Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 235

The match between Luo and Bu Hazhen ended, and the two players left the field, but the cheers on the court did not mean to stop. They saw the exciting battle close to the 2 50th floor at the 2th floor fare, which was quite satisfactory.

Even the spectators betting to lose money are not too sad.

The winning Luo was promoted to the 60th floor, and Bu Hayu was relegated to the 40th-layer because of the defeat. Two people will retire. Soon after, the next batch of contestants will appear and usher in the next fight.

Luo won the Bu Hajiu with a style of accumulated ten. He knocked down Bu Hajiu a total of 5 times and got the perfect ten. This is an unusual blocking score in historical fighting games.

Because the attack site selected by Luo was all the abdomen, plus the thick skin of Bhajan, although he suffered internal injuries, it was not very serious.

Two people walked out of the fighting field side by side under the watch of everyone, but they didn’t know that many people remembered it after this battle.

In the hallway, after confirming that Bu Ha’s injuries were not serious, Luo took out his mobile phone and called Bishij to prepare for their location.

After learning the location of the hotel, Luo hung up his mobile phone and walked towards the elevator with Buha.

Taking the elevator to the ground floor, Luo and Bu Hadai met the girl who received them.

“take care.”

The girl smiled and greeted Luo.

Luo laughed at her, and then she and Budha left the First Layer and moved towards outside.

Receiving the back of the sisters looks at Luo, the gloss in her eyes flashed.

Leaving the Sky Competitor field, it was found that the sky was dark, and there was only a faint afterglow of the sky in the distance.

On the street, the flow of people continues to increase, more than during the day. The night scenes in bustling cities are always composed of colorful lights and crowded street scenes.

“Boss, do you use the big sister’s fighting skills?” As he walked, Bu Haji’s gaze was always moving around the high-end restaurant next to the street 2.

“Um.” Luo nodded.

“I think Da Baboon teaches me the” hand-shaped palm “is very good, but I can’t hit you anymore.” Bu Haji recalled the battle just now, and the sadness came up again.

Luo thought for a while and said, “If you have a ‘horizontal palm’ in conjunction with your mind, the power should be good, but without the aid of the mind, it seems to be open and close. In short, it is too open and aboveboard.”

The attacking methods of Mahabhara are mainly reflected in the pair of big hands, and this set of fighting skills of Da Baboon is obviously a move that he has studied after he has learned intellect. Therefore, only with mindfulness can he exert formidable power.

Praha seems to know nodded. After learning this fighting skill, he has been using it in conjunction with the mind. No wonder he feels weak when he doesn’t need it.

As everyone knows, if fighting with mental power, even without the ability of the hand of God, Luo could rely on the trick of “flow” to quickly adjust his energy, and elbow in the first round, and he would be able to beat Buha to the ground.

Luo glanced at the bright lights in front and the lively street scene, a picture of fighting with Bisji emerged in his mind.

Immediately, Kakuzu raised his mouth, and sighed in his heart that it was so good to meet Bi Shiji. Without Bi Shiji, at least he had to explore for a long time to reach the current level.

After less than one kilometer, two people came to the ‘Alita Hotel’ and took the elevator in the lobby straight to the 2th floor.

Bi Siji had already booked a room for them first. Originally, they had to book the top floor, but because of the special nature of the Sky Competitor field, the top floors of the surrounding hotels were all wrapped up by some rich people for a long time.

Entering Bisji’s room, Luo got her room key from her.

Under the enquiry of Bisji, Luo reported today’s game situation, while Sambika treated Buha.

“Didn’t expect you two will be lined up together.” Bi Siji thumbs up against the smooth chin, if she had known, she would stay.


After receiving the treatment, Mahmood frequently protested.

Luo looks at the spiritually plentiful Bahab at the meal, helplessly shook the head, thinking that waiting to spend a lot of money again, like this, the deposit will be spent in half a month.

However, at that time it was time to hit the level of 2 100, and the bonus should be enough to pay.

The entire group leaves the hotel and heads to the food court.

When it was time to eat, the black cat jumped out on time, and the stalls along the way were emptied by him and Bu Hayu, causing pedestrians to cast their fright.

The two haha ​​and black cats are like a combination of rice barrels. They ca n’t feed enough, and the street vendors in the food street laugh.

After a full meal, the crowd returned to the hotel, Bu Haji took a shower and fell asleep, and Luo came to Bisji’s room to train simple and effective Mind Power skills with Sambika.

The mind is exhausted and the training is over.

Although his body is not very tired, Luo still asks Bisji to release a cookie Miss to massage himself.

“Luo, I’m going to sign up tomorrow,” Sambika sat beside, suddenly said.

Luo lay on the bed, looking sideways towards Sambika, saying, “That’s fine, and you can make a lot of money.”

“Well.” Sambika was lightly nodded. In the near future, she has rarely gone out to resolve virus-related incidents, except for constantly improving the information on various viruses.

Bi Siji glanced at the two people, then walked to the balcony and stared at the night scene below, thinking that they would leave Luo in a little while.

Alone used to wandering outside, didn’t expect to have this feeling someday.

“I really want to see their two future achievements sooner.” Bi Siji thought silently in his heart.

If you win 2 games a day, you will be promoted to ten tiers, and you will be promoted to 20th-layer in one day.

Luo sings all the way forward. In each battle, he wins with a single blow to his opponent. It took him a week to reach the level of 2 100, and Sambica, who signed up one day later, and Buha who lost in the hands of Luo, It was a complete victory.

However, Luo rose to the level of 2 100 a day earlier than them, and received more than 200 million Jenny’s bonus, and even gained a lot of fans.

Every time he played, the audience was full without exception, mainly because betting Luo would win, but the odds were very low and he didn’t earn much.

On this day, Luo alone came to the elevator that goes directly to the 2nd 100th floor, and the numbers in the elevator quietly looked at the elevator.

After being promoted to the 2 100th floor, you will have to re-register once, and the schedule of the event will also change. From this level, it is all Mind Power.


The elevator door opened, Luo stepped out of the elevator, followed the direction mark, and came to a passage near the reception. As long as you walked past this passage and turned left, it was the reception.

A woman in uniform stood in the middle of the aisle, her hair was slightly messy on her shoulders, and her eyes looked dark, but her eyes were dark and decadent.

Her behind has a gas field composed of many murderous auras, but this malicious gas field gathered by her is not her, and she is also in it, but there is nothing strange at all.

Feeling this malicious aura that was clearly directed at him, Luo expression was calm.

The woman in uniform saw Luo who was overwhelmed by the aura, but was calm, and Kakuzu twitched slightly, calling out Luo’s name.

“Mr. Luo.”

Luo laughed, holding up her behind channel, earnestly saying, “It seems like someone doesn’t welcome me.”

Woman nodded, said with a slight smile: “It is necessary to remind you that at present, there are 100 98 contestants waiting to strike at this level.”

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