Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 147

The expected corpse did not appear at all, but the thick walls of Golden-bright and dazzling Bullets.

Countless Bullets are assembled into an airtight wall, like a shield, running in front of the two foreign enemies.

This is a scene I have never seen in my life. Even veterans who have fought a lifetime of war, they have seen this scene impossibly.

“How could it be!” Shock appeared on Marshall’s face.

He was so determined just now that it didn’t take long for Fiercely to fan himself.

How can such a young devil exert such effects, no matter how much, there will be a limit.

Not to mention the 100 grenades that serve as a cover, stopping 10000 Bullets is a unimaginable thing, but it is stopped by 30000 or more 50000 Bullets.

If it was a powerful star hunter, Marshall recognized it, but he was just a little ghost.

“Have you ever seen such a thought?” It was difficult for Gutter, a taciturn, to conceal fluctuations in tone.

The other two Elders did not speak, and their faces were very ugly.

Even if they have seen it, they are unwilling to believe that that kind of thinking is beyond their cognition.

“Do you want to continue? That little ghost’s thought must consume a lot of energy, and he will definitely be unable to stop it a few more times.” Saber hated.

Marshall coldly snorted with a bad voice: “No matter how much it costs, you have to get rid of them two.”

Those who dare to attack Meteor City, even if they chase Kakuzu, will kill each other.

In the Bullets wall, Luo sighed in relief.

When the grenade exploded, he was unavoidably scared. Although he was defending with the field, the subsequent rain of guns and bullets put him under great pressure, for fear of being unable to bear the load. Fortunately, it was successfully blocked in the end, but it also consumed a lot of energy.

“How long will it take for the virus to work?” Luo asked. He still underestimated the heritage of Meteor City. Didn’t expect to have that many weapons. If there are several waves of this offensive, his energy will probably be exhausted.

He didn’t know that the virus species selected by Zambia was relatively gentle. If it was a lethal virus species, even if the effect could not be fully exerted, it would immediately affect it.

“It takes about 2 minutes.” Sambika Kaidou.

“Is there a way to speed it up?” Luo asked.

Zambia groaned and said, “If the adrenaline is secreted too much, the virus will have an immediate effect.”

“Adrenaline is secreted?”

Luo frowned, and at this moment, residents of Meteor City standing above the building once again threw over 100 grenades, showing a crazy attitude.

That’s Meteor City’s attitude towards the enemy. No matter what the price is, once it is determined, it will be irreconcilable, not to mention such a luxurious act.

Luo looks at the large number of grenades that fell from the sky, and I was quite helpless. I do n’t know how many weapons Meteor City asked for from the Criminal Syndicate? What’s the use? Is it possible to prevent problems before they occur?

“bang bang bang!”

The 100 grenades exploded like fireworks, forming a violent serial explosion. The nearby houses were affected and immediately collapsed into ruins.

After the energy from the explosion passed away, the smoke filled.

Luo and Sambica remained safe, except that the thick wall of 10000 round Bullets had disappeared and was scattered by the explosion.

That many grenades still failed to kill Luo, which shocked the three Elders, but it would be okay to blow up the thick wall of Bullets. Otherwise, there was a thick wall blocking Luo and Sambica.

“I don’t want to be beaten all the time.”

Luo took a deep breath, cold eyes swept through the people around, and the number of people was at least over 1000, maybe in the early 2s. Among those many people, there were only dozens of Mind Power people.

Luo can use the gas field to stun ordinary people, but there are too many people and the scope is too wide.

Among the Mind Power techniques, there is a technique called circle, which is a high-level joint application technique of entanglement and practice, which allows Qi to expand outwards around itself, but all Incursio who are within the scope of Qi can be noticed. .

This technique is the same as Luo’s field. The larger the scope of expansion, the more difficult it is to maintain. In theory, Luo’s field is more difficult to operate than the circle.

The same principle is applied to the gas field rendered by the gas volume. Once there is a limit on the range and the number of targets, the effect will plummet.

At present, there are more than 2 people in East Street. With Luo’s current ability, the release of the gas field can only stun the 1000 people who are closer. If you want to stun a few 100 people, it is basically impossible. .

However, after learning from Zambia how to speed up the virus, Luo’s mind became lively.

He expanded the range of the gas field, which was not enough to produce the effect of 1000 stuns, but could make ordinary people in the range feel the fear.

The effect of this kind of fear is not very good. After all, the other person is crowded, and the side effects of fear can be reduced accordingly.

Now, with the blessing of the Zambia virus, as long as the air field emitted by Luo can make the surrounding people fear, the virus can make the effect immediately.

“Sambica, let’s go.”

Luo took a step forward, the gas field sprang up spontaneously, and quickly spread out toward all around.

The three Elders and Illumi on the roof were keenly aware of Luo’s aura and were a deterrent …

They are all Mind Power people, knowing the effect of the gas field on the ordinary person, but it also depends on the environmental factors, so the Elders are very calm.

At this time, three people came towards the Middle Section area of ​​East Street at the entrance of East Street, and they were Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga.

They were waiting for Luo and Sambica outside the East Street exit, but they didn’t wait, but they heard a sound of explosions from East Street.

Concerned about Luo’s safety, the three of Machi decided to enter East Street to see the situation, while the other members responded outside.

When they came to the periphery of the battle circle, they saw Luo and Sambica, who were surrounded by 1000 people in the distance, their faces changed.

In this case, they can only feel a sense of weakness. If it is not surrounded, it will also be a matter of struggle.

On the main street, Luo had just released the gas field and was forced to withdraw it, because the other party had fired at them after they had loaded the magazine.

Luo stopped the wave of Bullets again, but he did not use the stopped Bullets to counterattack. Instead of failing, he was unwilling to do so.

There are too many Bullets, and he has already consumed a lot of energy when he stopped. If he sends out another quantity and shakes Bullets back, it will only consume more energy, and the other party knows his counterattack and must be alert.

With this in mind, Luo just stopped Bullets and didn’t fight back. Moreover, he had found a way to overthrow the enemy.

“Luo, can it stand?” Sambika worried.

“Relax, they’re out of play.”

Luo laughed at Sambika, then jumped to the bunker made of Bullets, facing the Meteor City crowd who was loading the magazine.

The deterrent aura that had been brewing before was suddenly released, like a gale, sweeping across the Meteor City in various locations.

Ordinary people are unable to resist the emotional field of Mind Power. Luo wants them to be afraid, so they will be afraid of being affected by the gas field.

So, 2 1000 or even 3000 Meteor City residents, in this brief moment, were all cold and inexplicably afraid.

They didn’t know why this was the case, just looking at standing there, Luo without any weapon, was deeply afraid.

At the same time, the adrenaline within their body began to be over-secreted, and the previously invading virus, as if blessed, had an immediate effect.

Someone suddenly stiffened and fell to the ground with a puzzled sound. He couldn’t even move his mouth in a second, and the silence became dumb.

If someone falls, there will be a second person, like Donomi Bone Token. There are 2 people present. As promised, they will stiffen and fall to the ground, because they can’t even move their mouths, so they can’t make a sound.

There was a silence on the field, and as the crowd fell to the ground, the battle formation organized fell apart.

The unseen phenomenon surprised the dozens of Mind Power and Elders who were not affected.

Including the Machi 3 people, and Illumi watching the situation on the field, I just felt a chill from my heart.

Thousands of people were toppled with the gas field alone?

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