Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 511

The rock island crab is so large that it is unimaginable, and the inside structure is against common sense.

In terms of normal cognition, it is not like a living thing, but more like a huge mechanical life.

Even though the Bru people have lived here for many many months, they have only discovered the part of this layer, and it is not clear how to leave. Moreover, leaving is actually not important to them.

“Land, is it the dark continent?” Luo asked.

Bru patriarch nodded, the land where rock island crabs can only stop is the dark continent. After all, the volume of rock island crabs is here.

Luo and Bisji saw this and felt that they had finally heard the good news. In this way, they only needed to find a way to leave and wait for the rock island crab to stop.

Bru patriarch saw that Luo and the others had a strong mind to leave, and thought of the ferocity of the parasites, he could not recommend it: “There are too many parasites, you still don’t take risks, you might as well settle down.”

Speaking, Brut patriarch looked towards Bisji, seriously: “You just have the conditions for reproduction.”

patriarch’s communication tentacles are stuck on Luo and Bisjig’s body, so what patriarch said can be heard simultaneously.

After hearing patriarch’s suggestion, 2 people’s faces turned black, and reproduction was what the hell? Does it mean that they stay within the body of Rock Island Crab and let the race continue?

“We have a sense of size, so don’t worry about us.” Kaidou, slightly paid in the ass.

Seeing Luo being so resolute, Bru patriarch was not good enough to continue persuasion, but only showed his attitude. Whenever Luo needed any help, the Bru people would help.

Later, before the banquet ended, Luo received a lot of useful information from the Bru people, after which the Bru people made room for them to rest.

The houses are made of shells of different colors, just like an oil painting painted with a lot of paint.

Tonpa found that there was one after another eye-catching pearls on the wall of the shell house, and he wanted to buckle them down. He used an unknown natural adhesive to stick the pearls on it.

When Luo and Bi Siji checked into the shell house, they also found pearls stuck to the wall. The appearance was really good, and the head was a bit exaggerated. The largest one was the size of a basketball.

I want to come to the Bru people who are interested in pearls not at all, so I use these pearls and shells together as construction materials.

Tonpa couldn’t hold on, but Luo used God’s hand to easily separate the pearls without destroying the house.

Take the separated pearl to Bisji, but the latter has little interest in pearls, not at all took the pearls.

So Luo threw the basketball-sized pearl to Tonpa, who took over a super-large pearl he had never seen before, and almost choked.

“I’m worried about eating and drinking all my life.”

Tonpa hugged pearls and fell asleep dreamily.

Because strong light is the main means of resisting parasites, the settlement of the Bru people is always bright as daylight, and the shell house built has strong light-shielding property and can provide a good sleeping environment.

After confirming the safety, Luo entire group took a rest without any worry, and the next day, everyone was spiritual and happy.

Tonpa stayed in the shell house, wiping the rare large pearl with a cloth, as if it had become his heirloom.

Bisjig wandered in the Blou residence, and Luo went to see Bruna and asked her for algae that could produce pure water.

Bruna soon brought Luo a shell of algae, as well as several other special algae, including light algae that emit light, oxygen algae that generate oxygen, and hot algae that generate heat.

These algae with peculiar effects all require energy to transform, which is a very useful tool for Mind Power users.

Luo thanked Bruna and immediately took away all the algae without the slightest hesitation.

“Luo, are you going to find the ruler of the parasite?” Bruna’s two tentacles lightly adhered to Luo’s temple.

Luo sat on the stone bridge and looked down at the fish swimming in Guanghu Lake, Kaidou: “If you want to leave here, you must find the parasite ruler, then we have no choice.”

“It’s dangerous.” Bruna said Worlyly.

Luo laughed to Bruna, picked up Guangzao, and said, “Don’t worry, we have this.”

Tone barely fell, Bruna saw the rays of light emitted by the light algae in Luo’s hand, and she suddenly showed the color entangled with surprise and doubt. Why did she not give light algae?

“This is an effect produced by mental power, and it is also an advantage of our race. As long as we bring luminous algae, the parasite cannot even do it near us.” Luo explained with a smile.

Bruna’s dark and swarthy’s eyes blinked several times, exclaiming: “It’s amazing, Luo, your race is amazing!”

“I think your blues are really powerful and can find a way to survive in such a harsh environment.” Luo said with emotion.

There are so many species on the dark continent that every species is being eliminated every time, and even ancient humans were forced to flee to the island in the center of the lake.

Bruna seemed to be touched by Luo’s words. She looked up and looked towards the many young blues floating and playing in the residence, sorrowfully saying: “But that is the result of our sacrifices to freedom.”

Luo heard the word startled and then apologized, “Sorry.”

Freedom and survival, this is indeed one of the cruel 2 choices facing the Bru people.

Individuals may yearn for freedom, but a group will only choose to survive.

At this moment, Luo clearly understood that when Bruna’s true thoughts were in her heart, she had a yearning for freedom, but the circumstance caused it. One day, her heart of freedom would also bow her head before survival.

“Why apologize?” Pure Bruna didn’t understand why Luo apologized, her voice full of doubts.

Luo suddenly thoughtlessly, looking at Bruna, and found that the color of her body changed to a deep blue, which was the color of the sky and the sea, which should have been extremely vast, but Luo knew that color represented melancholy.

“Nothing.” Luo shook the head, the teleportation topic said with a slight smile: “Do you want to know what the outside world looks like?”

“Think!” Bruna immediately Kaidou.

Afterwards, Luo described the blue sky and white clouds, the mountains and the sea as much as possible as the storytelling.

In that established communication bridge, it seems that all words have become a beautiful picture.

Bruna listened quietly, the melancholic deep blue turned into a bright yellow.

After a few days of rest in the Blue Place, Luo decided to leave and look for a way out.

All members of the Blu tribe came to Shiqiao to bid farewell to the Luo entire group.

patriarch came to Luo, stretched out his tentacles, and said, “I think you need a guide.”

At this point, Bruna floated out of the crowd and came to patriarch.

“Here is the heart.” Luo declined.

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