Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 598

She followed the agreement with Luo and tried to stop it.

If the team is undecided, they will use the coin toss method.

3 chances.

Her, Uvogin’s, Nobunaga’s.

Chrollo gave them 3 chances to toss a coin.

However, destiny may have abandoned Kurta Clan from the very beginning, and 3 times of tossing coins without any cheating factors were on Chrollo’s side.

After failing to stop her, she was reduced to a bystander, and she was slaughtered overnight with her own eyes at Kurta Clan, but she didn’t feel any guilt or mercy.

To her, Kurta Clan is an irrelevant outsider. Since she is an outsider, then what does it mean to die or live?

Therefore, as long as you do not violate the agreement, you will not feel guilty or nervous.

“What are you doing?”

Luo’s voice seemed to come from a distant place. The previous trace of indifference had disappeared, except that he could not hear what it meant.

“I didn’t.” Machi calmed Kaidou.

Luo was silent for a moment and said, “That’s good, but I’m not happy.”

“So you called me just to confess your sins?” Machi bit her lip, a look of anger appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she accentuated the “just” syllable.

Luo heard that Machi was angry, but he was also very upset at this time, and differentially said: “Yes.”

It’s like a little couple who are both angry with each other. They don’t know what concession is. Even if you know that you only need to take a step back, everything will be solved, but you won’t do it.

People are like this, this is a normal manifestation of emotion.

The calm response made Machi even more angry.

unfathomable mystery has disappeared that many years, no matter how hard you search, there are no clues or traces, as if in this world evaporates.

Although I firmly believe that nothing will happen in my heart, I occasionally worry from the bottom of my heart.

When I received the message some time ago, she called to be wild with joy in the past, but afterwards, she sent a message frantically, but none threw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Tonight, Luo was finally reluctant to make a phone call, even if it was a “OK?” Greeting.

Machi’s chest was slightly undulating, and he said coldly, “Shall I apologize to you?”

“It’s not necessary, it’s just that I’m really upset.” Luo sighed. “That feeling, maybe you will never appreciate it.”

“What do you mean? Want to say we are not all the way?” Machi’s tone calmed down in this brief moment.

“What do you think is your freedom, I …” Luo said calmly, before the words were heard, a harsh sound came from the other end of the phone, and then the call was disconnected, and a blind tone came.

Luo took down the phone and calmly called Machi’s number again, but only the mechanical girl said that the other phone was off.

Apparently, Machi failed to control his emotions and broke the phone.

With Machi’s temperament, there will be such a performance, I really feel angry.

Luo took a deep breath, reflecting on his attitude just now, and soon realized his mistake.

Unintentionally, he was angry with Machi body, but did not consider Machi’s mood. If his words and tone were more relaxed, this would not be the case.

“It’s … annoying.”

Luo looked up at the night sky, a smoldering gas was in his chest, and there was a lingering impatience.

I stood there for a while, and gave up calling Uvogin and Nobunaga.

The other end of the communication was far away on another continent.

In the dimly lit night alley, Machi looked down at the wreckage of the phone dropped at Crush, and made the same move as Luo, took a deep breath, and barely calmed down.

Immediately, she regretted it.

Even if you want to drop your phone, you have to wait for Luo to finish talking, and explain to Luo that she has worked hard to stop it. After failing to toss a coin, she even had a fight with Phinks.

Why is lost self-control?

Machi’s eyes were glittering, and he quickly found out why.

It was Luo’s words that didn’t mean the same as those of fellow travellers, which ignited his emotions completely.

She resents this because she saw early on how Luo was different from herself.

She didn’t like it, she didn’t like it, it was like putting two dolls in different places.

Machi was silent for a long time, then bent over and picked up the ip card from the wreckage of the phone.

Behind my head, a sudden sound of the wind came, accompanied by a red fruit and greed.

It was the sound of the wind generated between the swings of a thick-armed stick. It was very vigorous and obviously did nothing. Considering the obvious **, it was inferred that the attacker would have to When doing some actions, you don’t care if the goal is to die or to live, to be hot or cold.

Machi moved at his feet, easily avoiding the blow from the head of this moved towards, and under the gaze of the attacker, he waved his arms indifferently and took off the attacker’s head.

Along with the sound of the neck bone being violently torn, the attacker’s neck cracked a spurt of blood.

Ignoring the body sprayed with blood flowers, Machi took a few steps forward, throwing the trash can with his head moved towards Kakuzu, like throwing trash.

In the dark, a pair of wolf-like eyes suddenly ceased to suffocate, retreating in a burst of fear.

The attacker was a man in a rags, for money, and for the sake of it. From the moment he shot, he never thought of leaving Machi.

“Look, this is simply not surprising.”

Machi murmured to himself, heading deep into the lane.

That sentence, maybe to myself, maybe to Luo.

Hunters Association, roof of the building.

Luo didn’t go downstairs. It wasn’t because of the night wind and the night scene, but Netero was dressed in a strong suit and came up the corridor with a volleyball in his hand.

“Have you had dinner?”

Netero looks at Luo, asked with a smile.

Luo nodded.

“Are you full?” Netero asked again.

Luo thought about it, nodded again.

Seeing this, Netero threw the volleyball in his hand, said with a smile: “That’s right, exercise after meals will help digestion.”

Luo 2 said without taking off his robes and got into the black cat space. Looks at Netero and said, “Can you breathe?”

“Of course.” Netero narrowed his eyes.

“You hit it on purpose, if you accidentally broke the old bone, don’t rely on me.” Luo right hand drooped slowly.

Netero laughed 2 times, pinched the volleyball, and escaped from the body without the body, seriously: “It’s windy here, beware your tongue flashing.”

Luo didn’t answer this time, opened the fine pores, and allowed Nian Li to pour out, turning into a vigorous aura, and rushing out of the body like smoke, attracting attention.

It’s an aura that no Mind Power person can ignore.

“It’s good to be young.”

Netero couldn’t help but sigh with a demonstrative look at Luo.

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