Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 665

After confirmation from Nostrade, Neon couldn’t believe it.

She picked up the blank paper, except that there was a message of Luo on one side, and there was indeed no prophecy.

“Look at the birth date, blood type and blood type you wrote.” She pushed the paper to Luo.

Luo glanced at the paper and said, “Yes, is it a matter of name?”

“It has nothing to do with the name.” Neon shook the head, looking puzzled.

The information used for divination is mainly based on the date of birth and blood type. As for the name, it is not very important, even if it is a stage name or pen name, it can also constitute a condition of divination.

But the information was clearly confirmed, but the content was not divined, this was the first time she encountered.

Even if she wanted to break her head, she couldn’t think of a reason.

“You write a new one, I’ll try again.” Neon annoyed.

Later, Luo wrote a new one, this time changing his name to the word Luo.

Neon saw the name change, but didn’t care, and began to fortune tell Luo.

However, as the ballpoint pen stopped, it remained blank, leaving no white marks.

“Since divination cannot be done, then forget it.”

Luo looks at paper that is still blank, thinks of Alluka, probably knows what is going on, and has no intention to let Neon divinate.

“No, I really don’t believe it!” But Neon refused to let it go and asked Luo to write another one.

The result of the third divination is still blank.

Neon seemed to be on the bar, asking Luo to continue writing, and then she continued divining.

I’ve tried it a dozen times and it’s still a blank result.

Neon wanted to continue to try, but suddenly fell asleep because stamina did not support it.

This scene frightened Nostrade from the sofa, knowing that Neon was the key to climbing up. If Neon had an accident, he would lose his bright future.

I checked for Neon and found that it was just falling asleep, and Nostrade pulled it to sighed in relief.

“Give me a room. This is the price.”

Luo took a sapphire necklace from the Black Cat space, put it on the table, and got up.

Using a gemstone necklace as the room charge can be described as rich and imposing, or something is hidden

Nostrade grabbed Neon and winked at Da Zuo Nie.

Da Zuo Yin knew, came to Luo, and said politely, “Please come with me.”

Luo followed Da Zuo Nie and left the living room.

Nostrade glanced at the sapphire necklace on the table, clenched the teeth slightly, and said to the rest of the bodyguard, “Go check his bottom.”

The bodyguard took the lead and left the living room to investigate the details based on the information Luo wrote for divination.

Nostrade and Neon 2 were left in the luxuriously decorated living room.

“I will never let anyone hurt you.”

Nostrade pulled consciously and hugged Neon’s shoulders.

Led by Da Zuoyi, Luo followed him through the long corridor and turned several turns before he came to a large room.

I don’t know how much Nostrade made by using Neon’s capabilities to build such a large palace-style mansion.

After entering the retro-style room, Luo waved Da Zuo Nie away.

Da Zuoyi knows Luo’s strength well, even if he is not treated in such a way, he dare not get angry, and leaves the room in a low voice.

The door was closed, Luo came to the window, and looked at the large garden outside, lost in thought.

Neon is a kind of stranger with Innate Skill. He doesn’t know the existence of Nian and has not undergone systematic Mind Power cultivation, but he can awaken a special Mind Power.

That ability to predict the future 100% is, in a sense, really terrifying.

However, he did not know his future.


Luo whispered.

He remembered that Neon’s abilities would be stolen by Chrollo, and since he was here, it was possible to make it happen.

2 days passed, calm and tranquil.

Luo reviewed the prophetic poems Neon wrote for the client, not at all what he wanted to see.

This afternoon, Nostrade La Mansion welcomed 3 people, all of them Mind Power.

They came in through the gate and were seen by Luo as they passed through the large courtyard.

The three were Melody, Plantain, and Fei Jie.

They each held objects wrapped in white cloth, and from the appearance alone, it was difficult to judge what they were.

“Did the bodyguard recruitment start before I came?”

Luo knew that the three individuals were newly recruited bodyguards from Nostrade’s family, and what they were holding was proof of passing the bodyguard test.

Kurapika was also in this list. Under Luo’s intervention, Kurapika was not at all to apply for the bodyguard position of Nostrade.

Luo’s eyes drifted away from the 3 person body, and finally fell on the short, ugly melodic body.

That look was caused by a dark sonata.

So far, Luo has only got two dark solo pieces, and the violin and flute versions are still missing. Perhaps the melody knows the whereabouts of one of them.

Luo looks at Melody 3 people walked into the mansion, left the room, and headed towards their location.

Entering a special reception room, Luo leaned against the wall in the corridor, not far from the door, and listened to the conversation inside.

The main idea is that all three of the melody have obtained the test item, and under the statement of Da Zuoyi, they have officially become the bodyguards of Nostrade.

In addition to the original 5 bodyguards, Nostrade’s family has 8 bodyguards who know Mind Power, and Nostrade’s status in the underworld is just a more famous leader.

About ten or fifteen minutes passed, the door of the reception room opened.

Da Zuo Nie came out first, and when he saw Luo, he couldn’t help it.

The following melody, plantain, and Fei Jie also saw Luo, and they all speculated about Luo’s identity.

“Mr. Luo.” Da Zuoyin quickly responded, greeting him politely.

After hearing Zuo Nie’s title to Luo, the 3 people in the melody immediately determined that this man should be a guest of Nostrade’s family.

Luo moved towards Da Zuo Nie, nodded, responding to the greetings, and immediately looked towards Da Zuo Nie behind the melody, saying, “I want to say something to her, is it convenient?”

Da Zuoyi heard the words, and following Luo’s eyes, he looked back towards the three staff members he had just recruited.

Because Luo didn’t say his name, Da Zuo Nie couldn’t help but look towards Fei Jie wearing a off-shoulder red dress.

He thought Luo liked Fei Jie. After all, 4 of them, Fei Jie was a sexy woman.

Fei Jie also had the same guess. In her heart, she was sneaked, but her face was like a spring breeze, and she took the initiative to take a few steps forward.

“I’m not looking for you.” Luo indifferently said.

The smile on Fei Jie’s face instantly solidified, and then she saw Luo’s gaze falling on the melody body.

As Fei Jie took two steps forward, Da Zuoyi and Bajiao confirmed that Luo was watching the melody.

The melody quietly looks at Luo, and then looks towards Da Zuo Nie, seeing that the other party has no objection, this is before Luo nodded and said: “Convenient.”

Although the appearance is ugly, the voice of speaking is as pleasant as a wind chime.

Luo leaves here with a melody.

Da Zuo Nian frowned and looked at Luo who had left. It is still unclear what Luo ’s motive was, and he found out that Luo came from Meteor City.

“What.” Fei Jie stomped her hate, annoyed how she came out so confidently just now.

Seeing Fei Jie’s response, Plantain, wearing a jacket with a flat breast, wanted to say a few words, but quickly restrained, after all, he is a colleague, and the relationship is still a good business.

Luo took the melody to an undisturbed corridor and turned to Kakuzu.

Melody doesn’t know what this strange man wants to say to her, the only thing she can be sure is that this strange man is not malicious to her.

Luo looks at the melody, heading straight to the subject, saying, “Can you tell me where the dark sonata is?”

Hearing Luo’s words, the melody’s face suddenly changed color.

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