Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 604

Phantom Troupe’s life and death have nothing to do with Luo. Even if Phantom Troupe can survive, Luo will be happy to facilitate this.

However, other members of Phantom Troupe can die, but his friends alone will not sit idly by.

How could it be possible for him to be surrounded by Bounty Hunter at looks at Machi.

Whether it’s Bounty Hunter to have just cause, or to stand still on reason, Luo doesn’t care.

Luo stepped forward a few steps. His action, not at all, made the Bounty Hunters scattered in the square have any concessionary reaction, but then the sniper at an unknown distance fired again.

In some way, when seeing Luo move forward, the sniper pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

He didn’t worry about being exposed at all, because his companion in the square was his hardest shield.

As long as his companions can pin down the target, he can pull the trigger unscrupulously, without worrying about hurting his companions.

The reason why, of course, is because he has absolute confidence in his Spear Art.

The long, narrow Bullets spun out of the air, judging by the straight trajectory, they would surely pass through the gap of the statue again, pointing directly at the key point of Machi.

If yes, things are over.

If not, the right should be harassed.

In the first encounter, would Machi relax his vigilance and be vigilant against the behind sniper, but Luo’s response was faster than her, or his circle was faster than anyone in the field, even the sniper. .

The thought circle burst out, and in a short time passed Machi and even more than 20 Bounty Hunters on the square, spreading out at the speed of light.


Samurai Dora suddenly stopped moving forward, as did the other Bounty Hunters.

Every sniper attack is a good opportunity for them to attack.

However, when Luo’s exaggerated circle passed them and hurried away towards the distance, they were all startled, and the thought of attack was stopped subconsciously.

The thought circle passed through Bullets and the sniper on the top of a building 800 meters away.

After exploring the position of the sniper, the circle of thoughts shattered at that moment, and Bullets came at the same time.

Luo turned away from behind, his body disappeared instantly, next moment, he appeared in the behind of Machi, stretched out his right hand and caught Bullets.

Seeing Luo pinching Bullets again with his bare hands, he did not even cause any damage to the appearance of Bullets, and the Bounty Hunter in the square was dignified.

That’s the Bullets of the sniper rifle, the difference between the destructive force and the pistol the difference between Heaven and Earth, also the terrifying circle.

Who the hell are you?

Machi looks at Luo at his fingertips, glittering rays of light in his eyes.

Become … stronger and stronger.

She thought silently.

After Luo caught Bullets, he looked up and looked up, looking as if to penetrate the statue, straight down into the sniper in the distance.

call out!

The arm waved violently, and a ring-shaped air balloon visible by naked eye was scattered around the palm of the hand. Bullets released his hand and went straight through the gap of the statue to return at a faster speed from the original trajectory, as if time was backtracking. .

In the distance, the sniper’s face shook, realizing that something was wrong, and the long barrel sight on the dark sniper rifle turned back into within the body, and at the same time he gathered his feet and was about to leave.

However, a slight impact felt the gun head at this moment, and then, as if a grenade exploded in front of him, the sniper rifle broke apart and burst apart.

The sniper hadn’t fully reacted yet, and a powerful shock wave hit his body.

There was a muffled sound, and the sniper flew backwards, crashing through the wall of the jump building above the top floor, and the whole person was embedded in the second wall and fell into a coma.

The sniper rifle in his hand was broken into 10000 1000 pieces, but his body did not have any wounds, but he suffered a weak impact and suffered quite serious internal injuries.

If he is awake at the moment, compared with the sense of fortunate avoidance of a catastrophe, it will be more of the dread of deep in one’s heart beyond cognition.

The Bounty Hunter above the square all saw Luo’s action of throwing Bullets. When they thought of a possibility, they looked at Samurai Dora, who pressed the headset with one finger and the other side had no audio, and his face gradually became difficult to look.

This man …

Samurai Dora’s face was dull, and the gas field was boiling above the body surface.

Even if the opponent is strong, he will not flinch.

This is where the association is!

Seeing that Samurai Dora sent out a strong attack, other Bounty Hunters were immediately ready for action.

“Not enough?”

Luo’s eyelids are slightly drooping. He wants to protect Machi, but will not kill this group of Bounty Hunters. If he can scare each other, that is the best result.

After all, this group of Bounty Hunters are members of the association, and after that he will join the association and become a member of the twelve Earthly Branches. It can never be done absolutely, otherwise Netero is not easy to explain.

Machi doesn’t want that many. She releases the aura, and the killing intent is rendered through the aura, which is very obvious.

Luo glanced at her and said, “I’m coming.”

If you let Machi do it, the lives and deaths of this group of Bounty Hunters will be hard to say.

As soon as his voice fell, the surging psychic power rose from the body, condensing into substance.

The dead leaves above the ground were rolled into the sky, and the trees not far away were shaken by the wind.

Feeling the power of this aura, a few fears flew across the faces of several Bounty Hunters.

The samurai Dora immediately determined that Luo wanted to overwhelm his competitor’s fighting intent. He immediately took the initiative, stepped on his foot, shot out of shape, and ventured to attack Luo.

His mental strength is condensing on the double-handed, condensing the appearance of a tiger’s head, with the sound of tiger howling faintly.

Luo also moved, his body disappeared instantly, and the next moment broke into the sight of Samurai Dora.


Samurai Dora’s eyes trembled, waving her arms, fists left and right, and twisted to Luo’s head.

However, Luo in the field of vision disappeared again. What disappeared together was a lot of thoughts gathered on his double-handed.

“what happend?”

Samurai Dora’s face showed a sorrowful color, and she stopped suddenly and turned around, but she saw that her thoughts burst like balloons in the palm of Luo’s right hand, turning into a thoughtless force with no lethality.

Countless butterfly-like pieces of mental ability fluttered in the air, and a figure shuttled through them.

Samurai Dora’s eyes narrowed sharply, suppressing the inexplicable throbbing in her heart, a roar, and the power of thinking within the body was released.

At the same time, a hand was so gently pressed against his face.


Then, Samurai Dora only felt that her head had been struck by a sledgehammer, and her consciousness fell into the darkness for a moment and fell to the ground.

Everything only happens between minutes.

The rest of the Bounty Hunter looked horrified.

Captain’s strength is not just a bit better than them, but it is so easy to be knocked down.

When they gave birth to a bit of disappointment, they saw a white circle of thought spreading from Luo’s feet, and included them.

Almost at the same time, there was a pain in the back of the neck.

Pēng pēng pēng.

More than a dozen Bounty Hunters fell to the ground, and only 5 Bounty Hunters who were not bad stood still, but also on the verge of collapse.

Luo glanced at them and turned towards Machi, who didn’t even have a cell phone.

Facing Machi’s surprised look, Luo said, “Go.”

Machi nodded, following Luo’s behind.

Before the two people got out of the square, they saw a few hundred more people around. Fish and dragons mixed in together were basically ordinary people with good physical fitness.

Above a tall building, the sunglasses man was terrified.

Samurai Dora was crushed relentlessly, also the sniper.

At the same time, he noticed a group of miscellaneous fishes not afraid of death that surrounded Machi and Luo.

“This group is not from the association.”

The sunglasses man was frightened, wondering who led this group of miscellaneous fish? He only relayed the message to Samurai Dora, but did not call out to the group of amateur hunters.

At the same time, Doumen gasping for breath broke into Netero’s office.

“President, it’s not good.” Doumianren looked anxiously.

Netero was deaf, blindfolded, calmly: “What?”

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