Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 603

There are about 1000 professional hunters in the Hunters Association, and only about 50 hunters with star ratings.

The Association Building is big and big enough. Many star hunters have their own offices in the building, which is a reflection of status.

Most star hunters will not stay in one place for too long, but some star hunters choose to stay in the association.

Among these people are members of the ten or two Earthly Branches, like Deputy President Paris Stone, three-star incurable hunter Qi Duo, and two-star annoyed hunter Sa Chang, who usually work in the office assigned by the association.

In addition to the twelve Earthly Branches, there are also five star hunters who place their industry work places in the office of the building. Among them, there is a one star Bounty Hunter named Samurai Dora.

The man in sunglasses who said that justice was explosive was Samurai Dora.

The number of Bounty Hunter is the highest in the proportion of association hunters, and Samurai Dora can get a one-star Title. Presumably it is more than enough for him to deal with a member of Phantom Troupe.

However, the sunglasses man hopes to have more people to ensure that Machi will not run away.

His behavior could not avoid the eyes of Paris Stone.

In Binuo Plaza, many dining cars are parked in the square, and many pedestrians are waiting beside the dining car, waiting for Boss to hand out a hot snack or a cup of hot drink.

Luo alone came to Binuo Plaza, glanced away, there were many pedestrians, but he did not see the silhouette of Machi.

Before he came, he didn’t explain. He just let Sambika and Bahab go back to the association to wait for him, then put his clothes in the black cat space and came alone.

From Machi’s time, also about 8 minutes.

Luo walked under the more conspicuous white statue and silently looked at the pedestrians who kept passing by.

There are parents with children, youngsters walking on skateboards, and young couples with arms folded.

The cold wind blew past, carrying a piece of dead leaves, hitting small scroll, rustling across the ground.

Luo glanced up at the haze-filled sky, and it was difficult to tell whether it was a common haze in winter or a sign before rain.

After 2 30% of the time, Luo saw that many pedestrians were holding hot drinks, and the rising heat brought warmth.

Luo thought about it, came to the dining car, bought 2 cups of hot milk tea, held it in his hand, then returned to the statue and waited.

“Also 2 minutes.”

Luo silently counted the time, and moved towards the square again, and Machi had not yet come.

A minute passed quietly, and a familiar silhouette came up the stairs leading to the park.

Luo saw Machi at a glance, and the latter also saw Luo.

Machi paused, then quickened his pace and came to Luo.


This is the first sentence Machi said.

“I was wrong.” Luo apologized in cooperation.

“Um.” Machi slightly nodded, expression calm, unable to see what mood was.

Looks at Machi is not out of anger, Luo thought to himself that the matter should be exposed, and his nose moved slightly, calmly, “There is blood, have you encountered something?”

“There was a team of Bounty Hunters who just stared at me and was killed by me.” Machi looks at Luo, and the tone seemed to be saying something trivial.

Luo nodded, didn’t ask much, he wanted to ask about Kurta Clan, but now the timing seems inappropriate.

He thought that leaving tonight, Machi is not suitable for staying in the city for a long time, so it would be better to take her away with her, and then on the way to Lin Nie, ask for an opportunity to ask implicitly.

Machi didn’t know what Luo was thinking, and looked at him, saying, “I deliberately picked a few people, so I didn’t reach other people.”

Luo throbbed for a moment, raised his eyes looking towards Machi with a calm expression, and suddenly smiled.

“What are you laughing at?” Machi nibbled her lower lip, realizing that the explanation just now was redundant.

“It’s nothing.” Luo shook the head, and then placed the milk tea from the right hand on the statue’s chassis, and took out the sportswear from the black cat space.

Machi’s gaze fell on Luo’s left shoulder, and he asked, “Hand, can’t I recover?”

“Not for the time being, but it can be done in the future.” Luo replied, looking at the clothes in his hand, and looked up at Machi again, glancing across the fullness, sighing, “I seem to buy a small one. “

“It’s small.”

Machi took the clothes, just glanced at it, and knew that the clothes were one size smaller. Feeling Luo thought she hadn’t grown a body for so many years?

“Or go back and change?” Luo suggested.

Machi wanted to refuse, but the thought of seeing Luo and Sambica enter the women’s clothing store before was the answer: “Okay.”

Luo heard laughed and put the clothes back into the black cat space.

At this time, Luo and Machi subconsciously looked towards up ahead of the square. Pedestrians were decreasing. Several people were walking in the crowd, taking each and everyone pedestrians away from the square.

The move was not concealed at all, even very obvious, as if it was to be noticed by others at once.

“Should come at me.” Machi looks at the crowd in front.

Luo calmly said: “After all, this is the city where the association is located. Your identity is too prominent here.”

Hunters Association, can be said to be the Holy Land of many hunters, even unlicensed hunters, will gather here subconsciously.

Machi heard silence, staring at the crowd and said, “I know, so you better stay away from me, so as not to be treated as a companion.”

When Luo heard it, he felt helpless, knowing that Machi hadn’t completely deflated, or that he hadn’t let go of the similar “not fellow traveler” viewpoint.

It’s stubborn.

Luo thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes changed slightly, and the lightning extended the hand across the back of Machi’s head, pinching a sharp sniper Bullets.


A plume of white smoke rose between Luo’s thumb and forefinger.

Bullets descended obliquely through the narrow gap of the statue and pointed directly at the back of Machi’s head.

At this point, it was Machi’s attention that was attracted by the changes in the square, and the Kakuzu chosen by the sniper was extremely tricky. When Luo pinched Bullets, she reacted.

Because of the changes in the square, she opened the fine pores and spread her mind throughout her body, but if she does not concentrate her mind on one point, it is the Bullets formidable power that cannot resist the sniper rifle.

If Luo hadn’t caught Bullets, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

The hidden Bounty Hunters saw Luo catch the sniper rifle Bullets, all startled.

A tall, long-haired man with a hat, a dignified look.

Sending people deliberately to dispel the masses, on the one hand, I want to tell the target that we are here, and on the other, I want to create the illusion that the target will not be disintegrated without dispersing the masses.

Under that illusion, let the arranged sniper fire again.

However, the plan failed.

That man, is not a member of Phantom Troupe, or is it a recent new member of Phantom Troupe?

However, I always feel a little familiar.


Gunshots sprang up on the square, the pedestrians screamed, and fled madly.

Luo crushed Bullets and looked at Machi with a slightly ugly face, saying, “Leave here first.”

“I’m leaving by myself, you don’t need to follow.” Machi was calm, eyes lowered, and said differently: “You don’t want to be part of Phantom Troupe.”

“Don’t be silly, your safety is 10000 times more important than that.”

Luo seriously retorted a sentence, and then took a few steps forward, looking towards the fleeing crowd. There were more than 20 different people, all of them Mind Power. They seemed to be professional hunters in the association, as if their strength was not good.

The strongest one is this man with long hair in this hat.

Machi looks at Luo’s back, with a touching smile.

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