Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 146

The gun is a weapon that can easily take the life of human nature, and it is also a weapon for ordinary people to fight against Mind Power.

After everyone pulled the trigger, the tongue of fire gushed, and Bullets shot out from the barrel.

There is no madness to hold the trigger, and each person shoots at most 3 Bullets. Most people choose to shoot. They only want to waste a Bullets on Luo and Sambica bodies.

They think that one Bullets is enough for two people.

However, when many Bullets were standing still in front of Luo, most of them lost the opportunity to pull the trigger again.

Luo expands the field, protects himself and Sambica, stops the bullets that come from the shot, and then releases the gas, and flies the bullets back.

“xiu …!”

There were no gunshots, and many Bullets reflected back into the body of the nearby Meteor City guard.

Blossoming blood exploded in their bodies, and with the continuous screams, each and everyone with the gun fell to the ground in perplexity.

There were more than 400 people at the scene, but under a round of Bullets baptism, less than 2 100 people could stand.

Those who have not been spoiled by Bullets may be grateful that they only played 2 Bullets. In order not to waste Bullets’ behavior, they will undoubtedly save their lives.

After shocking Bullets to overthrow most people, Luo and Sambica ignored the others and walked towards the laneway where they came.

As he walked around, Luo released the momentum rendered by the air mass, covering the body of those people who were not affected by Bullets.

The scene that just happened, coupled with the aura of rendering, directly left the rest of the courage to pull the trigger.

Faster heartbeat, sweating, body trembling …

Various reactions linked to fear appeared in their bodies, and even if they held a weapon that gave them confidence, they could not overcome the fear and pulled the trigger again.

Luo’s aura is like countless lines that can’t be seen, blocking their next move and controlling their thoughts.

That’s it, they looked away at Luo and Sambica left without making any move.

In a room in the surrounding building, Illumi leaned against the window, looking at the situation underneath, and there was no emotion in the dark eyes.

After a while, he passed through the window, jumped to the top of the building, and hung far behind Luo.

Meteor City has 4 streets, and each street has access to the outside.

Luo led Sambica across the alley and onto the main street of East Street. He could leave Meteor City directly from the exit of East Street.

At this point, no one could be seen on the street, but Luo could feel the gaze from the dark, and the hostility was obvious.

The hiding methods of these people are completely laymen, or they have no intention of hiding at all.

“Don’t be too far away from me.”

Luo reminded once again that it is impossible to tell how many people are lying around, but there are definitely many.

Zambia is nodded. Her mind cannot stop the many Bullets. Without Luo’s protection and facing many guns at the same time, her survival rate is zero.

“The range is too large. It will take some time to take effect.”

She double-handed drooped naturally, and her palms were surging, releasing a large amount of virus, which spread to the surroundings through the air.

The selected virus species is low-risk and can only make people infected with the virus temporarily lose control of the limbs, but it has a fast onset of time and is the most suitable virus species at present.

Although the conditions are limited, Zambia can also choose a more dangerous virus species, but she does not want to cause unnecessary casualties, so she chooses a more gentle virus species.

“Then wait a moment.”

Hearing Zambia’s whisper, Luo stood still, like a target exposed to light, barely mocking Meteor City residents hiding in the dark waiting for opportunity.

In the field of use, no matter how many people with firearms sent by Meteor City, Luo can easily resist, and can use the Bullets flying back to fight back, but that requires gas consumption.

Opening the field throughout the process can support Luo to walk from here to the exit, which is of course chic, but without knowing how many Mind Power people in Meteor City, the uncontrolled consumption of gas will only put himself in unfavorable conditions.

As long as the opponent does not take the initiative to attack, you can use Sambica’s virus to bring down a large number of people, saving a waste of meaningless energy.

The backbone of Meteor City, gathered in the area of ​​East Street, including the other three Elders, also came here to participate in the siege of foreign enemies.

They were distributed in the building, at the entrance of the roadway, on the roof, etc., all watching Luo and Sambica standing on the street.

Before Elder did not give an order, the men did not dare to hurriedly throw cold arrows at Luo and Sambica.

The three Elders are all middle-aged and above, all of them are Mind Power, and their level is in the middle of the second-class Mind Power, and they each developed a concept.

Surrounded by dozens of men, three Elders stood on the top edge of the tallest building, looking at the back of Luo and Sambica.

Unlike East Street Elder, these three Elders are more normally dressed and are all over 3 years old.

Short and fat, with Baldie, there are many scars on it. It is South Street Elder, named Shaber, and belongs to Enhancer.

The person with thin body, full beard and one big and one small eyes is Elder North Street, named Kit, and belongs to the operating system.

The last one is tall and strong, with a nose that looks like a ball. It is West Street Elder, named Marshall, and belongs to Emitter.

“That woman …?” The short, fat Saab stared at him, staring at Sambika’s double-handed.

“It’s her reading, I don’t know what the effect is.” Marshall twitched nose, coldly said.

Kitt was silent, and by condensing, you could see countless little breaths drifting from Sambika’s double-handed, like a dandelion, floating all around.

“No matter what the idea is, people are already in place, and it’s just a direct action.” Saber said solemnly.

Marshall was nodded, coldly said: “Come down and start working immediately.”

Upon hearing Marshall’s order, all of Behind’s men took out Wireless Electronics and passed on the order.

Whether it’s a firearm or Wireless Electronics, it’s a device provided to Meteor City by Criminal Syndicate, apart from this, and also a lot of prohibited military supplies.

As the order was issued, Luo immediately noticed a change in atmosphere.

The hostility from the surrounding area suddenly became sharp, like a sharp blade.

“They’re probably going to do it,” Luo indifferently said.

With no intention of concealing it, he almost shouted that I was going to do it. This style of work is simply superfluous.

Luo just finished speaking. The hidden Meteor City residents showed a silhouette. It seemed that from the very beginning, they didn’t want to be close, so the people who appeared were basically holding guns. A cursory look, more than 1000 people.

Seeing so many people and firearms, Sambika expression was slightly tight, and subconsciously took another step closer to Luo.

At this time, gunfire rang through East Street.

What surprised Luo was that there were only 30-40 people firing. It should be known that Luo was able to stop Bullets and then counterattack, so he did not rashly set fire.

“Since knowing that firearms are useless …”

Luo stopped Bullets and immediately reflected, knocking down 7 people in an instant.

Just then, 100 grenades fell from the sky and smashed into Luo and Sambica.

At the same time as firing, residents of Meteor City on the top of the building pulled the grenade’s pull ring and did not throw it out immediately, but waited for the last second of the grenade to explode before throwing it at Luo.

When the grenade, like a scent of heaven, hadn’t approached Luo and Zambia, they suddenly exploded in the air, forming a large-scale explosion that engulfed Luo and Zambia.

At the same time, under the watchful eye of the three Elders, all the men around him vented Bullets towards the center of the explosion.

This series of offensives is completely against Luo and Sambica as bosses.

“Even if your idea is quite tricky, it is possible to block that many grenades and Bullets.” Marshall said with a sneer.

After more than ten seconds, everyone’s Bullets emptied, and the exploding smoke gradually dispersed.

Not only the three Elders, but the Meteor City residents who participated in the attack all believed that Luo and Sambica were absolutely die without a whole corpse.

In theory, even a star hunter could be planted in this offensive.

After a while, the smoke spread completely.

The scene that appeared in front of her eyes made everyone’s face look scared.

Illumi hiding in the shadows was also surprised.

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