Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 574

Thousands of bones hanging on the shelf are fascinating to Rin, but I do not know if it is from the hobby of the Demon Beast tribe, or to warn other creatures in the tree sea.

Luo cautiously’s faint breath, if it is Demon Beast of ten sub-racial races, it is not difficult for him to make a roundabout battle, but if there are more than 100, you must weigh it, and that many burrows, I do n’t know There are also no other sub-racial Demon Beasts in it.

He looked silently at the 100 sub-racial Demon Beast busy among the skeletons, thinking that after leaving here, he should try to avoid this area, but he himself could not guarantee that he could avoid it perfectly.

“If it is a human settlement …”

Luo sighed in his heart, even the subhuman Demon Beast with strong individual strength had to live in the cave, even more how human.

He thought about the dark shadows encountered in the sea of ​​trees, and the choppy where it was unclear from, all the threats that could inadvertently kill him, especially the choppy. Less than the goal, it is exaggerated that formidable power almost broke the field.

In that case, changing to the best masters of Netero or Enhancer may not be able to resist it, because the field itself is Luo, which combines the combined capabilities of Specialist, Enhancer, Manipulator, Transmuter, and Emitter, and all have 100% power output.

** Only, it is estimated that it is difficult to resist, and it is no wonder that a subracial Demon Beast was cut into three pieces.

Luo shook his head slightly, drove out the thoughts in his head, and stared silently at the Demon Beast home.

Unnecessarily, he didn’t want to mess with the Demon Beast’s residence, so he was going to sneak away.

He had just turned around and was about to exert his right foot, a violent impact suddenly struck above the realm of behind.

Luo completely unprepared, groaned, crashed into a giant tree in front of it like a cannonball, and with the loud noise, the giant tree ka-cha collapsed, shaking a lot of dust.

Above the trunk of the giant tree, a sub-human Demon Beast standing about 1.5 m tall slowly emerges from the air.

The appearance of Demon Beast is similar to that of Koala. It is covered with gray hair, has 5 stroke ears on the head, and has a large and black nose. At this moment, the palm of the meat is facing the direction in which Luo flew out. Out action.

Luo’s body was planted into the many tree roots as thick as a telephone pole. Between the dirty and tossing, a small mouthful of blood was spit out from the mouth.

He looked up suddenly, his heart as a sinking stone, his eyes as electric light, Koala Demon Beast pierced on the trunk.

Obviously very alert, when …

The moment he hit the palm, Luo knew that the Koala Demon Beast was standing beside him. If he hadn’t withdrawn the realm, the strength of that palm would be enough to instantly kill him.

Despite the field defense, I did not mobilize my mind to focus on one point, but I still got a little injury in one stroke. Fortunately, it is not a penetrating attack, or it is a trick that is fatal.

It wasn’t until the ground touched that the feeling of lingering feelings surfaced from my heart.

How many 10000 is not enough to describe the crisis just now.

Luo’s thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, quickly got up, and rushed in one direction.

I do n’t have time to think about the ability of sneak attacking his subhuman Demon Beast to hide his breath and movement. He just thinks that he was found, and here is not far from the home of the subhuman Demon Beast. If he does n’t retreat, Once surrounded, it is dangerous.

Luo split second ran out of several hundred meters distance, suddenly forcibly stopped the pace, white jade illusory shadow appeared from behind.

A dark shadow dripping from the sky that had accumulated a strong Strength hit the ground one meter in front of Luo.


The ground shattered, the shock wave carried soot, and moved towards Luo’s body.

Luo was in the breeze, Motionless As Mountains, his eyes glittered sharply.

The area that stretched out one meter in front of it suddenly retracted within the body, and then, behind the white jade illusory shadow of the wave of his arm, cut off the smoke and dust.

The smoke was divided into 2 and moved towards the left and right sides, and the shadow from the sky disappeared.

In the next second, Luo suddenly bowed his head looking towards the ground, his face was slightly cold, his whole body flowed onto his right foot, turned into soft power, concentrated in a bunch, and poured into the ground across the slightly hard ground.

Dead silence.

Luo then looked up, looking ahead, the round thought circle came out through the body, quickly passing all around, and retracting within the body like lightning.

The investigation of split second made Luo immediately grasp the location information of the surrounding sub-racial Demon Beast, and it was indeed surrounded.

“This way …”

Luo suddenly moved towards one direction, which was the weakest part of the enveloping net, and it was also the direction when he came. Perhaps he will encounter the shadow again, but this is a good thing.

He had just left his forefoot, and the ground on which he had stood before was suddenly blood dyed red.

The Asian race Demon Beast who had previously attacked him, but after that shot down, he got into the ground and turned into a “u” shape. He wanted to attack Luo’s feet, and was discovered by Luo, condensing his thoughts. With Lin Nie Sect’s softening technique, he formed the effect of Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain, and struck him to the ground.

The best time to fight between Mind Power players is the moment when the opponent attacks, and only then is the time when the opponent ’s mental defense is the weakest.

Luo’s body, like electricity, shuttles through the forest.

There are 2 left and right sides and even behind, each with strong mental fluctuations, with more than 20 Gundams.

Among them, a silhouette of the Speed ​​is very fast, around the front of Luo, the long legs full of explosive force in the posture of sweeping the legs, pressing down hard.

That action was like when the car was driving at a high speed, a sudden sudden flick caused the body to slide out of a beautiful arc.

Long legs slid across the ground, sweeping a strong wind, moving towards Luo whistling with soot.

Luo clearly saw the face of that silhouette in front of him and was the first leopard man he first encountered.

The dust trapped a lot of assaults the senses, Luo Rin was not afraid, and his body crashed into the dust.


A spark flashed in the dust, and the air waves generated by the violent collision shook the dust to a distance.

The leopard man’s claws crossed, holding Allah who was beheaded by Luo. The spark just now occurred between the collisions.

The two sides were stagnated for more than a second. The leopard’s arms and even his body, in a burst of thought flow, quickly appeared numerous black sharp claws like hooks and machetes, as if there was life, stabbing at Luo’s body.

However, the dozens of sharp claws stopped ten centimeters in front of Luo and could not enter. The sharp claw’s tip was rubbing against the air, and sparks kept flashing.

The Leopard’s eyes with deep dreads pointed directly at Luo’s eyes, said solemnly: “What the hell are you?”

He had never encountered an existence like Luo in the sea of ​​trees. His body was obviously fragile, but he could use extremely powerful life strength.

From the moment he blocked Luo, the Leopard never thought that he might be killed, because when Luo found out that they lived, he just wanted to cooperate with his companion and be able to strike Luo to the ground.

Luo couldn’t understand what the Leopard said, and wasn’t interested in reading it. When the Leopard stalemate with him, he sentenced the Leopard to death in his heart.

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