Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 237

The service window on the 2th floor is probably the most deserted place in the entire Sky Competitor field, because people who come to the 100th floor to register every day can be counted on one’s fingers, sometimes not even.

Throughout the window, there was only Luo and the strange red-haired inch man.

The girl in the window took out a registration form, said with a smile: “Please sign here to register.”

Luo got the registration form, signed the name and returned it to the girl. The latter took the registration form and checked it, then put it away, and then asked, “May I explain the rules for you?”

Luo nodded, he only knows a part of the information after the 200th floor, but Bi Siji will be explained to him by staff at the time, and he is too lazy to talk to him more.

The girl raised a professional smile and said: “From this level, the ‘declaration battle system’ will be adopted, and we will prepare a 90-day ‘combat preparation period’ for you. During this time, you can choose any day to participate in the battle. “

“Of course, if you want, you can even fight every day. As long as you participate in each battle, you can refresh the 90-day ‘combat preparation period’.”

“However, please note that if you do not participate in the battle preparation period, you will be disqualified and even your previous records will be erased.”

Luo suddenly asked: “Does the challenger need to win Toka?”


The girl raised her index finger and said: “When you win the top ten, you will be qualified to challenge the” level master “. If you can defeat the” level master “, from that moment, you will replace the original” level master “and become The new ‘layer owner’ will gain dominion over this layer. “

“But it is important to remind you that if you lose 4 games before you win a ten win, you will be disqualified!”

“Furthermore, when you become the” master “, you will be able to participate in the fighting Olympics that are only held once every 2 years!”

The fighting Olympics are held once every two years, and August 2 this year is the time when the fighting Olympics will be held, and it is also 8 months away.

At present, the winners of the last fighting Olympics have occupied the top level for one and a half years. However, in this year’s fighting Olympics, if the previous winners want to continue to enjoy the top-level dominance, they must participate in the fighting Olympics and continue to win the championship. .

Luo came to Sky Competitor to accumulate experience, and the main purpose was to defeat Andong Mu. As for the fighting Olympics of the sister institute, it was not attractive to Luo.

After this matter is resolved, how could Luo stay in one place, even if the top floor of the Sky Competitor Field is the highest and most luxurious mansion in the world, and has the glory of Supreme, it is better to explore the unknown Secret Realm.

Seeing Luo’s seeming lack of interest in the fighting Olympics, the window sister lurking inside the selling soul within the body suddenly ignited!

We must know that there are no bonuses for fighting over 200 levels. In principle, those who continue to fight here are for honor and to impact the status of the layer master.

That is, Warrior on the 200th floor should all want to be the overlord of the 25th floor and work hard for this.

The girl did not know that Luo came to the Sky Competitor field to defeat Andong Mu, and she began to talk about the grand occasion of the fighting Olympics.

“The Fighting Olympics is the world ’s strongest fighting festival. Every game played will be broadcast live on various continents through TV, radio, and the Internet. Those who can enter the venue to watch the game can only get lucky tickets. Audience! “

“Not only that, celebrities from all walks of life who want to see the world’s highest level of fighting come to the scene, and even the Netero President of the Hunters Association will be there!”

“That is, the excellent performance of each contestant will be seen by people around the world, and that will be the glory of Supreme!”

“Also, the winners get super rare treasures!”

Listening to the sister’s endless introduction, Luo was helpless and wondering how to interrupt the topic, but when the sister said super rare treasure, Luo suddenly became interested.

“Super rare treasure? What could it be?” He asked curiously.

Seeing Luo’s interest finally came, the girl shouted in her heart: let you pretend! Not attracted yet!

I think so, but I still need to do a good job on the surface.

The girl kept smiling and explained: “Each time the prizes are different, but their common point is that they are rare and precious! It is a rare treasure in the world!”

“Oh, is it?” Luo’s eyes lit up, and he asked, “When will this fighting Olympics be held?”

“August 8 this year!”

“That also 5 months …”

Luo whispered to himself, and said, “Can I apply for war tomorrow?”

As soon as the girl froze, she quickly answered, “Of course! You can apply for war now!”

“Then I apply for war tomorrow,” Luo said.

When the girl heard the words, she immediately took out a form and handed it to Luo with a pen, saying, “Please write the date you want to participate in the war, then check the front and sign your name.”

Luo took the pen and paper and looked at the form.

There are 4 options waiting to be checked on the form.

The first: the date you want to play, there are 3 blank spaces for filling in the date.

Second: Any day between a certain day of the month and a certain day of the month.

No. 3: You can join the battle at any time.

No. 4: Other.

Luo wrote down the date for tomorrow, then signed the name and handed it to the girl, who took the form, took out a bunch of room keys from the locker, and handed it to Luo.

“Here is your room key. Before the combat day, you will be notified via the display in the room about the specific time.”

Luo took the keychain, and the sign on it was marked with the room number. He looked at the girl at the window and said, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” My sister said with a slight smile.

Having applied for tomorrow’s entry, Luo stowed the key and was ready to leave.

At this moment, the man leaning on the wall not far from the window suddenly said, “If the date of my bid is also tomorrow, then I will be your opponent.”

As soon as the words came down, the man looked sideways towards Luo who was about to leave.

“Oh, really?”

Luo turned around and looked at the red-haired man. After finishing the work, he started to look straight at the man.

The man has red hair, an inch of head, no eyebrows, and uncomfortable 3 Kakuzu eyes, a red beard around his mouth, a red vest and a 70% red pants on his lower body.

The man’s body is back of a tiger and waist of a bear. He is about 9 meters tall and has rock-like muscles on his bare arms.

Seeing Luo’s indifferent response, the man was sneaked, walked quickly to the window, and said differently: “I want to bid.”

There was something strange on the face of the girl on the window. She knew the contestant and quickly took out a bidding form and handed it out.

Sendi quickly filled out the form, then savagely threw it into the window, and then looked towards Luo with a calm expression.

“Luo, right? You can feel relieved to be my stepping stone to the path of masters.”

As soon as the words fell, he didn’t watch Luo’s response, turned and left.

Luo watched Sandy leave, and then looked towards Window Girl, and asked, “Who is he?”

“The arsonist, Sandy, is a contestant who has already won 9 wins and 2 losses.”

(uc book alliance www.uctxt.org)

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