Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 660

Now that you’ve got involved, let’s just do 2 endlessly.

Luo knows that Kurapika’s other two chains are the chain of soul chasing and the chain of commandments. The former can be used for lie detection and tracking, while the latter can pierce the tip of the chain into the target’s heart, forcing the other party to obey the restriction order.

Both of these capabilities are quite special, but Luo believes that there are still shortcomings, either to make a complete rectification or to strengthen it on the basis.

As for the last chain, not at all appeared in Luo’s memory.

In addition to this, Luo also wanted to know, after telling Kurapika about the brigade’s capability information, I wonder how it would affect the remaining three types of chain capability concepts.

The Mind Power created for this purpose is the most terrifying.

Luo looks at Kurapika, beginning to explain to him the principles of restriction and vows.

“Restrictions and vows can multiply the effects of Mind Power not just.”

In the first sentence, the rays of light were born in Kurapika’s eyes. Is it a prerequisite for the whole system to restrict and pledge?

Luo looks at Kurapika’s reaction, knowing what he was thinking, but didn’t explain it, and continued to explain.

“The so-called constraints and vows are to make constraints, and then in the heart of Neutral, we must obey the conditions.”

“The stricter the constraints, the more prominent the focus of capabilities.”

Speaking, Luo Sumon produced a book in the hand of God, and controlled it to float in front of him.

“This is my Mind Power, named Hand of God.”

“The focus of competence is sharpness.”

Luo looked towards Bi Siji, the latter curl one’s lip, came over consciously, released his mind and entered the state of [Jian].

“And its constraints are …”

When the words didn’t fall, Luo made two steps forward, and also entered the state of “Jian”, turning his palm into a knife and chopping off Bi Siji’s arm.

Kurapika was listening attentively, and was taken aback by the scene.

Later, he saw Bisquit calmly catching the broken arm, and there was no blood flowing from the incision.

“There is no substantial harm and no pain. This is the restriction of the hand of God. In short, it is the condition of sacrificing lethality in exchange for the enhancement of sharpness.”

“So under the same conditions of offense and defense, I was able to cut Bisji’s arm so easily.”

“And in order to cause further substantial harm, I have this book.”

Luo reached out his right hand, catching the book that flew in the air, and said, “I need to put the removed body part into the book in order to cause substantial harm.”

“But to form this condition, there are still several branch constraints that need to be adhered to, and I won’t one after another explanation.”

Luo withdrew the book, differently said: “Do you understand?”

The demonstration of such an image, even the person with poor understanding ability, can immediately understand the principle of restriction and vow, let alone the intelligent Kurapika.

Seeing Kurapika said that he understood, Luo first connected Bisji’s broken arm, and then continued: “Constraints and vows are not only applicable to Mind Power, but also other uses, but its essence is infinitely close to equivalent exchanges, but also A double-edged sword. “

“Take your chain of healing as an example.”

“One of the constraints is to limit the goal. The healing effect can only act on itself, but not on other people’s body. Although this constraint is not strict enough, it can enhance the healing effect to a certain extent.”

“Constraint No. 2, every cure needs to be at the cost of lifespan. This restriction is strict enough and should greatly improve the speed of healing.”

“Restriction 3, the chain of healing can only be used once a day, restrictions such as this, abound, you can adjust according to the desired effect.”

“Enhancing your ability with constraints and vows is a way you can choose, but your real hole card is still your fiery red eye.”

Kurapika pupils shrank, subconsciously: “My flaming eyes?”

“Yes, focus on your eyes first,” Luo said.

Kurapika did, gathering gas in her eyes.

Seeing this, Luo raised his forefinger and used thought to create a tattoo mark for members of Phantom Troupe.

Seeing Luo’s spider mark made with thought, Kurapika was stimulated, her eyes turned red immediately, and her body’s breath instantly strengthened a lot.

Seeing Kurapika’s changes, Bisji couldn’t help but be surprised. Kurta Clan’s Bloodline had this ability, and she could not help thinking of the dark continent’s race by race.

“This is the second time you have become savvy after you learn how to read, and feel the difference.” Luo calmly said.

Kurapika looked down at her double-handed, she could clearly feel her change, and suddenly understood something.

Restriction with oath additional usage …

It turned out that the incentive to lose everything was also the hole card that he could use.

Flaming eyes, flaming eyes …

In order to regain the eyes of fellow citizens, and to drag that group of bastards into hell.

All I can rely on is these eyes.

For some reason, the heart felt a cramp, as if bound tightly by countless chains.

Kurapika sneered low, then slowly raised his head, saying in an indifferent tone that had never been before, saying, “I know what to do.”

Luo silent looks at Kurapika The teardrops that fell from blood-red eyes could not help wondering if she had done something wrong.

Bi Siji looked at the reaction of 2 people and felt that there was a reason she didn’t know about it.

Time passed, and the last 3 months passed.

Kurapika followed Luo cultivation for a little over half a year.

During this period, under the premise of mastering the intelligence of Phantom Troupe members, and following the suggestions of Luo and Bisji, Kurapika developed three other capabilities.

Among those 3 abilities, there is no lack of the idea of ​​deal with a man as he deals with you.

After the development of Mind Power, there are more than ten actual combat exercises per day, which are used to improve the actual combat experience, and simultaneously consolidate and improve the proficiency of advanced skills.

The teachers that Hunters Association arranges for new students will basically only teach 4 basics of Mind Power, but not advanced skills.

Like Cloud Valley, which teaches Young Gon and Killua, even if Luo deliberately confesses, Cloud Valley will only teach 4 basic skills of Young Gon and Killua, without involving advanced skills.

Because, this is the regulation of the association.

But Luo is not a teacher of the association, so he not only taught all the advanced skills of Kurapika, but also practiced the skills of Kurapika with Bisji.

From mid-July, the sun is hot.

Luo stood on the cliff, looking at the waterfall below, and said, “Will you feel uncomfortable?”

Kurapika stood beside Luo, heard the shook the head, and said, “No, only in this way can I use it with peace of mind, and I know that the Master is Special, so I don’t have to carry such harsh constraints.”

Luo heard silence.

Kurapika ’s [Absolute Time], within the duration of the red-eye, no matter which system’s ability, can play 100% of the effect, and its constraint is: every *** time, it will reduce one hour of lifespan .

This is the price that Luo had never thought of, because not at all reveals it in the original work.

That’s why Luo asked Kurapika not to be reconciled, because Luo doesn’t need to shoulder any restrictions to make every system’s ability effect reach 100%.

“Kurapika,” Luo said.


“I will help you get back all the clansman’s eyes.”

Not help, but help.

The summer wind blew, naughtily twirling Kurapika’s hair, and he tilted his head to look towards Luo’s side, a little bit surprised.

Wanting alone to take on all of him, when facing Luo, for some reason, he couldn’t say the words of rejection.

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