Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 662

Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu came to find Luo to buy the artifacts from the ancient site of Breda.

This is what Luo at first told them.

When it comes to the transaction of antiquities, it is best to go through the regular auction channels and underground black markets, otherwise it is easy for black to eat and black.

In particular, the goods that constitute the condition of “theft” are difficult to sell except for the hard auctions in the background. In the black market channel, the price will usually be suppressed to inhuman.

Breda ancient country ruins, located in the territory of a country, as it should be by rights, even if the ancient country ruins have not been found, the state also counts them as property.

If someone finds the location of the site and reports it to that country, he can get a generous reward, but compared to the potential value of the objects in the site, that reward is just one hair from nine oxen.

Those who stare at the ancient country ruins, such as every drizzle, naturally report it, but form a team to search for valuable items.

Therefore, from the standpoint of that country, Feng Xiaoyu’s team did something like stealing a tomb.

There are two antiques in the bag.

Feng Xiaoyu couldn’t estimate the specific value of this pile of antiquities, but she knew very well that it was worth a lot of money.

Luo opened the bag opening of the cloth bag, and the piled-up antiquities suddenly rushed out 2 3 samples.

“You’re really casual.”

Luo picked up a bronze statue with several obvious white marks on it.

Without any protective measures, stuff everything in a cloth bag.

“Once something is damaged, its value will be greatly reduced.”

Feng Xiaoyu said indifferently: “There are so many goods, you can sell a lot of money, not too bad.”

Hearing Feng Xiaoyu’s remarks, Luo and Ponzu were speechless.

The difference between this damage is not several tens of millions, but several tens of millions.

Subsequently, Luo cautiously took out the antiques in the bag.

Although Feng Xiaoyu’s attitude towards antiquities is quite casual, but his vision is good. The antiquities selected are basically the types that local collectors like.

Thirty two, ten and five carry ideas, and the harvest is not bad.

Without the idea of ​​absorbing the antiquities in front of the two people, Luo picked up a woman wearing a ring and broke her palm and looked up. Of all the antiquities, this was the most valuable.

The broken palm is well preserved, because the ring on the hand has the function of saving the corpse. The combination of the two, and after time baptism, and the identity of the queen of the broken palm Master, it has formed an amazing collection.

“How, how much are these?” Feng Xiaoyu asked.

“Conservative estimates are in their early 10,000,000,000.” Luo put down his palm lightly.

“What did you say? 10,000,000,000?”

Every time Xiaoyu was so surprised, Ponzu looked dull.

Although it is probably clear that these antiquities are very valuable, I never thought that they could exceed 100 100000000.

“10,000,000,000 is still conservative, and another half a month is when the Yorknew auction starts. Pick a few from it and put it there for auction. The total value of this batch may exceed 20,000,000,000, or even 30,000,000,000.”

Luo’s words made Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu almost faint.

30,000,000,000, which is too exaggerated.

“I will make a detailed price list immediately, and put it all together. Basically, it is about 10,000,000,000. The error should not be too big. If you want to shoot here, I will take it directly and transfer it to you.”

Luo gently pats the table full of goods, indifferently said: “Of course, you can also take the Yorknew auction, so you can make more profit.”

Although the website of the Luo Ling Museum is similar to auction, and the traffic is not low, no matter how well you do online, the upper limit of profit is also impossible compared to the annual Yorknew auction.

Under the operations of Sabo and Sarah, the company will not miss the Yorknew auction, and every year it will take some valuable collections to participate in the Yorknew auction, thereby increasing the revenue by more than 5 times.

It may be that Luo is not suitable as a businessman, or it may be that Luo does not care about money.

Instead of concealing it, he took out the details directly.

Then, the difference between 10,000,000,000 and 30,000,000,000 is not an ordinary person can bear.

“The shipment is here, it was agreed in advance.” Feng Xiaoyu didn’t hesitate for a long time, after all, he had already made an agreement with Luo before getting the goods.

Ponzu also had no objection to Feng Xiaoyu’s decision.

“Okay, wait here for me.”

Luo saw that Feng Xiaoyu still chose to ship with him, but he didn’t react. He got up and took the pen and paper. After a while, he listed the name and price of the antiquities and handed it to Feng Xiaoyu.

Feng Xiaoyu took the list and looked up, surprised: “Do you think of these names?”

On the list, each item has a specific name.

To complete the whole set of appraisal work in such a short period of time, it is really unimaginable that these two names are accurate.

“Tentatively, right.” Luo didn’t explain.

Feng Xiaoyu saw that Luo was perfunctory and had no intention of questioning. After careful confirmation, he gave the list to Ponzu.

Ponzu took the list 2 or 3 times and then dropped the list.

“Confirmed?” Luo asked.

Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu looked at each other, and then moved towards Luo nodded.

Luo laughed, saying, “Pen is here, you write down the transfer account number in the list.”

When Feng Xiaoyu heard the words, he picked up the pen on the table, shua shua wrote down the account number and name, and then handed the pen to Ponzu, who later wrote down the account number.

“You 5 5 points?” Luo took the list.

“Um.” Every little rain was nodded.

Luo took the list to find Sabo, and after a while, Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu both received SMS notifications.

The two of them picked up their phones and looked at the amount shown at the top.

In the eyes of the real rich, money is really just a string of numbers.

Luo came to the two and sat down slowly.

Feng Xiaoyu lifts the head, looks at Luo, wondering: “You gave 1 billion more?”

“Yes, that money is a commission. Take it. Your shipment can bring me a profit of more than 1 billion.” Luo calmly said.

“Then I’m welcome.” Feng Xiaoyu heard nodded.

“If you want to ship in the future, consider me here,” Luo said.

Every light rain came down.

After the transaction was completed, 2 people left the company of the Luo Ling Museum.

After sending away Feng Xiaoyu and Ponzu, Luo returned to the table and absorbed the thoughts of ten or five antiquities.

It ’s been almost a year since the return of the 6 continents, but the increase in the value of Mind Power is less than 1%, which is really difficult.

“Hot is better than nothing.”

Luo put down the antiquities and thought silently.

At this point, Sabo came together and looked at the antiques at a table and asked, “Are you qualified to take the Yorknew auction?”


“A few?”

“3 like.”

“Can you estimate the approximate profit margin?”

“No, the profits are huge,” Luo said.

“Okay, I’ll take the rest of the goods,” Sabo said.

Luo nodded, then said: “I have something to deal with, and leave tomorrow. You have collected the goods for the Yorknew auction, and I will take them by then.”

“I’ll collect the goods, but don’t leave, the debt has not been paid off yet.” Sabo said with a smile.

“…” Luo.

Early the next morning, Sabo looks at the 100 infrared detection devices that were removed, angrily: “Ling, Luo that bastard slipped away again!”

After a while, Saling’s voice came out of the bedroom: “Oh? It’s up to you to move the books.”

Sabo suddenly turned black.

Ten days later, Luo came to the gate of a vast palace-style mansion.

This is the home of the divination girl. As for her name, Luo has no impression, and only remembers her appearance.

Standing at the gate of the wall, Luo was surrounded by him before he could tell.

In total, nearly 100 men wearing black clothed appeared as if they had been prepared to quickly surround Luo, each holding a high formidable power automatic rifle. Although they were menacing, they did not hurt Luo.

In the courtyard of the big iron gate, there were also several people, all of them Mind Power.

Looks at this battle, Luo’s eyes are thinking.

Could it be through divination to know his arrival?

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