Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 572

Potential Demon Beast didn’t understand what was going on until he died. The black cloth wiped off his half of the body, and then stopped suddenly in the air. A black line extended from it and landed vertically.

After it stopped abruptly, it suddenly turned over and covered the other half of Demon Beast’s body.

Like magic, Demon Beast, covered by a black cloth, suddenly disappeared, and the black cloth directly turned into a dark shadow on the ground.

Luo is the closest person to Heiying. Seeing this unreasonable scene, his pupils shrink sharply, and he also recognizes that Heiying is the culprit that swallowed a lot of cockroaches that day.

“Ignore the defense of intellect directly.”

Luo felt Rin in his heart for a while, then saw the dark shadow move on the ground, and moved towards him.

With the lesson from Demon Beast, Luo was afraid to be touched by the shadow and jumped into the air.

The dark shadow came to Luo, and the shape changed in nature. From the shadow to the thick mud, it bounced off. Speed ​​was like a flashing shadow. It came to Luo’s eyes in a blink of an eye.

“Fast.” Luo complexion slightly changed, a gold hook upside down, stepping on the air, his body fell straight to the ground, avoiding the shadow attack.

The thick mud-like shadow blew into the air, and burst into flames like fireworks, and turned into long strips of black. From top to bottom, they followed Luo closely.

It took only about 2 seconds from Demon Beast to be eaten by Shadow, and to Shadowport attacking Luo.

Luo did not want to be too entangled with this weird shadow. After landing, he moved straight towards the 6 sub-racial Demon Beast and shouted, “Bisji, ready to withdraw.”

Bisji also saw dark shadows, her face full of grave expression.

The menacing Asian Demon Beasts, at this moment, are also killing, like a terrified child, and turn to flee.

That crisp look seemed to understand the power of dark shadows.

Luo took a quick look at the situation, and moved towards Bi Siji, and then chased the escaped Demon Beast.

brought trouble to others.

This is his plan. Even if it is not possible, at least he should seduce the black shadow away, otherwise, based on the speed of the black shadow that suddenly erupted, even Bijiji could not get rid of it. It is estimated that only he can escape.

Seeing Luo’s actions, Bi Siji couldn’t control Demon Beast, who had fallen into the ground. He turned around and moved towards Tonpa.

The battle that just started was reduced to a chase.

The bar-shaped shadows fell on the ground and condensed into one body, chasing after Luo.

To open the distance, Luo was going to be struck by several dozen meters directly when he was about to be hit by the shadow.

“How to get rid of it?”

Luo fled, watching the movement of Bi Siji.

Suddenly, he moved towards Demon Beast, who had just climbed out of the ground.

That Demon Beast hadn’t figured out the situation yet, he saw Luo rushing over, how could he be polite, and the energy of Nianli burst out.

Luo was in the turbulent field, ignoring Demon Beast in front of him, and glanced back at the shadows at a distance of 20 meters, calculating the distance silently, immediately stepping on his feet and jumping into the air.

The black shadow emerged from the ground. It seemed to want to re-exercise the tricks, substantiate the form, and then flew into the air to chase Luo, but when its body height was less than half a meter, it suddenly turned away and turned to attack. The Demon Beast is full of surging worship.

Luo was in the air, and when he saw the scene, his eyes glinted slightly, thinking of something, and carefully remembering where they were, and the direction of the Demon Beast of the six sub-humans.

Instead of slipping away while the Shadowport teleportation target, he watched the battle between the Shadow and the Demon Beast.

I saw that Demon Beast saw the shadow, and the rising momentum suddenly stunned, and issued a series of unknown frights. All the thoughts of the body without the slightest hesitation were assigned to the legs, and turned and fled.

However, the speed of the black shadow is faster, and it directly hits his body, and it is like magic. When the black shadow covers the Demon Beast, it seems to be covered in an air.

Without even a second, Demon Beast disappears without disappear without a trace.

After erasing the Demon Beast, the dark shadow stared at Luo in the air again.

“That level of mental defense is not even enough for Allah.”

Luo’s eyes were 10000, and he couldn’t wait to think about it. He turned and went in the direction of the remaining 6 sub-racial Demon Beasts.

The Demon Beast that had disappeared just a second ago, but condensed the apparent energy released by the whole body on the legs, but the shadow completely ignored the existence of the mind, and it was boring.

You know, the sublime Demon Beast shows a significant amount of vitality far more than the limit of human Mind Power. Not just, even they can’t defend, let alone any human Mind Power. Already.

Moreover, the Demon Beast was ready at that time, but the first reaction to see the shadow, actually turned and ran, which means that the Demon Beast knows the power of the shadow, and there is no way to stop the shadow, the only The choice is to escape.

It’s just … an outright disaster.

Luo spiritual is highly concentrated, and from time to time, I have to look back at the shadows. If it is not careful, it is probably the ten thousand zhang abyss.

Bisji and the Black Cat joined them, worried that looks at Luo and Black Shadow disappeared into view.

“That thing …” Tonpa trembled slightly.

Bruna was standing at Tonpa body, and she looked at Luo away. Dark and swarthy’s eyes were full of worries.

The black cat looked at all around, which became silent, then looked towards Bisji, and asked, “We are waiting for Luo here?”

“It’s not safe here.” Bisjibrows slightly wrinkle, stating that she was not safe, did not propose a temporary teleportation because she was worried that she would be separated from Luo.

The black cat seemed to see Bi Siji’s concerns, and said immediately: “I know what you are worrying about, rest assured. Although I don’t want to admit it, I’m lucky to be Luo’s beast and can control his position.”

Bi Siji could not help but glance at the black cat and said immediately, “Let’s go.”

Without any muddy water, leave here.

A few minutes later, an hourglass-like creature emerged from a bush, making a rattling noise while walking.

It walks around all around, and once a creature approaches it, it all turns into black sand.

In another place, Luo was chased by the shadow, and suddenly saw a body lying on the ground in front of it, but it was one of the sub-racial Demon Beast, and his body was cut into three pieces.

When he saw the corpse, Luo had a strange color on his face.

At first, when the nine sub-ethnic Demon Beast appeared on the scene, the field was full of energy, showing a powerful power, as if one of the overlords in this sea of ​​trees, but in fact, whether it is a shadow or lying on the ground None of the dead bodies indicate that the Demon Beast of the Asian race is also at risk of death anytime, anywhere in the forest.

On the other hand, the defensive power built up by mindpower is simply paper-faced in the presence of some dark continents, otherwise it would be so easy to die with the “flow” of Demon Beast that conforms to the crisis instinct.

I don’t know how the Demon Beast’s body died. Obviously, it has such strong mental strength and physical power, and it also has at least defensive power.

The corpse is a warning sign.

Luo did not find any other sub-racial Demon Beast, but he was prepared to have a wolf and a tiger before, and raised his alertness to the highest level.


Suddenly, Luo saw the blades of grass in front of him silently break, and a cold current sprang up from his spine.

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