Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 510

The strong light can drive the parasites active within the body of the rock island crab from the overcap.

According to Bruna, the white light at the bottom of the lake comes from a kind of algae that glows, but if you want the algae to continue to shine, you need to provide them with energy, which is similar to the crystal that Luo dug out from the sea monster’s corpse .

To put it simply, the energy needed by algae is life strength. Although Luo hasn’t tried to use intellect as an energy source, but inseparable, tenth may also become an energy source for algae to emit light.

Like the fist-sized life crystal that Luo gave to Bruna, the algae on the bottom of the water can continue to glow for 5 days, forming a sheltering effect.

Similar to the Safety Sector of the Brew settlement, there are 4 Demon Beast races in the Rock Island Crab, and the prey swallowed by the Rock Island Crab will roll down along the 4 esophagus to within the body.

The Luo people had good luck. They fell into the area where the Bru people live, because the other three Demon Beast people don’t get along as well as the Bru people. If they meet Luo outside, don’t talk about it, it is estimated that they will face each other. One paw comes down.

It is worth noting that the four Safety Sector residences are very far apart, and the parasites only come out when the Rock Island Crab is eating, so when the Rock Island Crab is not eating, the dark area outside is relatively safe of.

However, the feeding time of the rock island crabs is irregular, so it takes great courage and luck to make a long journey in the dark area, which is why the Demon Beast tribe in 4 places will not rashly invade each other.

Otherwise, due to the absolute weakness of the Brus, their settlements have long been captured by the other 3 Demon Beasts, and even held in captivity, they usually come and plunder spar.

Luo gave Bruna a spar, which caused the entire tribe to bloom with beautiful 7-color rays of light, so excited that they couldn’t find the North. When Luo took out the remaining life crystals, the Bru people almost fainted. Already.

Their family 鈥檚 battle strength is very weak. Unlike the other three Demon Beast families, they have the battle strength of the parasites. If they want to gain the crystallization of life, it is mainly reflected in one word: Gou.

If you ca n鈥檛 fight, you ca n鈥檛 compete. You can only rely on the time to pick up time. This is the difficult way for the Bru people to survive in the rock island crab.

In fact, both the parasites and the 4 Demon Beast clan of the Safety Sector are seeking survival. They live in the rock island crab within the body, which is a kind of asylum-like survival way, which can be far away from cruelty. Sea and land.

Hunters and prey have been evolving in a huge ecosystem, just to make the race better.

Each Demon Beast tribe wants to be a creature like the rock island crab that visits the top of the pyramid. It will not be a hunted prey, but always hunting.

However, by nature, they have to work hard to survive from the very beginning.

Not to mention the dark continent where hunting dramas are being played all the time, even the sea and the sky are scenes of survival.

Is it hunting or being hunted?

Everywhere away from the 6 continents, there is a brutal manifestation of the essence of direct access.

The Bru people are inherently weak and have scarce battle strength, which can be said to be the bottom of the entire dark ecosystem, but they survived stubbornly because they found the right way to survive.

Numerous years ago, the ancient humans and Demon Beast who left the dark continent were also looking for survival, so they were not afraid of the invisible sea ahead, through all kinds of dangers, and finally came to 6 places on Lake Mobius. On the island.

This includes the Queen Chimera Ants who drifted to 6 continents.

To show their gratitude, the Bru people banqueted Luo, and the food was unprocessed fish, taken from the lake below the island.

In the white light rippling in the lake, you can see various exotic fishes migrating and shells hiding near the rocks. These are the food sources of the Bru people.

The volume of the blue people and humans is not too different, so when the Luo people came to live in the shell, they would not look out of place. At least the table and chair culture made by the blue people using shells was quite good. cozy.

While eating sashimi, chatting with the Blu people, it is troublesome to communicate, and many tentacles must be stuck.

I got a lot of useful information from the Bru people, which also made them understand intuitively everything about the Rock Island Crab, but Luo was more concerned about the way to leave the Rock Island Crab.

Luo holds a pink arc-shaped shell in her hand, with a few green algae the size of thumbnails, called algae, and there is still one small shell on the table that holds fragments.

Those fragments come from the crystallization of life. Just take a little bit to feed the algae, and you can instantly transform a bowl of pure fresh water.

Luo quietly drove some thoughts and fed the algae. As he had previously guessed, after the algae absorbed the thoughts, they successfully transformed pure water.

From this point of view, the light algae growing on the bottom of the lake should also be able to achieve luminous effect by ingesting thoughts.

Regardless of the practicality of the light algae, the practicality of this green algae is very high. After you bring some, you don’t have to worry about water sources at all.

Luo calmly drank the pure water transformed from algae in the shell. Perhaps, the power of thought would be the energy that many strange creatures of the dark continent can use to transform their functions.

The speculation that he had temporarily stranded, looked towards Bruna at the same table, and after knowing about the current situation in the place, he asked the most concerned questions.

“Bruna, do you know how to get out of Rock Island Crab?”

Bruna blinked, without answering, but looking at the oldest patriarch.

Obviously, she couldn’t answer this question just after she was young.

patriarch took the question, Kaidou: “Since my clan came to Rock Island Crab within the body, I have never left, so we do n鈥檛 know how to leave, but …”

At this point, one of the 7 colorful rays of light of the patriarch body is green.

green for fear.

Bisji and Tonpa also connected patriarch’s communication tentacles, and I am looking forward to patriarch’s answer. At this moment, I saw patriarch paused in the middle and was speechless.

“But what?” Seeing patriarch hesitantly to continue, Luo could not help but urge.

patriarch’s body is rippling with ripples, like a human taking a deep breath to calm his mind. He paused, said solemnly: “The ruler of the parasite seems to know how to leave, and the rock island crab usually moves on the seabed, but Occasionally they land on land and rest for a while. “

Hearing patriarch’s answer, Luo and Bisjig immediately had a brief eye contact.


If the land you land on is a dark continent, that is the best result. After all, the Luo Li is ruined. Even if you find a way to leave the body of the rock island crab, facing the vast sea, it is impossible.

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