Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 595

Netero held the hot tea and was at ease.

Domeni stood aside and smiled bitterly.

Luo did not expect that Netero would refuse to give him a hunter license. In addition, he scratched his cheek and then drank hot tea.


After drinking a cup of hot tea, respond to Netero’s “don’t give” with the word “stingy”.

Netero’s right eyelid was raised and calm.

After a while, Luo continued: “Really?”

“Hunter test has always been fair and rigorous. As the head of the hunter test committee, how can you perform such acts that affect justice?” Netero put down his tea cup, expressing a solitary expression, acting as a master of Qingtian Lord.

Luo heard the words and showed a pair of dead fish eyes, trying hard.

Doumian people on the side lowered their heads subconsciously, thinking that you had been eager to open the back door for Luo.

“I said, Old Man, wouldn’t you just want me to use the” request “for a hunter license?” Luo leaned his elbows on the table, palms on his cheeks.

Kerozu said with a grin at Netero, in return: “smelly brat, if you want to change, it’s not bad.”

“It’s you who want to change, it’s just a hunter’s license, it’s not a bargain.” Luo slowly got up, looks at Netero, said with a smile: “That ‘request’ I didn’t expect what to do It might be fun to use. “

Netero, however, put on your expression, beckoned to Doumen, and asked him to bring the teapot and pour the tea.

Luo saw that Netero was serious, took a delicately packed gift box from the black cat space, put it on the low table, and said, “If you don’t give it, I’ll leave.”

Netero glanced at the gift box, hoho laughed a few times, still nothing.

Luo shook his head slightly, patted the gift box gently, and said, “This is a specialty.”

After speaking, I put on my shoes without looking back and left the quiet room, and moved towards Luo Ling Museum Company.

Doumen watched Luo leave the room, then filled Netero with hot tea, and asked, “President, haven’t you always wanted Luo to join the association? Now he’s asking for a license, why not give him?”

Netero lifted his hand and sucked the gift box, saying, “Just because he wants it now, I won’t give it.”

If the hunter license was sent out casually at this time, would he still be Netero?

“Uh …” Domenian opened his mouth and swallowed the words he almost said.

Is it … from the President?

Netero opened the gift box and found a neat strip of fleshy meat inside, remembering what the baboon had said before.

“A special product …”

Netero’s eyes narrowed, he naturally knew where this was brought back from, and silently picked up a piece of meat and chewed it in his mouth.


The narrowed eyes slowly opened, feeling the serial explosion from the tip of the tongue, and it is no wonder that Da Baboon would be so respected.

He swallowed the flesh, took out one for Doumen, and then looked at the door silent.

There are a lot of questions to ask, and to see where Luo is growing now, but he is not in a hurry.

Luo would come over to ask for a hunter’s license, and also specifically asked about the current situation of the 2 Earthly Branches. This should be considered … a good thing?

The corridor is concise and luxurious, wide and straight, and almost no garbage can be seen on the ground.

Luo walked towards the elevator, and said to himself, “Seeing what I want, I don’t give birth. I also conclude that I am impossible to waste the request. Is there really no fear, can I only take the hunter test?”

“And according to this situation, even if the 2 1 Earth Branch is also vacant, the Old Man will probably not let me sit up easily, it is really troublesome.”

Now that the demand for white pages is not high, there is no need to add pages intentionally. I thought that I could directly ask for a license from Netero, but I planned to keep up with the changes.

Luo walks into the elevator and presses the floor where the Luo Ling Museum is located.

After a while, with the sound of ding dong, the elevator door opened.

Luo’s eyes moved to the right and asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“Ah, what a coincidence.”

Paris Stone leaned out of his right side with a sunny smile on his face.

He tried to hide his breath and even his breath, but the split second was discovered.

Luo said nothing and stepped out of the elevator door.

There was something strange in the depths of Pariston’s eyes, and he followed Luo naturally.

After the two took a few steps, Luo suddenly stopped and stepped aside, then took a step towards Pariston.

In just one step, the sound of the soles of the feet lifting and reaching the ground is very light, but it produces an extremely heavy feeling of falling.

However, Parleystone was ten steps away from the back, and a faint flash appeared on his face, making the habitual smile slightly stiff.

Just as Luo suddenly took that step, Paris Stone felt a threat close at hand, as if his life was suddenly hung on the fire to bake.

At that time, when he didn’t expect how to respond, the body responded automatically.

“Zero 5 seconds, or 3 seconds, as long as a little bit more time, I should not be lost self-control.”

Paris Stone thought deeply in his heart, quickly lowered his head, and lifted the head looked towards Luo in an instant. The stiffness in his smile disappeared, and he returned to the original state. There was even a sense of sight that had not happened before. .

Luo calmly looks at Paris Stone, stretches out his index finger, bends down, points to his right foot, and says, “There is an insect.”

Even a pun is a trivial matter. After all, being viewed by others is often a good thing.

Paris Stone’s eyes were as deep as the night, and he shook his head slightly, regretfully: “So it seems that the Association’s killing work is not enough …”

Luo interrupted Paris Stone, saying, “This floor is the office building of the Luo Ling Museum.”

After speaking, Luo moved his right foot and left without looking back.

Above the ground, a small black insect ran like a headless fly, rushing to the direction of Paris Stone.

The seemingly heavy kick landed, demonstrating Rin’s fierce momentum, but did not hurt the insect.

Paliston’s eyes slowly moved away from Luo’s back, and fell on the black insect body running towards himself.

His expression was as calm as water, his eyes darkened and out of focus, like an abyss that could never be seen.

“I just want to have a pleasant chat. It’s really indifferent. Is this a warning or a demonstration?” The motives of the chat were stifled by Luo directly. Paris Stone shrugged and turned into the elevator.

The black small insect actually followed the elevator.

Paris Stone ignored the existence of the insect. After a while, the elevator fell to the floor where the association office was located. He lifted his foot out of the elevator door, unconsciously or unintentionally, and stepped on the insect in the walking room.

Perhaps it was back to the association.

On the other side, Luo walked into the messy office area of ​​the Luo Ling Museum.

Sabo saw Luo and hesitated.

Sa Ling dropped the book in her hand, and came forward to Luo in front of him. She reached out double-handed and pressed it directly on Luo’s cheek, angrily, “Don’t you take my call!”

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