Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1257

In the valley, the giant centipede curled up and lay silently.

The centipede bar body is studded with colorful crystal diamonds, scattered randomly. A section of black arthropods extends from the 2 sides, and cold glow is glittering at the end, like a sharp-pointed gun point.

Around the centipede body, there were 100 Risfa clansmans of varying heights, but generally strong in shape. They were silent, motionless with their eyes closed.

The red dragonfly [manufactured by Tick before his death] has now turned into a red spot, and has penetrated into the head of every Resfar clansman present.

At the cost of evaporating all the blood in the body, and injecting a strong [willingness to notify], eventually successfully [manufactured] a beast with relevant information, that is, a red dragonfly.

At the moment when the red dragonfly turned into a light spot, Tike’s complete demise, but his [willingness] before he died, did indeed come true.

At this moment, information about Luo was circling in the head of each Resfa clansman.

After a long time, one of the tallest and strongest Swiss corps opened his eyes, and the sound of rumbling movement like a rock was turning in the valley.

“Moon Moon Power?”

His voice, like turning on some kind of switch, the remaining clansman eyes opened one by one, all looked towards him.

“Moon Moon Power.”

The repetitive second time was no longer a doubtful tone, but affirmation, with a little surprise and excitement.

His emotions gradually progressed from a low point to a high one, and his mental ability received emotional feedback, which ignited like a flame on white robes.

Suddenly, every Risfa clansman around the body released the maximum mental power.

The 100 waves of mental force emanating from the risfa ore collided together, emitting a slight roar in the air, like the many spar raindrops falling on the centipede’s corpse, making a crunchy sound .

Converging the mental fluctuations of Strength, the backbone of the Swiss family, it is impossible to describe it with the powerful word.

The confluence of auras swept all around, affecting the surrounding environment.

The fine gravel on the ground was like Spirit beating, the air roared, and Centipede’s body shuddered.

These phenomena are all caused by the gas place alone.

And in the huge gas field that is so powerful and straight into the sky, there is only a high excitement, only the companion’s sorrow is not lost.

“My clan, we must get the power of the new moon! That is … the key Strength to break the defender.”

“We must go to the new Heaven and Earth!”

The Swiss-headed company announced in his low voice.

Tone barely fell, and the surrounding Risfa clansman roared together, so the mind was released.

Suddenly, the ground and even the surrounding rock walls were cracked by the waves.

Clansman, headed by Resfar, looked around at his fellows in Roar, striding towards another open space at the bottom of the valley.

The other clansman followed closely, making neat oh la la footsteps.


At this time, many crystals of the giant centipede body cracked at the same time. With the sound of crisp sound, many crystals the size of a bedboard cracked back and forth, from which a strip of skinless dogs jumped out. .

After they landed, their four limbs moved in unison, chasing the leaving Risfa Clansman.


The mountain was punched into a big hole.



One punch and one punch.

With his fist, forcibly hit a tunnel to the outside.

All Swiss corps and a large number of skinless dogs passed through the tunnel punched with their fists and came to the outside of the basin.

Above the vast rocky ground, there is a huge castle suspended at a low altitude, surrounded by 8 rectangular crystal lenses, which are closely linked to the castle, and always maintain a certain distance.

Below the castle is a layer of scarlet-red rock bands, wrapped with strips of spar exuding faint white light, interweaving a strong magnetic field overlapping each other.

Floating Void City is less than 3 meters from the ground, and is as stable as a mountain, without any undulations, like a still painting.

In each area of ​​the castle building, even on the edge, standing each and everyone in a robe of Risfar in robes, bulging the robes out of strips of Risfar ore is an extremely distinctive feature.

Numerous Swiss corps in the Floating Void City Fort looked down at the returning Warriors.

The aura gathered by more than 100 elites, like the sun above the sky, fills their eyes with dazzling rays of light.

The Swiss who walks at the front is the head of the clan, and is also the strongest person in the clan.

The mountain tunnel was punched through by him, and the air field covering the entire team was also pulled by him to make it look so stable.

He came near Floating Void City Fort, an invisible force wrapped around his body, and slowly sent him to Floating Void City Fort.

In contrast, other Risfa clansman and skinless dogs also floated to the Floating Void City Fort in this style.

It seems that holding up their Strength has something to do with magnetic fields …

After all Risfa clansman and skinless dogs boarded the Floating Void City Fort, the stationary 8-sided Crystal lens slowly turned. After a while, the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, and the castle floated. Up towards the forest of Tribulus Terrestris.

The information sent by Dick before his death caused the entire Swiss law community to boil.

There is no need to hesitate. In order to get the power of the new moon, the Ristaff clan rode on a large appliance and went straight to the place where Luo was.

Compared to Legendary’s other new moon powers, the eighteen rosary beads hidden in the cave are not so important.


After 4 months, 1D apartment.

Following the identification of the first spinal fluid that could [reform] the teeth, three spinal fluids were identified in the following half month, which could strengthen the lower limbs, arm blades, and nails, respectively.

The follow-up identification is still continuing. With the massage of New Nitolomy and Cookie Miss, the identification efficiency of Sheila and Xiaoai will not be reduced by the time.

Unfortunately, the evolution of the first 4 spinal fluids identified was not what Uvogin wanted.

As the positioning of [Team Meat Shield], Uvogin will only lean towards strengthening directions such as skeletons and muscles.

Of course, even if you take the spine fluid that has a poor fit, it can strengthen your physique, which affects the upper limit of potential air volume and apparent air volume.

It’s just that it is unnecessary to take the risk of disability just to promote the physique.

Luo actually wants to know the details of the silver book, but most members of the team are looking forward to the strengthening effect of [Spine Fluid].

Therefore, no accident, the identification of the book of silver and white can only be put at the end.

“It’s such a pleasant decision. It’s my spinal fluid that strengthens the lower limbs.”

Tonpa was pinching the test tube of the light blue liquid and was excited.

No one objected to this decision, and it was clear that Tonpa had a very good fit with the spinal fluid that strengthened the lower limbs.

If nothing unexpected happens, once Tonpa is successfully transformed, its mobility will definitely be greatly improved.

After that, cooperate with his ability …

Just thinking of a possibility, I could not help but think of the previous battle in the hole.

At that time, Tonpa 愣 relied on the Mind Power of [Foreseeing Future] to frequently avoid the deadly attacks of the enemy.

That coquettish figure is expected to become the psychological shadow of the enemy.

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