Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 602

The bright and beautiful woman, but Machi from 1000 miles.

She broke her cell phone that night, she only picked up her ip card, and not at all in the past few days to replace it with a new one, so she did n’t know that Luo the past few days had been dialing her number and even left a lot of messages.

After reluctantly, she immediately decided to come to Hunters Association to find Luo, which is why she didn’t change her phone in time.

Just half an hour ago, she came. She didn’t care about her status as a Class A wanted criminal, and didn’t care what the Hunters Association was like. She moved directly towards the direction of the Association.

Coincidentally, Luo was about to leave today, and let Sambica take some time out of her 100 busy schedule to come out to meet and ventilate, and then took a break and took Sambica for shopping.

They came out of the association, moved towards the direction of the street, and Machi entered the city from another direction, and moved towards the location of the association, just happened to run into it.

When Machi saw Luo from afar, he was not quite sure, but Sambika’s dress was too conspicuous, and the tonnage of Baha’i made Machi vaguely identify Luo’s identity.

Later, she rushed over at the fastest speed, just to see Luo entire group entering the women’s clothing store.

She knows Sambica, and she knows Bahab. Of the three, only Sambica is a woman, so the reason for entering the women’s clothing store is self-evident.

She stood on the roof and looked for a while, coldly snorted, didn’t wait for Luo to come out of the store, and didn’t directly enter the store, but turned around without the slightest hesitation.

Under the amazement of pedestrians on the street, Machi leapt from the roof, and nobody walked into the crowd.

She walked down the street, looking for shops selling cell phones.

In the women’s clothing store, Luo was choosing clothes for reparations for Machi, but he didn’t know that Machi was just outside the store.

I wanted to give Sambica a reference, but thought that Sambica had only 100 of those clothes …

Luo shook his head slightly, then listened to the suggestions of the guide Miss, and chose a pair of Purple sportswear.

He knows Machi prefers clothing like sportswear, as long as it’s easy to move.

After coming out of the women’s clothing store, he turned to the men’s clothing store and wanted to buy some clothes for Bu Hazhen.

The store’s shopping guide looked up hard at lookups, but it was extremely difficult.

Regardless of whether there is a suitable number for this tonnage, if the customer wants to try it on, it is a disaster.

Sambika was quietly looking at them. She also had a lot of work to do, but Luo was leaving at night, so she thought about spending time with Luo before Luo left.

On the other side, Machi walked 2 streets and finally found a mobile phone store.

Entered the store and bought a mobile phone, put the IP card in, and then left.

After leaving the dozens of meters before leaving the store, Machi’s eyes suddenly saw a wave that was not easily noticeable, and she was keenly aware that someone was following her, and there were at least 5 poor sight lines.

This kind of thing happens very often, Machi has long been used to it, put the mobile phone in his pocket, and calmly walk to a place with less traffic.

Each member of the Phantom Troupe is a Class A wanted man, and each member’s bounty Gundam number is 1 billion. He is among the top A class thieves and is the target of many Bounty Hunters.

Because Phantom Troupe is different from most thieves, in many cases, members are dispersed and independent, and will naturally become the target of many Bounty Hunters.

After all, dealing with a single member is much simpler than dealing with the entire thief group. Even more how the bounty is so high, it is completely possible to come over and brush the head.

This is the city where the Hunters Association is located. Although professional hunters usually run around the world, many professional hunters settle in the city where the association is located.

So soon, Machi wasn’t surprised, and he was mentally prepared.

She avoided crowded places and looked for the backlighting of towering buildings, such as aisles that could not be reached by the sun.

Find it and walk straight in.

When Machi deliberately walked into the laneway behind a restaurant, the Bounty Hunters who stared at her immediately realized that they might be found.

This is a very explicit expression of red fruit, as if to say to them: Come with guts.

The number of Bounty Hunters is ten or six. This is the number of people gathered in this city in a short period of time, and a bounty distribution agreement will be quickly established. Whoever gets the head will get the big bounty. As for the participants People can get 6 million for one person.

Such rich conditions naturally let this group of active Bounty Hunter 2 come over without a word.

The number of people is superior, and they think that they are superior. Therefore, the Bounty Hunters were dare to touch them from all directions when they realized that they might be found.

They think that this team is enough to solve a member of the Phantom Troupe, and there is no need to let more people divide, and the place chosen by the goal is what they want to see.

When Machi entered the backlit alleyway, the first thing was not to figure out how to deal with Bounty Hunter who wanted her head, but to take out a cell phone with a small amount of power and dial Luo’s number.

If Luo wasn’t in the city, she wouldn’t choose to avoid the crowd, but she would deliberately go to the place with a lot of people, and let the Bounty Hunters refresh from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. Use pedestrians as a condition to counter Bounty Hunters.

In her opinion, that was the best solution, but she didn’t do it because Luo was in the city and didn’t like her.

The call was quickly connected, and Luo’s voice came, “Machi?”

“Well, I’m here.” Machi calmly said.

On the other end of the phone, Luo froze and asked, “Where are you?”

Machi glanced at the aisle without answering, but said, “After half an hour, I’ll be in Pinot Square, and you can only come alone.”

Binuo Plaza was the place where Luo and Bu Haji went before, and asking Luo to come alone was a sign of jealousy.

Luo said strangely, “Okay, I’m going now. Right, I bought you a casual outfit.”

Machi was silent for a while and said, “Have you bought it for someone else?”

“Huh.” Luo glanced at Buha, then wondered, “Are you near me?”

“No, after all, I will go to Pinot Square in half an hour.”

Machi finished speaking and hung up the phone quickly, put the phone in his pocket, then pulled out a thought line between the double-handed, and looked back at the entrance of the lane.

Twenty minutes later, Machi walked out of the lane and moved towards Pinot Square.

A total of 5 aisles, in a number of places, a total of ten or five corpses were lying.

After Machi left, not at all noticed a slap-like machine flying in the sky overhead.

Watching Machi disappear into the crowd, the machine lowered its height, came to the top of a building, landed on the hands of a dark-skinned man wearing sunglasses, and then turned into a little rays of light and disappeared.

That machine, however, is transformed by mental power, and can be so far away. The person who wants to come here is Emitter Mind Power.

“It’s a bunch of reckless men.”

The man in sunglasses sighed. It is undeniable that this Phantom Troupe chick is really tricky.

He thought that his colleague was enough to deal with Machi, but didn’t expect himself to overestimate the strength of his temporary teammates and underestimate the strength of Machi.

“Forget it, I’ll go there.”

Sunglasses man looked towards the distant association building.

He knew that there was a character who was righteous for justice.

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