Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 575

The sharp claw embodied by the Leopards could not penetrate Luo’s defense at all, but he still successfully stopped Luo. After that, as long as he was in position with his companions, he would kill Luo with a sea of ​​tactics.

The Strength of the two sides collided in a stationary state, and sparks burst in the air.

Leopard invested most of his mental energy in the attack without considering the consequences at all. It should be said that he only wanted to block Luo at that time, not too much.

Life is often withering in one thought.

Luo’s long knife broke the deadlock, cut the leopard’s claws directly, and then chopped it over the leopard’s neck.

The leopard’s head flew to the sky, and his face was surprised, and he did n’t feel at all that he was injured, and he still had control of his body.


The leopard man suddenly spurt a mouthful of blood, but his body suffered a heavy blow.

He looked at Kakuzu by rotating his skull disk, and saw that his body was repelled more than ten meters, and he was able to control the body freely.

What was going on was not clear to him, but at least he wouldn’t die there, too.

As he thought so, suddenly a palm moved towards his eyes.

The warm touch sticks to the cheek, and under such a seamless contact, it exudes a needle-like chill.

The leopard man realized that his head was being held by Luo single-handed, and his eyes were dark, his heart beating wildly.

Luo single-handed Hold the leopard’s head, fall from the sky, stand in place, look up at more than 20 sub-ethnic Demon Beasts that form a surrounding trend, even without expanding the circle, the Sensor can go further , More ideas are coming here.

There was no pinching of the Leopard’s head, because the effect of the hand of God had already occurred.

chi chi 嗤 …!

The mind wrapped around the leopard’s head was cut off by Luo, and disappeared into a snow flake.

Around, more than 20 sub-racial Demon Beasts stared at Luo with a human nature look, which was an unabashed fear.

Even if they were surrounded, instead of attacking Luo, they waited patiently for more and more companions to come.

This approach is contrary to their usual style, but they all saw the red soil, and they saw the leopard being easily broken, and then beheaded and killed without any death.

Luo’s left hand slowly pressed, squeezing Leopard’s nerves, forcing Leopard’s fears to deepen.

“You must break through.”

Impossible to fight to death with that many sub-racial Demon Beast, that would not do any good.

Luo kicked at his feet, the knife pointing forward.

Soon, the three sub-ethnic Demon Beasts of the Breakout Road came together.

The white jade illusory shadow appears, and the giant blade Rin Rin’s chopped down.

The three sub-ethnic Demon Beast complexion changed, but I felt that the giant blade was full of threats, and I didn’t dare to stand in the way.

giant blade chopped the ground, a split ditch immediately stretched for 100 meters.

Luo pedaled the air and walked above the rift ditch, passing through the formation of the three sub-racial Demon Beast.

The three sub-racial Demon Beasts were not slow to respond, and they adjusted their postures in less than a second, rushing to Luo’s behind with the fastest and fierce explosiveness.

Luo suddenly threw the leopard’s head without warning, and one of the sub-racial Demon Beast subconsciously raised his hand to fight back.


The leopard’s head was cracked like a watermelon.

The Namon Demon Beast froze for a moment, and then two hidden stone weapons were drilled into his eye sockets and came out through the back of his head, pulling out two bright blood lines.

Soon, two companions died.

The Nianqi Demon Beast body closest to Luo was dyed with a strip of red silk, and Speed ​​instantly improved by one level to catch up with Luo.

Bang bang!

Unfortunately, their fighting skills were not as good as those of Luo’s Taijutsu. They were all repelled, but they also successfully held Luo for about 2 seconds.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The two of them flew out, more silhouettes passed over them, and moved towards Luo rushed over.

Luo expressionless glanced at the many sub-racial Demon Beasts chased from behind.

Although every sub-racial Demon Beast is strong, he doesn’t feel the pressure for the time being.

As long as it is not surrounded by layers, you can use [Instant] continuously to open the distance and get rid of the pursuit. The only thing you need to pay attention to is [Instant] mental power.

While entangled with the pursuit of the sub race Demon Beast, he silently calculated the distance between the black cat and himself, and how many times he could use it later.

A few minutes later, Luo began to use [Instant], which would consume a lot of thoughts for a short time, and suddenly opened up the distance from the sub-Demon Beast.

However, Luo only ran out two hundred meters away, and found that the Bebe ’s sub-racial Demon Beast’s aura was stained with red, and if they looked closely, their eyes were shrouded in pale red.

Speed ​​is faster.

Luo looked calm. In this way, on the basis of the original budget, he would invest more thoughts.

After discovering the Demon Beast settlement of the Asian race and knowing that there are at least 2 100 Demon Beasts, Luo thinks that it is best not to encounter the Asian Demon Beast on the way through the sea of ​​trees.

With his strength, although he is not afraid of the Demon Beast of the Asian race, the team also includes Tonpa and Bruna, and even Bisji.

In fact, Luo was more worried about threats like Shadow and Slash.

I don’t know what happened, Luo only thought of the shadow, but Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

100 meters away in front, the black shadow stopped at that place with a sticky mud posture. It seemed that the fluctuation of mental force was discovered, and the irregularly twisted mud-like shape suddenly collapsed into hard cement.

After a pause, the crazy moved towards Luo rushed in the direction.

Luo’s eyes were calm and he made a bold decision. He suddenly stopped, closed the fine pores, and used [Absolute]. The mental power on the body surface was invisible.

He stood there, calmly looking at the shadows rushing over.

His behind is more than 20 sub-racial Demon Beasts shrouded in ample fields, further behind, and an unknown number of sub-racial Demon Beasts.

The dark shadows were menacing, and the Speed ​​was extremely fast. In a blink of an eye, they came to Luo’s front.

However, the shadow ignored Luo, and passed by Luo, rushing towards the Demon Beasts of the Asian race.

Luo deep take a deep breath, and then look back towards the dark shadow far away.

Sure enough, when shadow hunting, he will choose the target with higher mental strength or life strength, or even go far.

“I would be grateful if it were destroyed by the shadow in this way.”

Luo whispered to himself, then left without looking back.

He hoped that the Black Shadow could destroy all the sub-Demon Beast, because he was convinced that if he met the Sub-Demon Beast in the sea of ​​trees, he would definitely be the target of hunting.

Perhaps, the innate advantage of the Demon Beast of the Asian race is indeed stronger than that of humans. Not just one or two grades, but humans also have a stronger advantage of the Demon Beast of the Rubia race, which is the complete knowledge of Mind Power.

Because Luo would use [Absolute], the black shadow bypassed him and predated Demon Beast.

However, Luo still hasn’t figured out what the shadow is. So many contacts have made him feel that the shadow is really horrible and how far away it can be.

After a few hours, Luo returned to the edge of the sea of ​​trees, meeting them with Bisji.

In this storm, not only Luo, but even Siji, they have a clearer understanding of the potential threat in the sea of ​​trees.

Moving on, what else will you encounter?

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