Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 145

Quiet eyes, deep tone, did not show fighting intent, but it is impossible to question the heart of seeking war.

Thinking of the incredible possibility, Sambica stepped back in panic, looking towards Luo with a totally different look, with vigilance.

This is not Luo.

Although not sure what happened, she was so sure.

Luo looks at Sambika who receded, her eyelids drooping, and she seemed a little sorry, faintly said: “Anyway, fight!”

As soon as the words came down, the icy momentum turned into a fearless fighting intent.

No matter who it is, no matter what the outcome is, no matter how much time is left … Anyone is fine, just ask for a fight.


A crack appeared in vain on the glass cover above the booth, just like several entangled snakes, but was physically pulled by the invisible momentum.

At the wall of Kakuzu, the body of the giant dog cringing into a ball shakes, the beast claws turn towards the sky, and the long tongue spit out and drags to the ground. This is the gesture of surrendering acknowledgement allegiance. From this moment, it is to take its life, and it will never resist .

Sambica was forced back to the cold wall by the fighting intent emanating from Luo. She was cold, her face full of fear, and asked, “Who are you …?”

Luo looked cold and took a step forward in silence, shocked above Sambika’s heart.

There is no killing intent, but Zambia feels indescribable danger.

She didn’t know what happened to Luo’s body, only she couldn’t sit still.

At this moment, the momentum and fighting intent emanating from Luo melted away like Haruyuki, and the cold face suddenly became frivolous.

“Just kidding.”

With Sambika’s mouth open and staring silently, Luo put away his sword, as if he was joking just now.

“Mental illness!” Zambia, who responded, immediately exasperated.

She was really scared just now, thinking that Luo was getting something strange.

“Haha, look at you scared.” Luo laughed wantonly.

Seeing Luo also laughed at her, Sambica turned angrily and did not want to ignore Luo.

Seeing Zambia’s reaction, Luo turned slowly, converging the smile on his face, his face slightly dignified.

The behavior just now was not a joke, because she didn’t want Sambika to notice the difference, so she turned her back to her.

The inscrutable things that can’t be said are taken as an unrelated joke, and they are not mentioned here.

Thinking of this, Luo took a deep breath, and he not only accepted the restrictions and vows, but also accepted the obsession left over by the anonymous swordsman.

If a person can live forever, he must not just walk, and the things he seeks will not feel boring.

That is the ultimate will that even death and time can’t pass away.

Not to fight, not to win, just to be able to go further on the never-ending avenue.

With such a split second, Luo even thought it was over. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, but the momentum caused by the obsession was really amazing.

“It’s your good job!”

Luo asked silently in his heart, it was a self-question that could not be answered.

Perhaps the white smoke font thinks it is good for Luo, but Luo will never touch it easily when encountering such a thing in the future.

Luo suddenly raised his arm, holding a knife and slashing forward, a ray of sharpness emerged from the tip of the knife and glittering. The slashing action of the knife was proficient, as if such an action had been done countless times.

It’s just an ordinary slash, and it has no intention of dragging the water. It’s simply a sharp, not like an action that can be made by the first Scholar.

After recollecting the snippets of memory, Luo silently put away his sword, turned back and looked towards the sulking Sambica, said with a smile: “Are you angry?”

“Mental illness.” Sambica looks at Luo, repeating what he said just now, but this time the tone of the restatement is much flatter.

“I’m wrong.”

Luo honestly admits his mistake, although this is not his pot, but he can only go on.

Seeing Luo’s confession, Zambia’s anger was more than half off.

This is what she does. When the erring person knows how to admit it, she will forgive the other person, but this is basically wrong.

After admitting it, Luo glanced at the antiquities in the basement and the giant dog cringing at the wall Kakuzu, thinking that this place will not stay long, and he was about to leave.

Elder Fuxi, the knife has been obtained, the next is to leave Meteor City, as for the antiquities in the basement, he was too lazy to go, after all, there is no shortage of money now, and it is troublesome to carry.

If there was storage space, he really didn’t mind going.

“Let’s go and wait for a break and don’t be too far away from me,” Luo said.

Elder’s explosion was something Luo hadn’t expected, and the explosion will definitely make Parliament act.

“Well.” Sambika was nodded.

2 people stepped on the stairs side by side, and from start to finish, the black giant dog always maintained the act of surrender of acknowledgement allegiance, and did not dare to act in the slightest.

As Luo thought, the explosion that knocked the house down like a siren sounded throughout Meteor City.

When Luo and Sambica entered the basement, the guards directly under the Elder Council followed the direction of the explosion and came here as thunderbolt.

The first to come to the scene was a team of more than 100 people. When they saw the ruins of the ground, they immediately entered the state of preparation for war.

In this team, basically everyone carries firearms, some are submachine guns, some are just pistols, and a few people carry knives.

“This is Elder’s house!” Someone in the team exclaimed.

Elder Elder is the Elder of East Street, its status is self-evident, but the house where it lives has been turned into ruins.

“What happened?”

“A few of you, ask the people nearby, and the rest will clean up here with me.” A man like Captain commanded, and he noticed the residents in the nearby building who were watching this side.

Maybe among those many residents, someone will know what happened.

Hearing Captain’s order, the instructed team was preparing to go to the house for questioning. Before they acted, 2 people came out of the ruins, and they got Luo and Sambica of Allah.

Seeing this scene, all the 100 people present made the same action, raised their guns and pointed at Luo and Sambica.

Dou Er has been wearing rags for a long time, and his men have the same style, but Luo and Sambica are obviously not in line.

“Who are you? Elder?” Captain asked coldly.

Luo carried Allah on his shoulder and faced nearly 100 black paint muzzles, but he was unmoved.

He glanced around at the people present, almost 100 of them, almost all with guns.

The two sides confronted each other, and the residents in the surrounding houses leaned against the window to watch the excitement.

Meteor City has few foreign enemies, Incursio. On the one hand, Meteor City has less contact with the outside world, and on the other hand, it lacks a leading factor.

“Give you ten seconds.” Captain caught cold glow, and if Luo couldn’t say anything, he would order a shot.

shua shua…

each and everyone Out of the all-around alley, people in shabby tents stepped out, blocked any intersection, and surrounded the ruins of the house in the middle. This group of people were members of Elder, and were all attracted by the explosion.

also More and more people are outside the street, like an inescapable net, and Luo and Zambia are imprisoned here.

At this moment, Luo and Sambica were surrounded by more than 400 people, and more than half of them carried firearms. In such a dangerous situation, 2 people were calm.

“If you mean Elder East Street, he’s dead.”

Not long after the ten-second countdown started, Luo revealed the fact that everyone was shocked.

Elder is dead …!

The next second, without Captain’s order, everyone fired almost simultaneously.

Dense gunshots rang through here instantly, watching the lively residents scared away from the window, they missed the countless wonders that Bullets stopped moving.

But one person not at all missed, and that was Illumi.

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