Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 509

I thought the place was a special cave in the seabed. I didn’t want to be inside a giant crab, and the crab was still moving.

Beyond the shock, various anxieties followed.

How to get out of here?

How to get to the dark continent?

These anxieties seem to be inseparable from the current situation. Fortunately, they met Bruna with a mild habit, and they can let them understand the situation here.

The green light emitted by Bruna was swimming forward, and Luo followed closely behind.

Tonpa’s thoughts did not come back, and he reported the situation of behind while sprinting. The group of parasites had been biting on the behind.

Along the way, there were only a few people’s footsteps and smooth breathing in the empty darkness.

After ten minutes, a bright light appeared in front.

“Coming soon, it’s my tribe’s place, and it’s an area that parasites can’t cross.” Bruna’s voice sounded in Luo’s consciousness.

“What exactly is a parasite?” Luo asked.

“They are the scavengers of rock island crabs, responsible for screening belongings swallowed by rock island crabs within the body,” Bruna explained.

“Screening?” Luo puzzled.

Bruna was silent for a while, Kaidou: “They will eat away useless, and then deliver useful to the rock island crab, this is the screening.”

“In other words, these parasites are serving rock island crabs? What about you Bru?” Luo said.

“We are residents.” Bruna’s tone fluctuated.

Luo heard Bruna’s strange tone, and it was wise not to continue to entangle this topic.

Everyone crossed the white light and came to a place shaped like a lake island inside the cave. There was a house area made of shells of different colors on the island.

The bottom of the island under the lake emits bright white light, like a bulb with a lot of incandescent lamps underneath, enough to illuminate the entire hole.

The white light is reflected on the shell house, and the many colored light balls of Madara 折射 are refracted towards the top of the cave, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

There are 4 roads leading to Huxin Island, which are straight stone bridges on 4 sides, and the place where Luo crosses the white light is the entrance of one of the stone bridges.

Luo, Bisji, Tonpa, and black cats look at the magnificent scenery in front, and you can see the jellyfish Blu tribe that looks like a sunny doll in the shell room area.

“This is where we live. Parasites can’t get in.” Bruna explained, then turned back and looked towards the flat rocky belt outside the cave entrance. In the darkness ahead, countless red eyes appeared.

The Luo people looked back to the shell house area with difficulty, and also turned around looking towards where they also saw the countless pairs of cold eyes emerging from the darkness.

The slightly dazzling white light of the Brew community settled on the ground beyond several hundred meters through the opening, and at the edge of the rays of light, there was a pair of web claw-like sharp claw flickering.

Luo was silent for a moment, and suddenly took the flashlight and shot at it, and the straight light beam shot at it, falling on many black shadow bodies.

The rays of light of that flashlight, like sulfuric acid, stimulated the parasites hidden in the dark, but in a short moment, Luo still saw the true colors of the parasites.

The body is very green, the body is like a tiger, the head is a fish head, and it has a large mouth full of vertical and horizontal teeth.

4 The limbs are strong and the feet are like fins, but there are 3 dark sharp claws, 2 fins on the side, and the tail section is more than one meter long.

In a hasty glance, Luo also noticed that the chest under the parasite’s chin was also a mouth full of teeth.

Perhaps it was thought that there was no way to screen out these foreign objects of Luo. The parasites slowly drew into the dark, and the floating countless red eyes were gradually decreasing.

Soon, no scarlet eyes could be seen anywhere, and Tonpa suppressed the fear in her heart and whispered, “They are gone.”

Luo silently put down the flashlight, turned off the power, and then stuffed Paulie into the black cat’s mouth.

The parasites are like fish with four limbs, can walk on flat ground, have a stingy appearance, and have 4 mouths.

Whether it is a parasite or a Blu tribe, it should belong to the Demon Beast tribe.

According to the ancient book, the Demon Beast tribe of the 6 continents, like humans, comes from the dark continent, but human beings on the 6 continent are at the top of the food chain, so the Demon Beast tribe living on the 6 continent will be subject to human beings everywhere. Clamp.

It can be said that if the Demon Beast race, which has a comparable human intelligence, wants to survive on the 6 continents, it must be safe and secure. The Dark Sea is different from the dark continent. The Demon Beast race here is 100 flowers blooming, and human beings are absolutely weak.

“Are parasites afraid of light?” Luo glanced at the bright white light emanating from the bottom of the lake, then turned his head and looked towards Bruna.

“To be precise, it’s a strong light.” Bruna Kaidou.

“Is the glare …”

Luo glanced at the rays of light of Bruna’s body, which were soft and not enough to be called strong light, so she should not be able to drive away the parasites.

Thinking of this, he asked: “I saw the face of the parasite, IMHO, in your ability, I’m afraid that it is not the enemy of the parasite, so why did you risk going to that area?”

In his opinion, Bruna is too fragile, and Lake Island is a Safety Sector. So why is she involved in going to the area where the parasites are active, perhaps with a picture?

“Yes, I am not an opponent of parasites, and may even become food for parasites, but my tribe needs to maintain white light energy, and energy can only be obtained from the Sea Beast body, so whenever the rock island crab eats, my tribe You have to get energy before the parasites are launched. “

Bruna slowly turned her body and looked at the white light at the bottom of the lake, worrying: “Without sufficient energy, the luminous algae will lose the rays of light, and without rays of light, my tribe will be eliminated by the parasite.”

“What energy?” Luo said curiously.

Not to mention rock island crabs and parasites, everything you come into contact with after entering here is so novel.

Bruna thought about it and stretched out her soft tentacles to simulate the appearance of a crystal, saying, “It’s something like this that can be found in the main organs of Sea Beast.”

Bissy and Tonpa couldn’t hear the communication that Luo and Bruna had constructed in their consciousness, but the two of them recognized the item simulated by Bruna, which was a spar taken from the sea monster’s body.

Luo looks at Bruna’s simulated object, and suddenly the black cat came over, taking out a crystal of life from his space.

Bruna saw the crystallization of life in Luo’s hand, and her body suddenly showed 7 colorful rays of light, which represented happiness and excitement.

“That’s it.”

She revolved a few times in the air, like a beautiful ballet dancer, and then begged: “Can you give energy to my people?”

“Of course it’s okay.” Kaidou, who wasn’t embarrassed by Luo.

Bruna heard that the 7-color rays of light of the body became more vivid.


Bruna took the crystal of life in Luo’s hands very tenderly with a pious attitude.

That is the basis of their existence, the sacred thing that keeps their shelter.

At this time, members of the Blu family who were living in the shell house area of ​​Huxin Island seemed to be attracted by the crystals of life.

Bruna held the crystallization of her life and greeted the members of the same race. All the members of the Bru race were bursting with 7 colorful rays of light, like countless intertwining rainbows.

Luo couldn’t help but pull out his mobile phone and took this rare scene.

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