Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 667

By the time a private spaceship arrived at the airport, Neon had divined four prophetic poems of the same content.

The key word [sleep] in poems usually indicates death.

The four customers will participate in Yorknew’s First Stage auction tomorrow.

This looks unusual, but it is not a trivial matter.

This year’s Yorknew’s First Stage auction will be held in the Semetari Building, with the behind-the-scenes host is Ten Mafia Dons.

The auction venue is located on the negative first floor of the Semetari Building, where there are no VIP rooms, and every guest is treated equally.

The scale of the venue is actually not large. In terms of overall decoration, it is a medium-sized theater.

Because the members participating in this auction are all heads and figures in the underworld, plus the venue is set on the negative first floor.

Therefore, the first auction of each year will be affectionately called the underground auction by all Criminal Syndicate members, and more than half of the good items every year will be sold in the underground auction.

The organizer can withdraw 5% of the transaction amount of the auction item, and Ten Mafia Dons can make countless profits based on this event alone.

Therefore, in order to enter the eyes of Ten Mafia Dons, some underworld people even savagely bid, and make tribute in disguise.

The underground auction corresponds to the content of the prophetic poem.

According to this news, it can only be concluded that someone will attack auction that night, and it is not clear who the attacker was.

But Luo knew.

spaceship arrived at the airport, and tomorrow is September 9.

Luo dropped the spaceship, but said 2 words to Da Zuo Nie: “Goodbye.”

When Da Zuo Nian was confused, Luo disappeared in front of them instantly.

After leaving the airport, Luo stopped a taxi and told the driver of his destination.

Later, Luo took out his phone and wanted to call Kurapika to confirm his location.

I was about to dial a number, but my phone rang.

The phone number was strange, and Luo picked it up.

“Luo, lend me some money!”

The sound of Milluki gasping for breath came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing Milluki’s voice, Luo shook his head slightly and asked, “How much?”

“10,000,000,000, no, 20,000,000,000!” Said Milluki.

“What are you doing by borrowing that many?” Luo brows slightly raise.

“This year’s Yorknew auction will release a few ‘greed islands’, and I will get one!” Milluki explained in a hurry.

[Greed island] is the landing qualification of Greedy Island.

Luo remembered the stubble when he heard it, and helplessly said: “20,000,000,000 is not a small number, can you afford it?”

“Don’t underestimate me, anyway, I also have 100 2,000,000,000 deposits,” Milluki said earnestly.

“Okay, go to Sabo and I’ll tell him.”

“I love you, Luo!”

Milluki’s voice was so excited that he wanted to borrow it from Sabo. As a result, Sabo kicked the ball to Luo, so he could only ask Luo to borrow the new current number from Sabo.

Fortunately, Luo was generous enough to borrow it after opening his mouth.

Luo ignored the taxi driver’s weird look on the rearview mirror, and hung up the phone with a black face.

He then sent a message to Sabo informing Milluki about borrowing money, and then asked Kurapika’s location.

A taxi from the airport will take 90 minutes to Yorknew City.

Pass the Goud Desert Highway for 70 minutes. After that, you can see a rotten tailgate that has failed to develop. Once there, there are only 5 minutes away from Yorknew.

Smoke and dust set off from Highway 2, with few plants and seemingly desolate, but at the end of the road, it was a prosperous Yorknew city.

As the taxi passed the rotten tailgate area, Luo squinted his cheeks and calmly looked at the rotten tailgate.

“Here is your tombstone.”

The taxi entered the city and stopped in front of the Vegeta Hotel.

Luo paid the fare, got out of the car, walked into the hotel, went straight to the 52nd floor, came to what Kurapika called the presidential suite, and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door was opened.

Seeing that the person who opened the door was Saling, Luo stayed.

“Did you eat it? I just brought a table from the hotel.” Saling calmly let go and motioned for Luo to come in.

“How are you here?” Luo entered the room.

Sa Ling closed the door and said, “Send the auctioneer and wait for the auction catalogue to be released. If you have an ancient book, you must not miss it.”

“Just leave that little thing to me. You don’t have to come in person.” Luo helplessly said.

“That wouldn’t work, and occasionally I still have to enjoy the pleasure of buying ancient books by myself.” Sa Ling said with a slight smile.

Luo is okay. He walked through the entrance and saw Kurapika sitting in the restaurant.

Noting Luo’s gaze, Kurapika replied apologetically and failed to say on the phone that Sarah was there.

Luo shook his head slightly. He knew that Kurapika didn’t say much of it, but she was intimidated by Saling.

I happened to be hungry, so I sat down.

Vegeta is a high-star hotel, and the food is passable.

Luo and Kurapika ate the food in silence.

I didn’t want to let Sarah get involved, so Luo not at all discussed with Kurapika, and Kurapika was very reasonable. After seeing Luo’s thoughts, she didn’t rush to ask.

Saling refilled a glass of red wine for herself, held the glass, let the red liquor stop in front of her, and then faced Luo and Kurapika.

“Don’t treat me as an obstructive person. If there is something, I can still help a little bit.” Sa Ling said suddenly.

Kurapika was quiet.

Luo sighed and looked towards Sa Ling, saying, “Don’t mix it up, be honest in the hotel, and wait until the 6th South Pice auction starts, there will be some ancient books you want to buy.”

If the underground auction is a carnival exclusive to members of the underworld, then Southern Pepsis auction is Yorknew’s most authoritative auction house. At that time, many political and business celebrities will come to the scene, and the admission ticket and product catalog will be 12 million Jenny.

“I refuse!” Sa Ling said with a smile.


Luo was silent for a while, and was trying to persuade Saling a little bit, just listening to the ringing of her mobile phone. It was Saling’s.

Sa Ling picked up her phone, put it in her ear, and said, “Are you here?”

“Well, just arrived in the lobby, is Luo coming?” A female voice came from the phone.

Luo’s ears moved slightly. Listening to this sound, it seemed to be Allie’s.

“Here you come, Room 52 on the 5223nd floor.” Sa Ling said, and then hung up.

Luo’s forehead drew a few black lines and asked, “Is it Ellie?”

“Yeah, hasn’t Sabo told you? Ellie goes to the South Pice auction every year.” Saling put away her cell phone.

“…” Luo held his forehead and wondered what to say.

Kurapika waited and watched silently, seeing that Luo seemed sad.

A short while later, Ellie in Princess’s dress came to the suite.

“Luo!” When he saw Luo, Ellie’s eyes were yelled, and then a flutter carried Luo to the ground.

Such a move made Kurapika get up and startled at the blond woman who looked at Luo body.

Immediately, a spin of chill flashed inexplicably at the back, and he could not help but move to look towards the entrance.

“Beautiful woman.”

What came into my eyes was a woman with a pale face, black hair like satin, and a mandala Luo flower mark on his forehead.

The woman frowned, with no pink powder on her face, but devastatingly beautiful.

It was such a weak-looking woman who put a little pressure on Kurapika.

Luo who was thrown on the ground by Ellie also saw the woman,

“Hair grows … is this planning?”

At the same time, Goud Desert.

Smoke and dust 4 overflowed, and several silhouettes appeared indistinctly.

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