Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 596

Luo’s face was constantly deformed under Salin’s Majesty, but she did not dare to resist, and she was left to destroy.

Sabo came over, kicked Luo, and cursed, “Your kid, OK, wants to walk to walk, the company doesn’t care, right?”

“Isn’t this with you.” Luo smiled awkwardly.

“Like a word?” Sa Ling put down her hand, and suddenly found that Luo seemed to have grown a lot, now she just raised her head not just.

“I’m wrong.”

Luo honestly acknowledged his mistake, and immediately looked towards all around, that many years passed, it seemed that nothing had changed.

Seeing Luo so admitting that he was wrong, Sa Ling froze, suddenly pressed Luo into her arms, and whispered, “Just come back.”

Sabo shook the head aside, only felt that this guy thief Luo was unreliable, and then sent a message, and then there was no news. That many years passed, as if evaporating from this world, it is extremely worrying, good It’s okay.

Suddenly, Sa Ling touched Luo’s empty left sleeve, her expression suddenly changed, her eyes had a murderous intention, and she asked, “Who did it.”

At this time, Sabo also noticed that Luo’s left arm was gone, and his expression was suddenly indifferent, silently calculating how much the company’s existing liquidity could be used to invite the killer.


Looks at the reaction of 2 siblings, Luo had to explain it again.

After that, Luo gently broke away from Saling’s arms, and briefly explained the reason, which cancelled the murderous intention of 2 siblings.

Learning that Luo was going to the dark continent, Sa Ling took a deep breath and reprimanded: “You are too messy.”

“Isn’t this coming back, okay, let’s not say this, I brought you a lot of good things.”

Luo smiled and vacated a desk, then took out the gains brought back from the dark continent.

There are well-preserved fruits, there are prepared jerkys, there are gems of good quality, and there are wonderful items …

After a while, a desk was piled up.

Saling 2 siblings dull looks at table full of things.

Two of them, UC Book Alliance members, and one active on the Internet, all know information about some dark continents, where there are taboos that humans ca n’t get involved in, but Luo not only went, but also brought back many of those from the dark continents. s things.

“This is going to be operated on the website, how much is it worth!” Sabo said.

Luo took out a gem, said with a smile: “Only things like gems can be sold, and the company is still short of money? That many years, I haven’t seen you recruiting a few employees.”

The company is immutable, with cluttered books and a slightly empty office area.

These things brought back from the dark continent are extremely precious, and most of them will be kept for their own use. If you lack money, you will sell the cheapest gems for a few 100 100000000 million.

“Someone is busy.”

Sabo scratched his head. After working with Cloba a long time ago, the Luo Ling Museum stepped into the formal. At that time, he was too immature. When he got used to it, he felt that there was no need to recruit staff to make a mess.

Alone, I feel so sad.

Luo hurried to the topic of teleportation and asked, “What about Buha?”

“I received your message a few days ago and said it was coming, but I don’t know when it will arrive.” Sabo said, then stared at a Purple banana fruit.

Luo heard the word and took out the phone. After turning on the phone, the message prompts kept ringing. In the picture of Kakuzu’s envelope at the bottom left of the screen, the red number was beating wildly, and even the operation of the phone showed signs of paralysis.

“Sabo, you call Budha and ask where he is.”

Luo turned off the phone silently, and carried it in his pocket.

Sabo was picking up the banana, and when he heard Luo’s words, he put down and went to call Bhajan, and Saling stood up and observed, like an archeological Scholar.

Seeing that Sa Ling was addicted to it, Luo couldn’t bother to bother. He went to the office and turned on the computer. He had to sign up for the hunter test first.

Open the Hunters Association’s official website, close the page after signing up, and log in to the Hunter X Hunter forum.

“It’s been a long time.”

Luo slightly smiled, and found that the number of personal messages in the personal account also reached a very exaggerated level. Without hesitation, he chose to clear it, and then jumped to the forum for help.

Later, Luo swept a few questions at will, and perfectly answered the questions of the person who asked the question.

His appearance suddenly attracted many people to watch.

Luo, which had disappeared for many years, appeared again, and a little commotion stood up.

Luo ignored it, swiped a few more questions, and began to feel bored, so he focused on the highest bounty questions.

Open the interface and look at it, and it is slightly startled.

Is Kurta Clan’s bounty question revoked?

Luo thought about it, pulled down the interface, and browsed the order of reward from high price to low price.

Soon, a slightly dazzling red title came into view.

[Purchasing a pair of hot red eyes at a high price, interested parties can take the reward. 】

Looks at this purchase post, Luo’s eyes narrowed slightly, flashed a little coldness, directly closed the help area, and began to search for news about Kurta Clan.

After a while, a stark news report came into view.

[A total of 128 people were killed in the village. 】

[From the scene of the victim, various family members were placed in a face-to-face posture, within the body was pierced by a sharp weapon, and their heads were cut off while the victim was still alive. 】

[All the purebred Kurta Clan people’s eyeballs have been dug out. Although the eyeballs of foreign villagers who have been married to the village have been left, the number of wounds on the body is significantly more than that of Kurta Clan people. 】

[From this point, it is inferred that the killers first attacked the villagers, in order to anger the Kurta Clan people, and when they became red-eyed due to pain and anger, they killed and beheaded one by one. 】

[It is said that the fiery red eye color caused by the rage is the brightest bright red. I heard that it can be sold at a high price in the underground black market. 】

[Small child body also has a lot of scars. The scene is terrible. Based on this judgment, it is the murderer who in order to anger the parents of the children, thereby making their red eyes more vivid. 】

[Among the many corpses, the heads of several small children were missing, and a message thought to be the murderer was found near the corpse. 】

[I ca n’t wait for everything, so do n’t take a penny away from me. 】

After reading the 100-word report, Luo expression gradually cooled down, and continued to search for information, and finally found its relevance-Phantom Troupe.

A promised constraint, not at all allowed Kurta Clan, the solitary retreat, to escape the disaster.

Phantom Troupe, breaking the agreement with him.

Later, he thought about his intervention. If Kurta Clan’s genocide facts had not changed, would Kurapika also die from the destruction of Phantom Troupe because of some changes in time.

Thinking of this, Luo’s face became a little ugly, and he felt unhappy at the same time.

He thought that the brigade had Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga in it, and he should have defended the agreement between him and the brigade. As a result, he was not only defended, but also participated in it. According to news reports, the torture method was mostly from Feitan Hands.

At this moment, Sabo came over, trying to speak, and saw Luo’s face was heavy and gloomy, and suddenly he was dumb.

After a while, Sabo asked, “What happened?”

Hearing Sabo’s voice, Luo came back to his senses, calmed his emotions, closed the webpage at the same time, and shook his head: “Nothing.”

Sabo, however, saw the content of the webpage, thought about it, gave up asking, and told the news that Bu Ha Yi will come tonight.

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