Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 573

That grass, more than half a meter high, was cut near the tip of the grass, and it was not a single plant but a large patch.

Luo didn’t see any signs of mentality, nor did they see anything substantial, but the grass was indeed chopped off, plus the demon Beast corpse that was cut into 3 pieces, realizing it was similar Slash attack.

Seeing and not being able to hide, although Luo had the idea that he might not be able to defend himself based only on his mind, he had only one choice, which was to open the field.

The thought circle is compressed within a meter range and is covered around the body.

Luo opened the field, but did not stop the rush and moved on.

He couldn’t stop because behind there is still one disaster was chasing.

Nothing happened, but Luo felt that the field was pulled into the field by more than half a meter.

That wasn’t actually a thin line, it was more like a fine slash without a physical entity, which cut directly into the realm, almost injuring Luo’s body.

Seeing that the field blocked the attack, Luo was sighed in relief in his heart. He glanced back at the dark shadow quickly. The distance has been drawn very close. Several Teleports in succession, pulled out a gap of 100 meters, and at the same time, he might be coming from another direction. Slash.

He was almost injured, but he didn’t know where the attacker was.

“Can we cross the sea of ​​trees with our strength?” Luo couldn’t help asking himself in his heart.

So far, I have encountered many dangers when I came to the dark continent, but I can save myself every time. That’s thanks to the power of Mind Power. When the shadow shows a magical attack that ignores the defense of the mind, the way forward is extremely incomparable. harsh.

Self-doubt thoughts flashed and then flashed away.

Luo glanced across Kakuzu in front of him, searching for the traces of the other 5 sub-racial Demon Beasts. He needed to draw the most threatening shadows as far as possible, reducing the chance of encountering them in the future.

This may be a long-distance attack, but also a mental marathon.

Due to the sudden slash, Luo didn’t dare to put away the field, and the consequence of this was that he couldn’t get the Speed ​​to the extreme.

He used it several times [instantly] one after another, pulling the distance apart again, and playing the black shadow like a kite.

Black Shadow may not have the emotions and sorrows that an intelligent creature should have. It has been slow to catch up with its prey, and has not seen it show some different reactions, but is persistently pursuing it.

After a long haul, Luo finally realized the aura from Demon Beast of the Naa race.

“Fortunately, I found it.”

Although the direction is right, but here is a forest after all, the chance of keeping up is very low, fortunately I found it.

Luo glanced at the shadow of behind, and thought of the invisible slash that suddenly attacked him a few minutes ago. At that time, he didn’t find where the attacker was, and he didn’t know if he was as persistent as the shadow.

“They didn’t disperse and fled. Actually, the good news.”

Luo looked back, and the Asian Demon Beast team, whose eyes fell on the front, gently put out a breath, and then consumed a part of the mind in vain, and used [Instant] several times in succession.

The body flickered for a few moments, and at once the distance was widened, and at the same time, it was near the Demon Beast behind.

The five sub-racial Demon Beast noticed Luo immediately, and of course saw the dark shadows in the distance, their faces were all changed.

“courting death !”

One Demon Beast’s eyes flashed with anger, and he planned to stop Luo’s attack and let Luo be swallowed by the shadow.

His thoughts came into being, but Luo in his vision disappeared, and the next moment was already in front of the team.

Demon Beast, 5 sub-racial, saw astonished expression on his face.

Luo stepped on the ground, a leap, turned back in mid-air, facing the 5 sub-racial Demon Beasts that rushed in.

His body was like the wind, gliding fast in the air, and his long sword was in front of him.

The eyes of both sides hit a fierce spark in the air. One side was indifferent and the other was frightened.

Luo took a breath and slashed with his sword. Numerous sword qi covered the entire airspace, and moved towards the Asian Demon Beast.

Different from the compressed mind, which has a powerful lethality of sword qi, it sacrifices formidable power and penetrability, and instead increases the number of sword qi.

The contrast between the two is that the former will be a missile, while the latter will be a machine gun.

sword qi into the web, avoid inevitable.

Luo put away her slightly trembling arm, and regardless of the result, turned around and accelerated Speed ​​to leave.

Behind, the 5 Asian race Demon Beast roared, and forcibly crashed into Sword Net with a steel-like body, accompanied by a burst of air waves, and their travel was interrupted relentlessly.

It was just a short stagnation, allowing the shadow to catch up.


Black Shadow swallowed a sub-racial Demon Beast while still ignoring the defense of mental power. It can be said that in a blink of an eye, a sub-racial Demon Beast was completely gone.

The nerves of the other 4 sub-racial Demon Beasts are tense, it seems that because of the close relationship between the shadows, they seem to have opened up and fled in vain.

Luo was far away from the danger zone and saw this scene. Now, when Allah is shifted to his left hand, he holds his breath in four directions and cuts out a sword qi.

The four sword qi landed in front of the course of the Demon Beast of the Asian race, and the blasting wave blasted directly into the body of the Demon Beast of the Asian race.

This wave of precise harassment allowed Black Shadow to easily devour the next sub-racial Demon Beast, and then chased to the next sub-racial Demon Beast.

Luo’s two consecutive waves of blocking directly pushed the sub-racial Demon Beast into hell, which was ruthless.

He glanced coldly at the remaining sub-Demon Beast and left without looking back.

Within a short while, behind came a desperate roar and then stood still.

Luo took the burning fairy grass from the personal pocket, tore off a small piece, crushed it into the right hand arm, and healed the strain caused by the use of the word net just now.

“It should be all right here.”

Luo ran a distance and stopped, looking back at the silent forest.


There are several waves of mental strength coming forward, strong and solid, and rich in life strength.

“Another Demon Beast?”

Luo contemplates, thinks for a moment, and looks at the scattered giant trees again. He kicks at his feet, jumps in the air, and moves away from the branches of the giant tree.

Go to the 100-meter-high branch, and move towards another giant tree in empty steps, and move closer to the direction of the wave of mental force.

After traveling for less than a kilometer, Luo stopped on a giant tree, looking at the space in front of him, his eyelids slowly raised.

The gap between the trees is large, so a large area of ​​open space is vacated, but there are not various plants on the open space, but a large number of wooden stakes.

Three or four wooden stakes were randomly formed into a shelf, and on each shelf was a living skeleton.

At a glance, there are at least 1000 biological skeletons, large and small, most of which are relatively large creatures.

In the space vacated between the skeletons, Luo saw that there were more than 100 sub-ethnic Demon Beasts of different appearances, and he was dealing with hunting prey. He also saw a lot of grills and hanging Pot on the fire.

Luo froze, and then discovered that under the giant trees near the white skeletons, there was a small hole, which opened on the many roots exposed on the ground.

“Is this the home of the Demon Beast of the Asian race? So will the 5 Asian Demon Beasts move towards this direction?”

Luo thought silently.

Unfortunately, this is not a place for human beings, and human beings have no ability to open a place in the sea of ​​trees.

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