Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 210

The battle ended very quickly, Luo was beaten 2 times and spit some blood, but the person is not a big deal. After all, he is now much stronger and his resistance to attack has also increased accordingly.

Although he had been with Bisji for half a year, Sambika had not seen Bisji’s shot. At this time, he could only sigh that he was worthy of being a star hunter. He could beat Luo in a few rounds.

After all, Bi Siji is a master of heart and one of the powerhouses of the Hunters Association can be counted on one’s fingers. It is normal to fight against Luo.

“Help him.” Bisji walked over.

Luo got up, wiped the blood on Kakuzu’s mouth, came to Sambika’s side, and asked her to treat herself.

While Sambica was treating Luo, Bisjig looked back at the fight.

Regarding Luo’s thoughts, if used in place, it would be a weapon in close combat, but it is difficult to affect her with the existing formidable power.

The ability to change the terrain through airspace can create a certain advantage for itself, but the disadvantage is that when the airspace is used, the fluctuation of mental strength is too obvious.

In general, the subtle manipulation of Luo Nianli is strong enough. It is not necessary to start from the basics, but to focus on training advanced skills, such as Jianhe Liu.

The most basic and the most difficult trick to master in the battle of mental strength is the teleportation of the offensive and defensive power, which is the flow of advanced skills!

Unlike other technologies, wanting to practice extremely fast and strong teleportation requires rich experience and high aptitude, and it is not a technology that can definitely be rewarded by hard training.

A Mind Power player with a strong battle strength must have quick mental skills and skills to achieve teleportation.

These two points are all what Luo lacks now, especially the mastery of the stream, which can only be said to be a half-deaf.

If Luo’s flow is faster, she won’t suffer internal injuries now, but can continue to fight with her.

“Also for half a year, if Luo wants to win An Tongmu, the key lies in the instant explosive power of thinking and qualified ‘flow’. If time is enough, letting him master ‘hard’ is not impossible.”

Bi Siji touch the chin, because Luo’s foundation is solid enough, there is no need to waste time to train basic skills.

A few minutes later, Zambia ended her treatment.

When Bisji hit Luo, not at all deliberately used the flow to increase the formidable power of the attack. Although Luo vomited blood, he was not seriously injured. Under the treatment of Sambica, it took almost 2 to 3 days. Can recover.

“I’ll tell you how to use advanced techniques today, and I’ll start practicing tomorrow.”

Bisiji extended the hand, compared with an index finger, but did not mind Zambia at all.

After hearing Bisji’s words, Luo and Zambia Kalima concentrated spiritually, and their two advanced skills were weak.

“First, Zhou is the technique of applying entanglement and entangling energy to the items in contact with the body. The effect is to increase the hardness and destructive force of the item. Mind Power who is used to weapons is usually not weak in Zhou’s accomplishments.

“Hidden is a further application technique. It can be used in situations where opponents are hard to detect. It is the most commonly used technique of Mind Power users, because Hidden can make the embodied items appear semi-solid. To achieve the effect of a sneak attack. “

“Condensation is the technique of concentrating part of the Qi on a certain part of the body. Although this is an applied technique, it can also be said to be one of the basics.”

“Circle is a combination of entanglement and practice. It allows Qi to expand outwards with itself as the center of the circle. It can detect enemies within the scope of Qi.”

“Jian, is also a combination of tangling and practicing techniques, but it is different from the principle of circle. Circle is equal to diluting Qi and spreading it out, and Jian is condensing and compressing Qi, then covering the body. skill.”

“The former is not lethal and is usually used for reconnaissance. The latter is a very important skill in mental combat.”

“It should be noted that although Jian can greatly increase the offensive and defensive power of the incarnation body, maintaining the strong state is very costly stamina. Whether a Mind Power’s battle strength is qualified depends on whether his strength can be maintained for half an hour. “

Bi Siji talked about 5 skills in succession. Each time she said a skill, she put up a hand. When she finished 5 skills, right hand 5 spread out.

Her words are not fast, but they are not slow, and do not care if Luo and Sambica understand them, because in the subsequent practice, she will pick out each and everyone and practice slowly.

“Flow is the most difficult skill to master in mental battles!”

Bisji extended his left hand and raised the 6th hand to represent the 6th skill.

“The so-called flow is the technique of teleportation to a certain part of the body evenly distributed air volume in a firm state, so as to optimize the offensive and defensive power. The faster the degree of teleportation, the more efficient the conversion of attack and defense will be. high.”

“The more sophisticated the mastery of the stream, the better the effect of Qi can be. As long as the conversion rate of attack and defense is improved, it will not waste meaningless energy.

Bisji looks at Luo and Sambica who listened intently, and put up the seventh hand, calmly said: “The last trick, hard!”

“If flow is the most difficult technique to advance, then hard is the most difficult technique to master.”

“It is an advanced application technique that can be used by combining five techniques: entanglement, perfection, practice, and coagulation. In simple terms, it is to concentrate all the apparent energy to a point to form 5% lethality, which can be the body. A location can also be a weapon in contact with the body. “

“However, when all the energy is concentrated at one point, the defense of other parts will become o. If the opponent catches the opportunity, it is easy to be seriously injured or even killed.”

“The above are the 7 advanced skills beyond the basics. After that, I will develop a single skill training style for you, so you ca n’t understand now.

Bisji looks at Luo. After all the skills have been explained, it is to drop the double-handed.

Zhou, hidden, condensed, round, strong, flowing, and hard are the skills that Luo needs to master and improve as soon as possible.

Luo and Sambica have excellent memories and comprehension, which are all recorded in their heads after listening.

“Don’t wait for tomorrow, I can start practicing now!” Listening to Bi Siji’s explanation briefly, Luo couldn’t wait to master the advanced skills as soon as possible.

Seeing that Luo was so impatient, Bi Siji probably guessed the reason. It was just that he was hit by himself just now, and the enthusiasm was immediately raised.

The fact is exactly the same. Luo worked hard for half a year, but he was abused by Bi Siji, who suppressed his strength. To know that exercise in that half year, he was working hard.

It is said that it is half a year. In fact, the transformed results can be achieved at least 3 years. The fundamental reason is that Miss ’s auxiliary ability can allow him to use 5 times or even 1 times the effect of half a year.

Nevertheless, Luo was abused, and mastering advanced skills as soon as possible can change this situation.

“Call out the black cat.” Bi Siji thought for a while, and decided to follow Luo’s enthusiasm, ignoring Luo’s injury and immediately started training.

“Have you heard that?” Luo immediately raised his right hand when he heard it.

The black cat reluctantly got out of the back of his hand.

“Become a stick,” said Bisji looks at the black cat who appeared.

“Impossible! This is simply the biggest insult to me!” The black cat refused without the slightest hesitation.

Bisji did not speak, but raised his fist laughed.

Seeing Bi Siji’s unclear meaning smile, the black cat immediately persuaded, and honestly became a black stick.

Bisji held the stick that the black cat turned into and said, “I want you to be in a state of practice all the time. After that, I will randomly hit some part of your body with the stick. Before the stick hits you, you must use gel , Gather a portion of the energy on the part where the stick is about to fall. “

After she said it, she suddenly hit Luo’s right shoulder with an unpleasant degree, and then said, “This is the first degree, and then I will gradually increase the degree as the case may be, understand?”

Luo nodded hard, and he was immediately ready to breathe out.

Bisji did not immediately start, she suddenly looked towards Sambika and said, “You too.”

Zambia heard the news, and she suddenly saw that she couldn’t do physical exercises, but she could participate in the cultivation of Mind Power skills.

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