Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 238

Fall in love with you 630bookla, the latest chapter of Gourmet Hunter!

9 wins and 2 losses …

Luo suddenly, in other words, if Sendi wins himself, he can get the qualification of the challenger with a record of ten wins. On the other hand, if he loses, it will become a 9-3 victory.

If you lose 4 games before Tokachi, you will have to start over even if you win Tokachi.

“Have you ever been more confident than me?”

Luo whispered to himself, that he didn’t even use his thoughts in the battles below the 2 100th floor, and it’s no wonder he would be underestimated by Sandy.

Without continuing to stay, he turned and left.

Window girl looks at Luo, leaving the back, there was a touch of pity in her eyes.

In addition to the landlords occupying high floors, there are nearly 200 participants above 1000 floors, and the level is uneven. Some of the participants are in the field of passing through.

The so-called is to withstand the attacks of Mind Power, and forcibly open the fine holes, to get the opportunity to master Mind Power.

However, not every ordinary person can withstand luck. Everyone who lacks arms and legs is the norm. Of course, there are also ordinary people who survive baptism with a healthy body.

This group of entrants who became Mind Power end up with the capital remaining on the 2th floor. However, with the exception of a small number of people with excellent Innate Skills, the strength of others is not good.

In the more than 2 100 levels of this can be considered fish and dragons mixed in together, the gap between the strengths of many participants is just like the gap between the rich and the poor, and Sandy is a rich-level contestant with the highest strength.

In the view of Window Girl, the newly-registered newcomer is a nightmare when he encounters a top-ranked contestant. Fortunately, if he loses a game, it will be bad luck to have a lifelong disability.

Luo not at all who left the registration office saw the pity in the girl’s eyes. He took the marked number on the keychain and looked around slowly on the floor, trying to find his own room.

In the process of finding the room, Luo met dozens of contestants, all of whom knew how to use concepts.

When these people saw Luo, the expression was different, apparently they recognized Luo’s identity, but they didn’t rush to come to contact Luo.

After a long walk, Luo finally came to his room, Room 2088.

Open the door with the key and enter the room. It is a luxurious room decorated like a presidential suite. Compared with a private room below 2 100 floors, it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth in all aspects.

Luo closed the door with his backhand, a 50-inch display hung on the wall in the center of the hall, and a book on the coffee table in the living room.

Roughly glanced at the decoration in the room, Luo lost interest, walked to the coffee table, picked up the book and turned it up. It contained pictures of various daily luxury goods, gourmet food and wine, etc …

As long as you reach the 2th floor, there is no need for the contestants to worry about living expenses. If you want something, the Sky Competitor will deliver things to the room with the fastest efficiency.

The girl who received the reception said that fighting above 2 100 floors does not have a bonus in principle. If it is just a life of no worries, it will not attract that many people to die.

The most critical reason is still money, that is, dividends from the proceeds of the market, which is the focus.

Luo saw the simple explanation in the book, flipped it a few times, and threw it back to the coffee table.

He thought to himself that if he came to more than 2 floors, he would definitely save a lot of living expenses, because if he eats here, he can eat as he pleases.

“Baha’i and Zambia will be able to register tomorrow.”

Luo sat on the soft sofa with a rump of his back, and thought of Sendi just now. The name of the arsonist should be the name that Sandy broke out in the battle at Sky Competitor. Literally, is it related to arson?

At this time, the black screen’s display suddenly flashed a wave of radio waves and turned on automatically, showing a time on it.

“Tomorrow at 3 pm.”

Luo looks at the information on the display, knowing that this is the specific time for tomorrow’s game, and the opponent is indeed Sendi.

He thought about it, took out his cell phone and dialed Bisji.

After a few blind sounds, the call was connected.

“Why?” There was a more rude voice on the phone than Siji.

“I’m bidding for the game at 3 pm tomorrow.” Luo didn’t talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

There was a moment of silence for Bissie, and he said, “You can’t wait.”

“I met An Tongmu just now, and he was waiting for me in the passage,” Luo explained.

oh? “Bisji was surprised.

“I want to fight him as soon as possible,” Luo said.

“Okay, but I have a request,” Bisji said.

“any request?”

“You must qualify for the challenge in order to face Andongmu.”

“Okay.” Luo without the slightest hesitation answered.

“Who’s opponent tomorrow?” Bi Siji asked instead.

Luo paused, saying, “Sendy the Flamer.”

“do not know.”

Luo mouth Kakuzu withdraw slightly, you haven’t paid attention to the sky Competitor field for so long, have you met a ghost?

“I suggest that you do not know your opponent’s information before the war. Maybe this will increase your risk in the battle, but it will also improve your experience against the enemy.” Bisji continued.

Knowing the opponent’s information is equivalent to gaining a certain advantage before the start of the war, but Luo came to the Sky Competitor field to cultivate. If he can meet opponents with unknown Mind Power in each and everyone, he will quickly accumulate valuable experience.

“I see.” Luo said.

“Stay there today. Tomorrow we will watch the battle and hang up.”

After Bi Siji finished his last sentence, he simply hung up the phone, leaving Luo with a series of blind tones.

Luo put away his cell phone, then picked up the book on the coffee table, and looked like he was going to order something to eat.

At this time, the Silver Flame pattern on the back of the hand became a black cat. He squatted directly on Luo’s shoulder, raised his paw to point to the food picture in the album, and said, “I want this, this, and also this!”

Luo turned over Byakugan when he saw this. It was enough to have such a food and beast. If it wasn’t for the black cat, it would also help him to collect Allah. He might not allow the black cat to show up casually.

After ordering a lot of food, the staff delivered the food in less than half an hour, and the efficiency was amazing.

Continental, in a remote noodle shop in a certain area.

Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga were sitting at a small table eating noodles, and a wooden stand was nailed to the wall of the store, with a small color TV on it.

Nobunaga and Machi are sitting in a chair with their backs to the TV, while Uvogin is a bigger man, occupying a bench and sitting opposite the two.

The stacked empty bowls are stacked in Uvogin. The noodle shop Boss cautiously looks at these 3 strange guests, especially the big meals, really terrifying.


Uvogin sucked Paulie with a large mouthful of noodles, eating and looking up at a TV show.

Suddenly, Uvogin seemed to see something unbelievable. With one mouth open, he sprayed as many faces as he had just entered into Nobunaga’s face.


Nobunaga was about to swear, and he heard Uvogin shouting Luo’s name.

Look at the refreshing novels.

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