Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 661

Revenge for the dying compatriots, and retrieve their eyes.

These things are things that Kurapika thinks can only be done by him.

Gaze slowly moved away, returning to silence.

“Just when you default.”

Luo turned and left.

Kurapika suddenly turned back to look at Luo’s back, but in the end he couldn’t say anything.

At the end of July, cultivation was nearing completion.

Luo stood on the balcony on the second floor, gazing at the lush forest near him.

Since then, Kurapika’s masochistic cultivation has been seen by him.

Sometimes whenever I look at Kurapika, I think of my former self, and I have desperately become stronger for what I want.

This kind of seemingly acquainted feeling will probably have even more than Siji.

“There is still one month.”

Luo twisted his cigarette butt, his eyes full of thoughtful expression.

The Yorknew auction on September 9st is not 1% sure the brigade will come.

Because the brigade’s order to plunder the auction was set by Machi before they left the brigade.

Once something goes wrong, the brigade may change its plan, after all, there is a risk of leakage of operational intelligence.

In other words, if you wait for the rabbit in Yorknew, you may not be able to catch the brigade.

“There are still ways to confirm,” Luo murmured to himself.

As long as you have money, you can buy intelligence.

However, some information is not available, such as the whereabouts of the brigade.

Phantom Troupe’s collective action is not frequent, sometimes only once every 2 or 3 years, sometimes it will gather several times a year, very random.

Whenever the operation is over, the team members will go their separate ways.

Some members do not like harassment, such as Chrollo, they usually try to hide wherever possible, which is why Hisoka has been unable to get along with Chrollo alone.

Some members don’t care, such as Uvogin Feitan, who usually act more publicly, but they can use strong strength to kill people who are in trouble, so the intelligence chain is often disconnected.

Among many types of intelligence, only one type of intelligence is absolutely qualitative, and that is future intelligence.

If you want to know if the brigade will change the plan of looting the Yorknew auction, just get the prediction of the divination girl.

The cultivation officially ended when the chapter of July turned and ushered in the first day of August.

With a good agreement, Kurapika left.

After completing Luo’s commission, Bisji had no reason to stay.

“Then we are gone.”

Bisji stood in the open space outside the house, Bruna curled up on her shoulders, and Machi was on the side.

Ignoring Machi’s gloomy look, Luo looks at Bisji, said with a smile: “Bruna told me everything, don’t squeeze Machi too much.”

Bissie taught Bruna gems to make Bruna a free laborer.

Because of what to do in the future, in order to tie Machi, Luo asked Bisji to help.

鈥淩eassured and assured.鈥?/p>

Bissy responded insincerely.

Machi sighed, she knew what Luo was thinking, and she knew she didn’t resist.

Watching Bi Siji leave, Luo turned around and walked back to the house.

Lin Nie sat on the living room sofa on the first floor, looking at Luo who came in from the porch, and asked, “What about you?”

Luo noticed, Kaidou: “Tomorrow morning.”

Lin Nie slowly nodded and said, “Then supper is not troublesome for today’s dinner.”

“OK.” Luo said with a smile.

Knowing that Luo would leave tomorrow morning, Lin Nie wanted Luo to prepare today’s dinner.

Early the next morning, Lin Nie and Tian Hu sent Luo to the gate.

“I am leaving.”


There is no resentment, but only two sentences that are as plain as water.

Luo is gone, so there are only 2 elderly people left in the forest hut.

“For the first time, there was a feeling of being deserted at home.”

Lin Nie’s looks at Luo left inexplicably.

She lived to this age and rarely felt emotionally, but two days ago, the house did lively for months.

“I feel the same way,” Day Tiger echoed.


Lin Nie smiled rarely, then walked slowly back to the house.


A week later, the Hunters Association Building.

A strong feature, a woman in a neutral dress but a full figure came under the building.

She carried a large bag on her shoulder. From the marks on the surface, the contents were very complicated.

The comer was every drizzle, and Ponzu came with her.

“Although I got my license, my old lady came to the Hunters Association headquarters for the first time.”

Feng Xiaoyu looked up at the towering building, and the symbol of the Hunters Association was particularly prominent in the middle of the building.

“Me too,” Ponzu said.

“Let’s go in, I don’t know how much Luo will pay for these things.”

Feng Xiaoyu said, lifting the heavy cloth bag slightly and walking towards the gate.

Ponzu followed closely behind.

2 people registered at the front desk and took the elevator to the 6th floor.

It is easy to find the office area of 鈥嬧€媡he Luo Ling Museum, push open the transparent glass door, and see Luo running back and forth between the desks.

“Luo, make me a pot of tea and a cup of tea, no more and no less. I have to filter it twice, and the water temperature must be controlled at 2 degrees.” Sabo sitting in front of the computer commanded loudly.

“Come here!”

Luo complied, immediately started to make tea according to Sabo’s request.

The demanding tea was brewed on the front foot, and Salin’s voice sounded on the other end of the hind foot.

“Luo, I have finished reading these books, and everything is in place.”

Saling pointed at the many messy books.

“Also, help me to get cabinet number 66, number 97, number 101, cabinet g number 61 …”

Sa Ling read the location of the 20 books in one breath, and let Luo take it.

“I’m coming.”

Luo quickly moved all the books back to their original position, and then took out the books that Saling wanted in many bookcases.

When he sent the book to Sarah’s table, Sarah looked at him, differently said: “Give me another cup of coffee. I’m not as demanding as someone, just help me add milk.”

“To understanding.”

Luo didn’t dare to refuse and turned back to the cupboard to prepare coffee.

“Luo, come here to sweep the confetti.”

“Go to the fridge and get 2 Shu Lei cakes.”

“I’m done with tea, and I’ll make another pot.”

Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu stood at the door, stunned and looked at this scene.

Such a powerful Luo was actually called by two people without any temper.

Is Luo working here? Is the post mixed up or something?

Luo and Sabo’s requirements were fulfilled with great efficiency, and Luo had no time to stop.

“You are here, come in and sit.”

It had long been known that Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu were standing at the gate, but Luo was in a state of “atonement”, and she had to give priority to serving Saling and Sabo, so there was no time to greet them.

After being empty, Luo greeted Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu who had not came back to his senses, came to a desk, and swept the debris from the 2 chairs to the floor, letting Feng Xiaoyu sit with Ponzu.

The desk was also full of debris, which was also swept by Luo.

“Let 鈥檚 put things down, there seem to be a lot of good goods.” Luo looks at Feng Xiaoyu’s bag, the treasure hunting function of the white smoke font has been excited.

When Feng Xiaoyu heard that, he put the cloth bag on the table and hesitantly said: “Luo, wouldn’t you just mess around here? And this is really the Public Area Point of the Luo Ling Museum?”

The Luo Ling Museum is currently the largest ancient logistics 鈥渕arket鈥? Before it came, it was hard to imagine that this would be the case. Although the place was large, it was chaotic, and there were only three people.

“No, I’m Boss, and don’t doubt, this is the Public Area Point of the Luo Ling Museum.” Luo earnestly Kaidou.

Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu continued to stun.

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