Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 208

A month passed quickly.

Luo body’s weight increased to 300 kg, and the round trip time was reduced from seventeen hours to two hours. In this process, the number of round trips slowly increased to six times, and the number of push-ups eventually increased to 7 times.

High power exercise every day makes Luo clearly feel the change of body.

In the first half of the month, Luo everyday all needed cookies and horses to kill the chickens to eliminate the soreness, and then no longer needed. The fitness of the planning body has kept up with Power.

When Luo walked through the mud and began to relax, the exercise program came to an end.

That night, Luo finished 1000 push-ups, then unloaded the body weight and threw it aside.

Today ’s dinner is still roasted rhino Kakuzu pigs. It should be said that the whole month ’s food is all rhino Kakuzu pigs. According to Bisji, the number of rhino Kakuzu pigs is large, easy to get, and meat is full.

Although everyone eats roasted rhinoceros Kakuzu pigs every day, it ’s d-grade ingredients, and Luo actually does n’t get tired of eating.

Luo sat on the ground, single-handed lifted a whole pig, and just stunned.

That was his pure strength, and it had nothing to do with the energy of the body.

In this month, he didn’t use even one exercise, so it took 5 months to unseal the words.

“Bisji, is it time to change places?”

Luo looked at the Bishig while holding the roasted rhino Kakuzu pig.

“Well.” Bisji nodded.

This is the periphery of the Lost Merlot Wetland. The only place that can be used is muddy land, and Luo has overcome it and it is time to change places.

“Where to go next?” Luo swallowed a piece of meat and asked.

Bisji lifted his hand to the depths of the Los Merlot Wetlands, where the density of the trees increased significantly, and most of the time there was fog and dangerous creatures everywhere.

The next day.

A group of 3 people entered the depths of the Los Merlot Wetlands, and the dense fog filled them, providing an excellent hunting environment for many hidden creatures.

If it was Luo a month ago, it would be a bit vain to want to come deep into the misty Lost Wetland Forest without using the mind.

Now, despite carrying a weight of 300 kg, he is very confident.

There are two people escorted by Bisji and Sambica, plus the black cat who is tempted to go all the way, practically eliminates all dangers. What makes Luo silent is that the black cat grabbed a few people and made his book black. Several pages have been added.

Luo didn’t know where Bi Siji wanted to take him. He could only follow him stupidly. After walking for an hour, the dense fog began to disperse, and the surrounding greenery grew more and more intense.

On every big tree around, there are various vines entangled, no matter how the shape is different, all have thick arms.


Walking in the forest, Luo stopped two people when he saw a few pieces of green algae covering the roadside.

He took a closer look and found that it was a stone pillar Totem statue less than half a meter high, covered with a large area of ​​green algae, but barely can see an exaggerated face.

Bisji thought there was something wrong with Luo, but it turned out to be the stone pillar Totem statues scattered in the forest.

This kind of stone pillar Totem is like something left by a clan who previously lived in the Los Merlot Wetlands. It is usually scattered around the residential area, and its main purpose is to warn outsiders.

Later, this clan was eliminated or even perished by the ecological system of the Los Merlot Wetlands, leaving no trace of the residence, only these stone pillar Totems have been preserved.

Luo originally thought that Totem was one of the mysterious clues, but Bi Siji explained it and dispelled him.

After re-driving, Luo really saw many Totem statues along the way.

The group of 3 people sprinted for another 2 hours and finally came to a lake.

The dense fog has dispersed, and the surrounding green is full of trees. There are large trees standing there, and there are also many boulders lying beside the trees.

“Start the next exercise program.”

Bi Siji untied a long and thick vine from a large tree, and then tied it to a huge stone weighing 100 kilograms, and made a training tool on the spot.

In the previous marsh, I mainly trained Luo’s legs and stability of the lower plate, and the second item was arm strength.

Luo looks at Vines and Boulders, asking, “What is this to do?”

Bisji mouthed Kakuzu slightly and said, “Fishing.”

“Fishing?” Luo wondered.

Bisji tossed the other end of the vine to Luo, saying, “This vine is a special plant in the Los Merlot Wetland. It is very tenacious, not easy to break, and the bearing capacity should be more than one ton. If it bears more than one ton, Pulling force can last for an hour under tension. “

Luo was so confused that it was completely unclear what this had to do with the next exercise program.

Bi Siji was too lazy to explain. She first asked Sambica to clear a place nearby, and then she might stay here for at least a month, always building a temporary residence.

After Sambika went to work, Bisji took the vine from Luo, then raised the boulders bound by the other end of the vine, and threw it into the lake, about ten meters away from the shore.

After throwing the boulder down, Bisji single-handed pinched the vine, standing by the lakeside and staring at the calming lake.

Luo is standing at the side of looking at, and thinks of the word “fishing”. It feels incredible, but it’s such a big stone, is it possible that also fish can’t hook?

After about 30% of a minute, the calm surface of the lake suddenly stirred up ripples, and then the water rolled over. At the same time, the vine pinched in Bisji’s hand was instantly straightened, as if the fish had hooked.

“It’s been a long time ago, even fishes like to eat stones.” Seeing this scene, Luo was dumbfounded. If the huge stone was replaced with a rhino Kakuzu pig, he would still accept it.

The vine stretched, and Bisji kept pulling it back.

The water splash from the lake is getting more and more intense, and a huge black shadow gradually floats below the water surface. It seems to be swinging its body crazyly, trying to get rid of the pulling force from the vine.

However, in the presence of the Muscle Girl, any struggle was meaningless. I saw unidentified creatures in the lake and was forcibly dragged to the shore by Bisji.

This is a very strange fish with a very large volume. From the shape, it looks like a baby fish enlarged many times, but it does not have four limbs. There are more than a dozen large fins on the belly and the back of the fish.

The stone that Bi Siji dropped was deeply embedded in the wrinkles on the monster’s forehead.

Luo took a closer look and did not see the mouth of this strange fish, that is, there was a large fold on the forehead.

After the strange fish came ashore, there was still plenty of stamina, jumping and dancing.

Bi Siji walked over and kicked the fish with a precise kick at the chin of the monster, and the huge stone embedded in his forehead fell off at the same time, and kicked the monster fish back into the lake.

“You can start fishing. Hold on for an hour.”

Bisji throws one end of the vine to Luo, and then walks towards Sambica. She builds a wood house here as soon as possible.

With Bisji’s own demonstration, Luo understood what the so-called fishing was.

He took the vine and dropped a boulder into the lake, waiting for the next strange fish to hook.

In some places, there is no need to remind Bi Siji, Luo knows the consequences and the difficulty of this exercise program.

You know … just now when Bi Siji pulled the strange fish directly, but he used gas increase, in other words, it is not easy to pull this strange fish out of the lake.

Before long, the fish was hooked.

heaven knows why this strange fish likes stones!

The vine stretched, and a terrifying Strength came from above.

Luo’s expression changed, and her body was suddenly pulled out for 2 meters, and she was almost brought down. Fortunately, her legs and the lower plate were not the same as before, and barely supported.

“This Strength is too exaggerated!”

Luo’s arms were violently irritated, let alone pulling the vine back, it was difficult to maintain the deadlock.

Suddenly, Luo and the strange fish in the lake started a tug of war.

Luo pulled back with all his strength, but the next moment was pulled back into place.

Hold for an hour …!

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