Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 209

The extraordinary fishing practice almost dragged Luo into the lake, but he persisted until the moment when the vine broke.

If it hadn’t been for the previous month’s hard training and no increase in energy, the moment he hooked the bait, he would be pulled into the lake without resistance.

The pulling force generated by the strange fish swimming in the lake was more than one ton. Not only that, the stamina was full until the vine broke, and it showed no signs of fatigue, but Luo sat on the ground with his buttocks.

The strength of the interaction between the two sides formed an hour’s deadlock. Luo’s arm must be constantly working to maintain the deadlock, but from the perspective of stamina, he was completely defeated.

“It’s less than half a meter long …”

Luo was lying directly on the ground. During the one-hour rally, he had been trying to pull the vines back, but in the end he only pulled a small section.

After the muscle strength was relaxed, Luo found that his arms could not be lifted, mainly because the weight on his arm became the last straw.

Bi Siji came over, first summon out Miss to massage Luo’s arms, and then said: “Continue in an hour.”

After that, she was back to the area that had been cleared out earlier, where a trunk had been slowed down, and it seemed that she really planned to build a wood house.

Luo enjoyed the massage of Cookie Miss, and his arms gradually regained consciousness.

He tilted his head and looked at the side cookie Miss, said with a smile: “Thank you.”

Cookie Miss responded with a sweet smile and no other response.

Thanks to Cookie Miss, Luo was able to maintain a high-power exercise, but this month, Luo has never seen Cookie Miss talk, and intelligent does not seem to have a high level of black cats.

While Luo was enjoying the massage, the black cat suddenly emerged from the back of Luo’s hand, and said with a smile: “Sister Qiqi, give me a massage, too?”

In this regard, Cookie Miss did not respond.

The black cat didn’t care, and turned around the cookie Miss, all kinds of nonsense kept coming out of his mouth.

However, Miss has always focused on massage, not paying attention to the black cat who constantly brushes the sense of existence.

“Be quiet, otherwise you will be obliterated!” Seeing the behavior of the black cat, Luo’s head was covered with black lines, and a smooth threat was thrown out.

The black cat “che”, double-handed hugged his head, and floated in the air with his legs raised, and after a while, he floated over to find two of them, and was arrested on the spot.

A few days later, a humble wood house stood by the lake.

It’s a pity that Luo can’t use it now, otherwise after a complete set of materials, a beautiful wood house will be built in minutes.

Every day since then, Luo has been tug-of-war with the strange fish in the lake in this way. Later, he found that there seemed to be several strange fish in the lake. Once, he encountered strange monsters with stronger strength. Luo couldn’t carry it. Only let go of the vines.

As the day goes by, exercise like this, the effect gradually becomes apparent.

Luo has experienced numerous tug-of-war competitions with strange fishes, and the length that he can pull back is getting longer and longer, but he is still unable to pull the strange fishes ashore, or exhaust the stamina of the strange fishes.

Two months later, Luo finally fished the biggest monster fish in the lake, and then evolved from exercise to playing with strange fish.

Bisji saw that Luo had reached the second small project, and announced the end of the project. To celebrate the end of the project, Luo slaughtered the biggest monster fish and ate it.

Guided by the white-smoke font, Luo knew which part of this strange fish was edible. Anyway, it was also a c-level ingredient. He stewed it into a pot of delicious fish soup, but it only increased by 0.2 after eating.

During the 3 months of the Wetland of Wetland, the food was managed by Bi Siji, except for the first month, which was all rhino Kakuzu pigs. During the 2 months of fishing at the lake, the daily food changed. .

Among them, Luo has eaten a lot of d-grade ingredients, but the data has not increased, while c-grade ingredients have been eaten twice, and both times have risen by an average of less than 2.

It can be seen that the effect of strengthening the strength through ingredients is weakened, or that higher grade ingredients may have better results.

Even the effect of c-grade ingredients has become so bad, so the minimum standard is b-grade ingredients.

When Luo realized this problem, he didn’t pay much attention. So far, his focus has been on exercise.

During the exercise, Luo wanted Lazambican to strengthen the physique together, but was declined, he did not force it.

After finishing one project, Bisji gave another project.

After 3 months of hard training and the food supplies in place, Luo’s body has become much stronger and he has also developed muscles. Although not as exaggerated as Besji, he looks firm and pleasing to the eye.

Then, positions teleportation.

Bisji took Luo and Sambica across the wetlands to the Mavertas Gorge in the Scarlet Forest Park. It was also the second test location for hunters in the original work.

At the bottom of that canyon is a river channel that leads directly to Haikou. The water flow is extremely turbulent. It can flush people to Haikou, which is dozens of kilometers away in a short time. Once it falls into the river, there is no superb water, and it is basically not far from death.

After arriving at the Maffertas Canyon, Luo immediately climbed to the top with his bare hands, then jumped into the canyon and landed on the gossamer spider’s silk.

Strings of grape-like eggs hang on the spider’s thread. Each egg is about the same size as an egg, darker in color, and full of Madara dots.

Luo politely took away a bunch of maggot spider eggs, and then easily returned to the top of the mountain.

鹫 Spider eggs are also d-grade ingredients, which has no effect on Luo’s strength growth. However, Luo still wants to try the taste of 鹫 Spider eggs. After all, this is what makes every candidate in the original book call out delicious.

Bi Siji didn’t say much about Luo’s willful behavior. After all, Luo has practiced hard these months, and she also sees it.

After tasting the mellow taste of the maggot spider egg, Luo was satisfied for a while, and his scent remained for a long time. After that, he started the exercise of the third item.

He wants to maintain a balance on the bottom of the turbulent river and hold his breath for more than ten minutes. The ultimate goal is to be able to walk freely on the bottom of the river.

After the end of this stage, it is to brave the rapids, that is, to swim. The difference is that Luo needs to face not only the current, but also various restraints to increase the difficulty.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the past 3 months. Luo ended the first stage of Body Tempering. It was an amazing gain, and the hero was Bisji and her beast.

After the exercise at Mavertus Mountain, I went to an oversized waterfall, where Luo ended the last 2 months of forging Body Cultivation.

As soon as half a year has passed, Luo ’s Mind Power has been unblocked. In the short term, the second stage of Mind Power skills training will be ushered in.

For half a year, Luo had mixed the Lost Wetlands and the surrounding area. If he were to serve as the Hunter Test Examiner in the 287th issue of the original book, it would definitely be fun. It was also a session of Young Gon and Hisoka.

At the same time, Luo’s body Power produced changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down, but there is a gap compared with Andongmu.

The Zoldyck family has a stone gate called the Trial by Fire door, also known as the Yellow Springs door. It consists of 7 doors of different sizes. Each door is about 2 tons each. Each additional door has more weight. Times.

The total weight of the 7th door, the 2 side doors is 256 tons, and the 128th Doors is 1 tons.

Half a year ago, Luo couldn’t even push the first door of 4 tons. Now, he can barely push the Six Doors without increasing the volume.

In fact, when the first stage of practice was over, Luo had an idea. It was to go to Zoldyck’s house and push the door of the trial.

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