s eyes were calm, and Fei Jie looked slightly annoyed.

Luo ignored the two, crossed them, and returned to his room.

Backhand closing the door, Luo picked up the phone and dialed Kurapika’s number.

With several blind tones, the call was connected.


Kurapika’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Have you been to Yorknew City?” Luo asked.

“Here it is.” Kurapika Kaidou.

“Okay, also in less than 3 days, you first go to understand the details of each Great Auction.” Luo instructed.

“Hmm.” Kurapika complied, and solemnly asked: “Are spiders coming?”

“Most will come, and I will give you information after further confirmation, and then meet in Yorknew City,” Luo said.

“Well,” Kurapika responded.

Later, Luo hung up and called Sabo again, asking him to mail 3 auction items to Yorknew City.

After making 2 calls, Luo put away the phone.

“All items will add value to the basement and digital competition.” Luo whispered to himself: “There is no doubt referring to the Yorknew auction, because this customer is the Criminal Syndicate Boss, and his first stop next month is Yorknew auction. “

“That place is going to be your bed of sleep, but it’s an expression of death.”

“Dare to kill this Criminal Syndicate Boss at the auction site. Who else is there besides the brigade?”

Luo probably has something in mind.

Without Phantom Troupe’s shot, then that kind of auction would be wrong.

You know, the main ambassador behind the scenes is Ten Mafia Dons, even if the participants in the auction are all Criminal Syndicate Boss. Before entering the venue, they must abide by the rules and cannot bring firearms and shooting equipment.

Therefore, anyone who mingles in the underworld will not dare to make trouble at the auction site of Ten Mafia Dons. On the contrary, most Criminal Syndicate Boss come to participate in the auction just to show their faces in front of Ten Mafia Dons.

In the evening of the same day, a private spaceship of a ship took off from the courtyard of Nostrade’s home.

The Yorknew auction is a chance for everyone in the underworld to show up. Nostrade will go every year. This time is no exception, but he has already arrived in Yorknew City 2 days in advance.

In the private spaceship, there is Neon entire group, and Luo is also there.

From here, it takes 35 hours to reach the outer airport of Yorknew City.

Half a day later, Neon wrote another prophetic poem for another underworld boss, with the same result as the previous client’s prophetic poem.

After Da Zuo Nin found this, he immediately notified Nostrade to pull.

Luo also saw the content of the prophetic poem, and was more certain that Phantom Troupe would come to Yorknew City.

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