Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 601

Luo stayed in the association for the next 2 days.

Sabo asked Luo to check the company’s inherent assets and current liquidity, but Luo didn’t think much about the money now. Besides, a lot of sky-high babies didn’t take any shots.

Seeing Luo being so unconcerned, Sabo almost vomited blood and even threatened to swallow all the company’s assets, in exchange for a Byakugan from Luo.

After hearing their two disputes, Sa Ling fluttered a word and asked for 2 100 million. She wanted to start some lone books of ancient books in various great auctions next year.

Others spend a lot of money on ancient books for collection, and Saling’s solitary books are for reading.

Luo responded casually, then slipped away, leaving Sabo silently looking at the sky.

Leaving the association, Buhachi followed.

Looking for a good restaurant, Luo is accustomed to high-grade ingredients, and the ordinary 9-star restaurant can hardly satisfy his taste.

After looking for a long time and couldn’t find a satisfactory one, Luo did the opposite, first sent a message to Sambica, and then walked into a fast food restaurant with Buha.

They 2 bought a lot of burger pizzas, then went to Fountain Square, found a step with little traffic, and took the burger to eat.

Maybe it’s been too long to eat this fast food, or maybe it’s worth remembering, so the taste is unexpected and acceptable.

Bhajan doesn’t pick anything, eats with keen interest pleasure, and doesn’t know how his one-star Title came from.

“Boss, I participated in the 2nd Gourmet Contest and it was delicious!” Bu Hao swallowed a hegemon cheese beef burger in one bite.

“It’s delicious? It’s fun.” Luo thought that Bu Ha was guilty and corrected.

Buha 剌 affirmed: “It is delicious! Because in the top six, not only the judges can taste the players’ dishes, but also the players can taste each other’s dishes.”

“That’s fine,” Luo said, lacking interest.

If the ingredients can still bring him a good income now, then he would probably go for fun.

He didn’t realize that Luo wasn’t interested, and excitedly said, “Boss, wait for you to get your license, and go to the next session. Getting a First Title can increase your achievements.”

“Say it again.” Luo perfunctoryly.

Between October and February, pedestrians were wearing cotton jackets.

In winter, the sky is often hazy, but it never seems to snow here.

Luo stopped eating after eating 3 burgers and a pizza, but Bu Ha Ling couldn’t stop eating. Fortunately, Luo had a foresight and packed a lot.

After a while, a white silhouette broke into view.

Luo noticed immediately, looking up at that silhouette, and sighed: “Are you going to wear a suit?”

The person who came was Sambica. It was still the white robe with strong shielding, similar to the immunization suit, with only a pair of eyes exposed under the whole body.

People in the square saw Cambi’s dress, and they couldn’t help curiosity.

Zambia did not respond to this, and went straight to where it was moved towards Luo. The pace at his feet accelerated significantly, and his eyes couldn’t hide the joy.

Seeing Sambica walking quickly, Luo pats side stairs.

Sambika was sitting there, gazing at Luo silently without a word.

Facing her eyes, Luo easily read a lot from those big eyes.

It was very pure. After long reunion, the joy from the heart, and then a little more pity.

She extends the hand, pinching Luo’s left sleeve.

Luo told her about this on the phone, and she was still unable to let go when she was mentally prepared.

Seeing Sambica’s attention on the broken arm, Luo quickly took out a bag of potatoes Kakuzu from the bag and asked, “Do you eat?”

Sambika looked away, looked at the potato Kakuzu, was not interested, but still took over.

looks at Sambica just pulled out a bit and slowly bit it, Luo laughed, and asked, “Is work smooth?”

“Well, although there are few breaks, every day is full.” Sambika said softly.

“Very busy?” Luo said.

Sambika thought for a moment, Kaidou: “Well.”

Luo has a little understanding of Sambika’s work, and is essentially a healer for the benefit of mankind.

“No matter how busy you are, take a break.”


“Don’t let your life be filled with work. Occasionally go out and take a look.”


“Don’t be too busy to forget to eat, 3 meals a day, no less than one meal.”



“Sambica, I might leave in the evening.”

“Ah? Can’t you stay a few more days?”

Sambaka ’s lips were slightly curved, and Kakuzu’s eyes were smiling. When she heard Luo’s last sentence, she slowly disappeared.

“No, Lin Nie is waiting for me.” Luo said.

“Understood.” Sambika bowed her head slightly and stopped talking.

Luo suddenly raised her hand, said with a smile: “It’s not a problem to stay in the research room all the time, take you to shopping.”

Picking up Zambia, he then kicked Bhaha, who was fully focused on the burger, and said, “Don’t eat.”

“Oh.” Bu Haji got up straight.

Zambia looks at 2 people, a smile on the face under the mask, suddenly feel like something is missing.

“What about black cats?”

She thought about it and asked immediately.

As soon as she said, Bu Haji suddenly thought of it and asked, “Yeah, the past few days, why haven’t I seen a black cat?”

“He was asleep and couldn’t wake up in a short time, anyway, don’t worry about him,” Luo expression explained as usual.

After hearing Luo’s explanation, Bhajan and Zambia stopped thinking.

A group of 3 people just wandered around the street in this way, as if returning to the time when they were in the Sky Competitor field.

The smile on Zambia’s face grew thicker, and even her mask couldn’t hide her joy.

This is different from the happiness that comes from work, and she likes it.

After strolling for a while, Luo took her directly into a fashion clothing store and chose a slim backless red dress for her.

“Come on, try it on, it must look great!”

Luo took her dress and opened a smile between her eyebrows.

“Try on and try on!”

Bhajan waved the fried chicken leg in his hand and was happy to stir the fire.

“Don’t.” Sambika’s eyes flickered with a touch of shame, and she refused decisively.

Luo wasn’t discouraged, and he picked a set of cutie.

“Don’t!” Sambika’s volume took a level.

Luo reluctantly changed his style, choosing a conservative white Princess skirt, but the result was still defeated.

No matter what clothes you choose, Sambika’s appearance of oil and salt can not be said that there is no desire to buy these clothes.

“I have a lot of clothes, about 100, so I don’t have to buy them,” Sambika explained.

Luo was shocked and thought of something terrifying, staring at the white robes of Sambika’s body and asking, “Don’t tell me, your 100 sets of clothes are all this style?”

Sambica slowly nodded.

Luo only felt a little dark in front of him, and Miss, the shopping guide next to him, showed a damn look, but immediately closed it up the next second.

“You … shouldn’t you wear this outfit even when you get married?” Luo held his forehead, gave up his intention to buy clothes for Sambica, and glanced at one after another as he glanced over the women’s clothing in the store, he thought of Machi.

Hearing Luo’s words, Sambika’s eyes widened, and he deliberately overrecognized his voice like a mosquito: “No, it won’t.”

After that, she looked at Luo again, and saw that the other party was wandering in the shop again.

Her physique is doomed to have no wedding in her life.

A 2-Layer upstairs across the street from the women’s clothing store, stood a slim, bright purple hair woman with bright eyes.

She was surrounded by double-handed, quietly looking at the women’s clothing shop, and there was a touch of resentment in her eyes.

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