Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 144

As the flames and smoke rushed out, the entire house fell down and turned into ruins, and the thick smoke like a dragon rushed into the sky.

Sambika, who was outside, was not aware of it for a while, and was blown off by the airwaves caused by the explosion, and then landed, practically intact.


Sambica got up quickly and ran over the ruins that were exuding heat and smoke.

Involved in such a violent explosion, even Mind Power is difficult to keep.

As Sambika was worried, a sound was heard from the center of the ruins, a stone slab was lifted, and Luo got out of the ruins. His body was stained with a lot of dust, but there was no injury.

“I am fine.”

With the dust of the pats body, Luo looks at the ruins of the house, frowning lightly.

It is so easy and hasty to detonate myself as a bomb, without even hesitation. Such behavior is terrifying, simply does not take his life as one thing.

If it weren’t for the hand of God, being in the center of an explosion, she wouldn’t be able to defend herself with pure energy.

Seeing that Luo was all right, Sambica purse one’s lip, and fell silent.

“En?” Luo suddenly surprised.

In the ruins not far away, a black smoke whispered quietly, and a nearly transparent human body was drafted.


Luo looks at that smoky existence, cold eyes.

If the grievances after death still have the consciousness of life, then at this moment, Elder who wants to drag Luo into hell will certainly not accept this result.

Perish together deduced from life can’t even cause Luo a little damage, making his life worthless.

The faint, translucent smoke floating in mid-air suddenly rushed to Luo.

Luo, however, allowed the smoke to invade within the body, using it as a mental food, and turning it into the energy of within the body.

Not everyone can have grievances, but if they do it intentionally, they can actually use punishment and other means to create grievances.

“Follow me.” After absorbing the grievances from Elder, Luo leaned on his memory to find the location of the basement entrance, and then used the hand of God to divide the ruins to expose the floor.

Zambia came to Luo. She didn’t know what Luo wanted to do, but didn’t ask much.

Luo squatted down, raised his punch to the floor, and made a hollow sound.

“This is the entrance to the basement. I’m going down to get something.”

After confirming the position, Luo turned his back to Sambika, gathered the air in his palm, cut the slate directly, and exposed the stairs leading to the basement.

Sambika glanced down at the stairs and asked, “What are you going to take?”

“A blade, the explosion will definitely attract more people, come down with me and get things away.”

Luo looked at the surrounding buildings and could clearly see that beside each window, there were people from each and everyone who were moving towards this side.

Such a violent explosion sounded like a signal flare in the night, which almost attracted everyone’s attention in Meteor City. Presumably, the Elder Council would deal with it as soon as it found out.

East Street’s Elder’s hand before his death, although it did not hurt Luo, had a follow-up effect.

It would not have happened if the thought had nothing to do with the explosion.

Luo stepped down the stairs, followed by Sambica.

Follow the steps to the bottom and into the basement.

Luo tried to press the power switch, the light turned on, and the entire basement was very delicate hair was completely shown.

didn’t expect the house collapsed into ruins, but it did not affect the lighting equipment in the basement, which saved a lot of work.

In the empty basement, the booth was still there, Kakuzu’s place was piled with bones, a black giant dog fangs grinned, and the glow of cold glow was seen in the beast eyes of looking towards Luo and Sambica.


The black giant dog rushed towards Luo suddenly, pulling the chain that locked it straight, a distance from the two people of Luo, and couldn’t get in half a inch.

Restricted by the iron chain, the giant dog did not bark, but just stared at Luo and Sambica.

A lot of saliva was seeping out of the canine teeth, showing a hint of coldness, showing the ferocious intention to the two, and not concealing the idea of ​​swallowing the two.

“Is this a dog?” Sambika calmly looked at the brutal black giant dog.


Ignoring the impatient giant dog, Luo went straight to the booth where Allah was placed, which was the main purpose of his visit.

Taking off the transparent glass cover on the booth, Luo once again held the handle of Allah and lifted it up.

Under the bright light, the rusty Madara on the blade is like a python pattern, showing an alternative beauty.

The rust may only seem to despise, but Luo knew that when he picked up the knife, everything would be different.

From this moment, this knife will be the sharpest knife in World.

“This is the knife you want to take?” Sambika really suspected that the rusty knife would break if she saw the rusty knife.


Luo complied, the white smoke in the consciousness once again revealed all the information about Allah.

When you hold the knife, it may be because of the white smoke font. Even if you do n’t go to the Sensor intentionally, you can feel the restrictions and vows left on the knife, which are also left over from previous generations of users.

“Gotta accept it.”

Luo thought, trying to touch the thoughts left over from the sword.

Not absorption, but contact.

Just then, an unfamiliar idea penetrated into Luo’s consciousness from above the blade, and at the same time, a blurry picture passed quickly in his mind, and he could not see what it was.

Sudden change did not scare Luo, but calmly tried the strange idea.

This scene is very familiar. When he absorbed the Muhou stone statue, he also had such experience, but the picture that he inspired was much stronger and clearer than this time.

Not only the picture, when the message of the dark sonata appeared, the idea was like Devil’s Whisper, which seduced Luo to accept it.

That seems to be a strong remnant, and it seems to be obsession.

At that time, Luo felt that there was no connection, because he felt the danger of using white smoke fonts to absorb it.

At this moment, Allah also had the same thoughts as Muhoushi, but it was weak. From Luo’s point of view, there was no danger at all.

If you want to accept the constraints on the sword, you must accept this disillusionment.

Luo hesitated for a while, then decided to accept, and consciousness intruded into the disillusionment.

The blurry picture passing by suddenly became clear, but the portrait appearing in the picture was a black shadow and could not see the appearance.

One person, a blade.

The sword is Allah, and the man is an unknown swordsman.

In the picture, the black shadow holding the knife stands under the waterfall, repeating the action of waving the knife.

Luo was curious and gave birth to the idea of ​​seeing the shadow of the black, so … the shadow of the black lighted up, revealing the true content.

At that moment, Luo’s spiritual shuddered.

In the basement, Luo maintained the action of raising a knife, his eyes closed, and standing in front of the booth like this, a clear momentum slowly radiated from his body.

“Luo?” Sambika inexplicably felt palpitated.

The black giant dog that stretched the iron chain suddenly made a humming sound, narrowed its tail to the wall Kakuzu, looking at the human nature’s fear in Luo’s beast eyes.

At this moment, Luo turned slowly and faced Sambika.

Sambica looks at Luo with her eyes closed, and her heart palpitations are even worse, but she feels strange and takes a step back subconsciously.

Luo’s closed eyes slowly opened, looking at Zambia, her eyes were peaceful, and there was a trace of vicissitudes that had gone through a long time.

“Are you Luo?” Sambika’s eyes trembled, and she didn’t even know why she asked.

Luo didn’t say anything, but he was in front of him.

A moment later, he said in a deep tone, “Are you fighting?”

Sambika’s body suddenly froze, feeling wrapped in chill.

During the practice, Master once said some wonderful experiences of his youth.

Among them, what impressed Sambica a lot was the experience of the Master going to a Royal Family tomb with the team.

At that time, Master seemed to be exaggerating in his words, so Sambika thought that Master was intentionally scaring her.

However, Luo looks at this moment, and Sambika inexplicably thought of what her Master said.

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