Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 234

There was no direct light on the ring, but there was a crowded audience, and the exhilarating applause, and the explanation of the girl.

This is only the 50th floor level competition, but it has such a grand occasion. On the side, Hunter x Hunter World is a place where martial arts are made.

“come on.”

Luo poses, looking towards Baha 剌.

With a score of 2 points, he only used half of the force. Seeing that Baha’i didn’t look like something, it should be offset by the thick layer of fat.

Realizing that Bhajan’s resistance is not weak, there is no need to keep his hands excessively afterwards.

referee See Bu Hazhen got up, quickly backed, and stood at the edge of the ring look at 2 people in the confrontation.

“The two contestants are very strong. It’s rare that they meet together so early.” The referee member thought silently. The brief confrontation just now will only appear in the games above the 2th 100th floor.

He suddenly double-handed a fist and struck the chest 2 times, which looked like an orangutan demonstration.

Luo stared at the action of Bu Hajiu, not sure what the mystery of this action was, and then he saw Bu Hajiu’s fist turning into his palm, pushing in front of him, as if there was a transparent glass in front of him.

“This is the fighting technique I learned from the Da Baboon.” Bha 剌 said solemnly.

Luo brows slightly raise, said curiously: “Then why did you bare your chest just now?”

Weird movements are often related to mindfulness, but at this time the two sides will not use mindfulness, so Luo is very curious about what Bahab’s chest-like action like the orangutan just said.

Prahab said earnestly: “Da Baboon said that there must be a mimicking prayer action when attacking, it seems to be a custom of his nation, so he made me think of one.”

“I thought about it for a long time and thought of this prayer action based on the name of the baboon.”

Luo immediately understood that there were a few black lines on his forehead. The action of emotion was just a custom, meaningless in battle.

“You are an orangutan. What does it have to do with his name?” Luo murmured.

“President always calls him a gorilla, and I think it’s pretty good.”

Buha chuckled, suddenly moved, if it was war chariot before, now it is a scraper.

“Mr. Bu Hazhen is courageous! He still chooses to take the initiative to attack when he loses 2 points!” Shouted the sister!

This is a paradise for fighters. Combat fighters from all over the world gather here to perform a variety of fighting techniques. Numerous Sects interweave among them. There are always powerful guys who stand out.

Luo didn’t know what the fighting technique of the push-push gesture was, but now he is using the Xinyuanliquan method to constantly change the 10000 tricks, so he is not panic.

Bu Ha was close, and the palms lying upside down suddenly popped out flatly, scrolling the airflow, pushing the upper palm toward Luo’s face, intending to cover the sight, lower palm clapping toward Luo’s chest, intending to seriously hurt.

Luo ’s posture changed suddenly. At this moment, his fists, like a mantis arm, penetrated into the gap between the upper and lower palms of Bu Hadi, and then hammered up and hit the side of the palm where Bu Hadi was lying. on.

In the double sound of 卜, Bu Ha 卜 ’s flat palm was broken, the right hand was lifted upward, and his left hand dropped toward the ground.

Luo saw the move, as if breaking the shell, knocking on both hands of Bu Ha 剌, and then immediately stabilized the lower plate, closed his hand and waved his fist against Bu Ha 剌 ‘s abdomen. The overall action was in one go. Lines are flowing.

However, the raised and falling horizontal palms of Bhajan were flipped at this moment. The double-handed palms faced up and down, and then aimed at the straight punch punched by Luo, like the upper and lower jaws of the animal’s mouth. Bite at Luo’s arm.

This split second, if Luo is unwilling to accept the move, even if he hits the abdomen of Budha, the arm will be bitten by Budha’s palms at the same time, which is likely to cause a fracture injury.

“Too late.”

Luo’s thoughts erupted, he reached a conclusion in a lightning situation, and figured out what to do next.

This was something he couldn’t do a year ago, and he got the present results through the exercise of Bisji.

He didn’t blindly attack or recruit blindly, but got a better decision in a very short time.

The straight fist that was thrown suddenly turned to the right side. At that moment, Bu Hadai’s palms snapped together, and a loud applause was also shot.

Luo dodged his fist in the palm of the hand and detoured to the next half of the arc.

Immediately, Luo took a step forward, with his right palm up and hitting under the palm of his head, shaking his double-handed, exposing the gap below his chest.

In the Xinyuanliuquan method, it is usually bullying upwards and shocking at the enemy’s chin, but it is used by Luo here.

After emptying both the palms of Bu Ha’ao, Luo turned to his side and banged his left elbow against Bu ‘Ha’s abdomen.


In response, Baha’i flew out.

“Mr. Bu Hazhen was hit again in a series of wonderful counterattacks by Mr. Luo, but Mr. Luo’s offensive is not over yet!”

With one elbow knocking on the heavy body of Feihaha, Luo stepped on it and chased away.

Prahabha’s body was too heavy, and the height of the overhang was not high. When he was about to land, Luo chased after the victory, from top to bottom, and stepped toward Prahab’s belly.

In a series of attacks, Luo always aimed at Bhajan’s abdomen, because this position is not likely to cause serious injuries.

Although the prerequisites of the game have to be played seriously, this is more like a training battle after all.

Luo stepped down with a kick, but Bu Hayu also spared some effort to reach out and double-handed the intersection to block the foot, but the impact couldn’t stop, and the whole body hit the slab.

Suddenly, the hard slate cracked, spreading numerous cracks and spreading out toward all around.

“Very good attack!”

Referee made a scissors gesture and moved forward in time to persuade Luo to beware of Luo’s re-attack when Buhachi fell to the ground.

Luo stepped back and opened the distance. On the scoring panel, he showed that he scored 40%.

After dismissing Luo, Referee came to Bu Hayi and asked, “Can you continue?”

Bu Ha eyes suddenly opened his eyes, stood up, his face was full of sadness, there was a feeling of being suppressed by death.

“Is it okay?”

Luo glanced at the situation of Buha.

“It’s okay.” Bhajan was hurt in the place where he was hurt, but also the power of the battle.

Referee saw this, backed away and returned to the edge of the ring.

“Mr. Bu Hadai stood up again! In the case of losing 40% in a row, I wonder if I can try to turn the tides to catch up!” Said the commentary sister.

“Come back!”

Baha’i continued to welcome Luo.

At this moment, Luo changed his tactics and turned into a right hand, straight forward, as the first move.

He no longer resorted to counterattacks, but instead took the initiative and greeted Baha’i.

In the applause throughout the game, the two played against each other for dozens of rounds, and the final result came out. Luo scored 2 points on the body of Buha, winning the game.

Those who bet Luo were screaming wildly, and the high odds gave them a good return.

The reason why the 50th floor game can come to that many spectators is to notice the dark horse with great potential in advance.

At this moment, a large part of the audience who watched the game remembered Luo and Bu Ha 剌. In the future, they will continue to pay attention to these two players.

Compared with the contestants who are active in the high level of Sky Competitor, the audience at the bottom will pay attention to potential contestants first!

2 Participants above the 100th floor, including An Tongmu, did not know that Sky Competitor Field welcomed a tricky guy today.

Some time ago, the ‘he’ reported by the media has arrived!

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