Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 236

After 200 floors, the treatment of participants will be sublimated, and the battle arrangements will be completely changed. Although it is still arranged by the Sky Competitor field, the autonomy is in the hands of the participants.

Therefore, there are many contestants who are looking at the newcomers who have been promoted to the 200th floor. Whenever a newcomer comes to register, some of the contestants will come to meet in advance.

The malicious gas field emanating from the Kakuzu congregation is a welcome ceremony for newcomers. If it is a newcomer who does not know how to read, it is difficult to cross this field, but Luo is a Mind Power person, impossibly affected by it.

The receptionist was able to perform normally in the indifferent aura because she was also a Mind Power person.

“198? The battle is quite big.” Luo faintly smiled.

Receiving the sister looks at Luo with a calm look, with a polite smile on his face, said: “Please complete the registration within today. If you do not complete the registration within the time limit, it will be shown as an unintentional registration, thereby disqualifying.”

Speaking of which, the girl raised her pale hands, her hands were slender, and she could even say that they were pointed, and her nails were slightly longer and painted with bright red nail polish.

She slowly compared the gesture of the scissors hand and said, “Remind you again that if you give up registration twice, you will be permanently disqualified. Regarding the 2-story rule, the staff responsible for registration will give you a specific explanation. “

“Now, please go this way.”

The receptionist stood at the intersection of the ‘t’ aisle, leaned slightly to the side, her arms stretched out to the right, where was the direction of the registration point.

Luo slightly nodded, facing the gas field that ordinary people can’t walk, like walking in the courtyard, toward the reception girl.

Reception sister quietly looked at Luo came, until Luo walked to Kakuzu, she stepped back 3 steps.

Luo glanced at her quickly, then looked back, and in the wide, straight passage, or standing or sitting about 30 people, the person standing in front of him surprised Luo very much.

“Specially come to wait for me?” Luo expression was still calm when he saw the burly man.

The burly man standing in the middle of the aisle with his arms around him is a far cry from An Tong Mu, who has not been seen for more than a year.

Apart from this, the other people in the channel are all contestants above the 200th floor. They are here just to wait for the newcomer Luo to come over and then invite Luo to fight.

Participants at the high level will not pay attention to the people at the lower level, but when someone quickly rises up like a hot knife through butter, it will attract the attention of the participants above 200 levels. In the near future, only Luo, Buha, 3 people from Sambica deserve their attention.

An Tongmu is the owner of the 230th floor, which is different from this group of people.

He waited for Luo here just to say a few words, but he noticed when Luo hit the 180th floor.

“You finally came.”

An Tongmu stared at Luo coldly.

Everyone else in the passage knew An Tongmu. At this moment, when he heard such an inexplicable sentence, his eyes flashed with surprise.

Facing the cold eyes of An Tong Mu, Luo said calmly: “Can’t wait?”

Coldwood snorted said, “Yes, I can’t wait to twist your head down, but before that, you have to win a ten win on the 200th floor to be eligible to challenge me.”

Luo heard the words silent, and her expression was not wavering.

An Tongmu strode towards him suddenly.

Luo just quietly looks at him, without any over-reaction.

An Tongmu walked past him, tossing a sentence in aloof and remote gesture before leaving.

“Hope you can come to me in peace.”

Luo didn’t turn around and let the silhouette of An Tongmu go away.

Like nothing a year ago, An Tongmu still looks at him with a downward attitude, thinking that in another battle, he can be killed without pressure.

Luo’s eyes narrowed slightly, until the silhouette of An Tongmu disappeared at the turn of Kakuzu, then he looked right towards the 30-odd figure glare like a tiger watching his prey in the passage.

The receptionist said just now that there were nearly 2 people on this floor waiting for the opportunity to attack, but Luo has only seen more than 100 people now. The gas field full of killing intents just now is obviously from this group of people.

Luo is very sure that among the many auras, there is no part of Andongmu, and most of them will not be bored to this extent.

For Mind Power players, it is not difficult to rise to the 200th level. Although Luo is promoted to the 200th level with a complete victory, he will still be followed by the 200th-level veteran.

“Don’t accept it yet?”

Luo looks at the person in the channel, differently said.

The group seemed to haven’t heard what Luo was saying and still maintained their aura.

Those who can’t wait to be here and wait for the rabbits, basically have a battle strength of 200 layers or more, and need to rely on newcomers to improve their winning percentage.

Luo glanced at it and none of the more than 30 people made him feel threatened.


He whispered to himself, and then stepped forward, at the same time, the aura belonging to him suddenly spread out.

If the aura of this group of people is a pack of wolves, then Luo’s aura is a tiger that goes down the mountain, and with a roar, it shocks these people.

The two gas fields of the living tit for tat were entangled violently. Luo’s gas field was more indifferent and powerful, but after a moment, everyone’s face in the channel changed, and they felt that they had become fish on the cutting board.

“Even if you want to show your paws, please use a smarter method.”

Luo calmly crossed the crowd in the passage and walked towards the registered place.

Knowing that it is meaningless to release the gas field, and persisted after Luo said a reminder, like each and everyone clown.

This group of contestants who only know how to deal with newcomers is not the opponent Luo wants, and this time shock is only to let them back out.

Looks at Luo After leaving, there is a trace of fear on everyone’s faces. What kind of aura is that, when resisting it, there is an illusion that Luo will let him be slaughtered.

Some people couldn’t help but reach out and wipe the sweat beads on their foreheads, and said, “So terrifying.”

“This one, we can’t afford to offend.”

“Fortunately he didn’t hide, otherwise he would hit the muzzle.”

“That was close. I wanted to borrow a newcomer for a win. Didn’t expect is a stubble!”

“I can only wait for the next newcomer.”

3 2 The contestants who got together decisively got up and left. Today, there is only one registrant who has been promoted to the 200th floor. Realizing that Luo can’t provoke him, there is no need to wait.

Based only on the gap in the gas field, they came to the conclusion that they could not be provoked. This move was too cautiously, and it was also related to the mentality of this group of people who have been walking on thin ice for many years.

At this time, the term “bully and scared” is most suitable for their body.

After Luo passed the aisle, the group of contestants who were frightened by his aura were suddenly dispersed, returning to their private luxury rooms.

When Luo came to the check-in point, there was a person there, not weak.

When the man saw Luo, he did not release the gas field like the weak chickens in the passage, but looked at Luo.

Luo ignored the person and went straight to the registration window. Inside was still a wonderful young girl wearing the exclusive uniform of Sky Competitor.

Only when you step into the 200th floor will you know that the newcomer is like a hot hoe and is stared at by many people, but Luo is a hot hoe.

However, Luo had scared the group just now, and should not be harassed by Xiao Xiao’s generation later.

“Welcome to the 200th floor.”

The girl at the window smiled professionally.

(uc book alliance www.uctxt.org)

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