Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 597

After telling Luo that he had arrived tonight, Sabo looks at a dull Luo, hesitated, and said nothing, and went to study the good things brought back from the dark continent.

Luo pressed the weight of her body against the office chair, slightly raised her head, closed her eyes, and worked hard to clear the anger that lingered in her heart.

In the dark continent, I have experienced all kinds of strange things. Even in the front line of life and death, I can calm down like a robot. This is the change over time.

However, after reading this report, there was a trace of soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed anger.


Luo slowly opened his eyes, staring at the lights on the ceiling, and put out a breath.

He took out his cell phone and played with it, wondering if he should call Machi now and ask Kurta Clan.

He just wanted to know that while Phantom Troupe was killing Kurta Clan, did Machi and the three of them discourage and shoot?

if so鈥?/p>

Luo’s eyelids drooped slightly, covering up the coldness.

Earlier, I realized that there are certain things that cannot be changed. Apart from repeated persuasion, I can only turn a blind eye to the evil choices committed by the brigade.

The members of the brigade, including Machi, have the same values 鈥嬧€媋nd survival style. This is the common point of everyone from Meteor City.

People like brigades are everywhere in this world. Like the Hunters Association, if there is a murderer, as long as he doesn’t hurt the colleagues in the association, he can still get away with it.

This is the normal state in Hunter x Hunter World that some ordinary people find difficult to notice.

Luo was silent for a long time, and finally put his phone in his pocket.

The next time he met the brigade, he would no longer care about Machi’s feelings.

In the evening, Bu Haji returned sooner than expected, and as soon as he rushed into the company’s door, he fell on Luo’s body and burst into tears.

A few years later, Bu Hazhen’s figure has grown into a bear and looks like a big mountain. He flutters on Luo body, and he is a scene of Mount Tai.

“I have done it.”

Luo couldn’t withstand the release of Bu Hadai’s emotions, and pushed away.

Praha wiped the tears on his face and whispered, “Boss, I thought you … eh?”

The thick face suddenly showed a stern expression, and his gaze was directed at Luo’s left arm.


Luo felt helpless when he saw Bu Hazhen’s response, and he would have to explain it again later.

After half an hour, several people sat around the table, which was full of food.

Praha opened his belly and ate something special. He squinted his eyes and was satisfied.

Sa Ling and Sabo also silently ate Luo’s souvenirs brought back from the dark continent.

Luo didn’t move, he looked quietly at 3 people, he thought he would go to Lin Nie later, and then visit Killua in Kudu Mountain, also many people have to meet one after another, as for Young Gon On the other side, Kim hoped that he would not interfere and would not go.

After a full meal, Sa Ling 2 siblings leaned contentedly on the chair, and Bu Hayu touched his stomach, and then stopped, apparently not yet full.

The food brought back was selected through a variety of standards, and the quantity was originally small. In terms of ingredients, Luo only brought back one, which was to be given to Lin Nie.

At this moment, seeing that Bu Hazhen was not full, Luo could do nothing.

“Boss, do you want to go to the dark continent?” Asked Baha 鍓?

Sabo heard that he immediately kicked Buha, who wondered why he kicked himself.

Luo noticed Sabo’s small actions, and didn’t take it seriously, let alone conceal nothing, and said directly, “Go.”

After hearing Luo’s words, Sa Ling and Sabo’s eyes changed slightly, and Bu Ha 鍓?was happy: “Then go to must and bring me!”

Luo just laughed and didn’t answer.

It is not powerful enough to go to the dark continent.

The most important thing to go there is to have special skills that can cope with various difficult environments, such as Tonpa.

Luo could see that Bu Hayu had become a lot stronger, but he could not meet his expectations, but he didn’t say it explicitly, but only put it in his heart.

Afterwards, several people chatted.

He is now a one-star gourmet hunter, and he is a little famous in the field, but also another girl genius, Men Qi, has pressed him several times.

Suddenly talking about the Hunter test, Luo said that he would take the Hunter test one month later, and Buha screamed, saying that he was the examiner for the second test.

Luo had known for a long time, but when he saw Bu Haji’s enthusiasm, he didn’t interrupt, smiling and let Bu Haji talk nonstop.

“Since Boss is taking the test, hehe.”

Praha was clapping his hands, looking forward to words.

As the examiner of this year, he was too lazy to think about the exam questions, as long as he could eat a full meal, but Boss had to participate, and he immediately changed his mind. Must came up with a different test question, so that Boss could get a good meal. of.

The easiest level to pass in the original book is undoubtedly the test of Bu Hazhen, just hunting a pig for roasting, but now with the butterfly of Luo, most of the future test questions will change.

Luo didn’t pay much attention. In his opinion, he got a license with no difficulty. If Hisoka also participates in this year’s test, he will directly kill Hisoka before the hunter test has officially started.

The night is getting darker.

Luo left the company and boarded the elevator to the top floor.

After night, many brightly lit rooms can still be seen in the Hunters Association building.

Luo came to the empty top floor, standing at a high place, and the evening breeze hu hu passed by, messing up her hair and shaking her clothes.

Facing the strong night wind, walked to the edge of the top floor.

A bright moon hovered, only a few stars dotted, no clouds were visible.

Under the night sky, there is a night view of the city at the beginning of the lantern.

Luo stared at the bustling night scene, took out the mobile phone, turned on the phone, waited patiently for the amount of information to be brushed, and then called Machi’s number.

The beep sounded for more than 20 seconds before the call was connected.

Before Machi spoke, Luo said directly, “It’s me.”

The breath on the other end of the phone was significantly worse.

The sound of the wind was sent into the microphone, masking the sound of breathing and becoming the only sound.

There was no movement from Machi, and Luo was silent.

After a while, Machi’s voice came out, and the emotion contained in that tone seemed to gather all the anger and sorrow, and finally merged into a sentence: “Where are you?”

There aren’t too many questions, just a short sentence asking the place.

“The top floor of the Hunters Association building,” Luo said truthfully.

“I’m looking for you, wait for me.” Machi’s tone was beyond doubt.

“You’re a Class A criminal,” Luo reminded.

Machi was silent for a moment, calmly, “how about that?”

Luo paused and said, “It’s okay, don’t hurry to come to me first, there is something, I want to ask you.”

Machi had a delicate mind and a quick response, and suddenly guessed what Luo was going to ask.

“What about Kurta Clan?”

“Yes.” Luo calmly said.

Machi heard a hint of indifference that the sound of the wind that hu hu can’t hide.

However, she was not nervous at all, because she was not at all involved.

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