Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1258

The spinal fluid that strengthened the lower limbs was distributed to Tonpa, but was not made available immediately.

Wait for all the results to come out before deciding who should take the lead, or use the lowest-effect spine fluid to verify more specific risks.

Luo thought ahead a lot, but the team members such as Uvogin Nobunaga and the others were waiting for the identification results in the eyes, expecting that the remaining spinal fluid had the type suitable for their strengthening, without any consideration of risk.

At this point, Luo was quite helpless, but he could understand.

When the feeling of getting stronger is extremely strong, how can you care about risk?

If he has the right spinal fluid, even he will choose to strengthen.

Even if the effect is not good, at least it can improve the physical fitness and the upper limit of apparent energy.

Thinking about it, it will definitely increase his battle strength by one level.

In the room, Tonpa slipped into the water of Kakuzu with the spine fluid, and the beauty of zīzī was slightly timid.

Nick glanced at Tonpa. It was hard to hide his envy and whispered to himself: “Strengthen your lower limbs. It will be very convenient to use it for escape if you become scudgers.”

Not far away, the Skeleton glanced at Nick silently, shook his head slightly, and made the sound of a skeleton collision.

“I don’t know if there is any spine fluid that strengthens skeleton. If so, it should not be my turn …”

The skeleton man thought in his heart silently.

As a family of excellent skeletons who need calcium supplements throughout the day, they attach great importance to this one.

However, he still knew what he knew, and it was clear that even if there was a fluid suitable for his spine, he would never have his share.

After all, he looked at the look of the group of humans looking forward to it.

After thinking about the joints, the skeletons continued to be marginal characters, but occasionally introspected themselves … Why are they trapped in this human team again?

At present, the focus of the team is on identifying the spinal fluid, but nothing else has fallen.

Saling and Bruna are working together to conquer the ancient characters brought back from the abyss, and after recovering, Nobu has been concentrating on eliminating the entrances and exits of the apartment, trying to complete as soon as possible, and then leaving this right and wrong place.

Although Luo didn’t mention it, Nob knew that the so-called Risfars had a very high chance of mobilizing teachers.

So, as long as he eliminated the entrance to the apartment before the arrival of the Rasfa team, he could avoid a crisis.

Based on this, he can be described as making an all-out effort during this time, which is simply a model worker.

Luo is not idle, everyday all is studying the giant gods who have previously imprisoned them.

He has an idea waiting to be implemented.

In the hole, the black cat held the light algae and became the only source of light.

In the light, Luo stood on top of the ruined giant goddess with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Suddenly, a black circle emerged from the ground not far from behind, and Jin and Dong Fuli came out of it.

Nob poked out his upper body in the black circle, greeted Luo and drilled back. Then, the black circle disappeared.

“Why, are you thinking?”

Kim came to Luo’s side.

Dong Fulisi did not speak, but looked at Luo.

“Probably, but it’s still very vague.”

“Speak out for reference.”

“I’m going to put together the risfah ore and the word of God.”

“En? The ore has its own trap attribute. Actually, you can try it.” Gold eyes lighted up, and he habitually touched his chin.

“That’s right, but it is difficult to implement and there is no chance for experimentation.”

“Luo, are you too real? Even if you raise the trapid’s formidable power to the extreme, the defense power of that group of people can have a very limited effect.”

“It makes sense, but I still want to be bigger.” Luo slightly nodded.

Jin could not help covering his face, said with a bitter smile: “OK, I can assist you when your thoughts are cleared up.”

“I’m here to help you too. It’s interesting to use the traps set by Risfar ore against Risfar people.”

East Ricoh smiled lightly, and suddenly wanted to see the reaction of the Risfa people after stepping on the trap. It would be very interesting.

“Well, it’s not that I want to blow your interest. If the Stoneman mines don’t come, then you are not busy. Most importantly, you need to divide your mind into the word of God. If the trap is not triggered, then you Is n’t your mind full of power? “

The black cat looked at Luo as they were so happy, and felt obliged to remind them, in fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to dismantle the stage, and then secretly feel in his heart.

“You still have a brain, black cat.”

Hearing the black cat’s reminder, Luo could not help glancing at him.

“Luo, what do you mean by that, have I always been smart?”


Luo replied casually, and then thought about how to insert a link containing the [recycling characteristic] in the god character.

It must be assumed that the followers of the Risfa family may not come. Then, in order to avoid the embarrassing situation that the mind cannot be recovered, it is necessary to install a recovery insurance.

After a while, Luo cleared his thoughts.

“Almost, let’s get started.”

Luo looks at 2 experienced assistants beside him.

To be honest, if there were no two assistants, Jin and Dong, he probably wouldn’t have the idea of ​​setting up a god character trap.

After all, you have to make it bigger if you want to do it, and it is difficult to do it alone.

Before proceeding, Luo went to the 4th Dimension Apartment to bring out the risfa ore left by several humans after the death of Gale. As for their corpses, the skeleton had been solved.

For the trap, not only Luo Shangxin, but also Jin and Dong Fulisi.

The three men were nested in a small area like this, while discussing, expanding the scope of the word of God.

The black cat is in charge of lighting, and looks at the vulgar thoughts that pop out of his mouth from time to time from time to time. He just feels cold and thinks that one vulgarity is not terrifying. It is true that the three vulgarity forces come together Of terror.


Time passed and another week passed.

The trap prepared by Luo is nearing the end, and the effect of the new spinal fluid has been identified, which can be used to expand the pores …

The source of the material is from a spinal insect called the virtual eye worm.

According to the information provided by Xiaoai, everyone discussed for a long time and thought that the effect of the transformation of this spinal fluid is very likely to increase the diameter of the fine pores, that is, once the guess is true, it can be Increase the amount of apparent gas.

But here comes the problem.

Spinal fluid is not at risk, but it is at risk of disability.

For example, if it is used to strengthen the claw, if it fails, it will damage the palm.

And this spinal fluid that can strengthen the pores, if it fails, it will most likely cause the fine pores Permanent to close …

If it is a physical disability, there is old Bai as the backing. Although there is nothing in the heart, it is always very secure.

However, if the fine pores are damaged and mental force cannot be used, or the output rate of apparent air volume is reduced due to the reduction of fine pores, it is not necessarily a situation that the old man can deal with.

The risks are great, but the gains are also great.

Luo was very excited.

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