Gourmet Hunter

Chapter 1259

The size of the fine pores determines the rate of mental output.

In Mind Power’s World, the size of a person’s innate pores can also be defined as an Innate Skill.

The pore size of most people is normal, and a few people are more bad luck. They are born with smaller pores, while a small number of people can reach human limits.

Although the Innate Skill is inherent, it still needs to be cultivated to develop.

Like Luo’s fine pore size, with the help of exercise and white smoke fonts, it has reached the highest human limit.

It is no exaggeration to say that the amount of apparent gas released by him through the fine holes, looking at the human Mind Power of the entire 6 continents, he said that the second, no one dared to say the first.

Even so, even if he stepped into the extreme realm of human beings, he was far worse than many creatures on the dark continent.

That’s the point …

So, while pinching the spinal fluid that can expand the pores, Luo inevitably moved.

If you can strengthen the success, the benefits must be unimaginable.

Regardless of the power and scope of the hand of God, combining black jade alone to use General White Jade, it must be a trick that even Demon Beast can’t fight, let alone a humanoid.

At present, the spinal fluids that have been identified are teeth, lower limbs, arm blades, nails, and pores.

The spinal fluid that strengthens the lower limbs is distributed to Tonpa, while the spinal fluid that strengthens the pores is temporarily distributed to Luo here.

Regarding the distribution of the fluid in each spine, it was not Luo who made the decision alone, but to discuss it with everyone to evaporate the value of the item to the limit.

For example, the spine fluid that strengthens pores does not have a degree of fit, because the benefits of speaking alone are the same for every Mind Power person.

However, the team members agreed that this spinal fluid was the most suitable for Luo.

The idea is simple, just like a team must have an ace to support the field, and in their eyes, Luo is a well-deserved ace.

Then, the stronger the ace, the better the team’s benefits are.

Everyone agreed, and of course Luo took the spinal fluid without pressure.

Before, Luo asked Tonpa not to worry about using the spinal fluid, but now he got the right one, but he couldn’t wait to see the results.

“I’ll take the risk of verification!”

Luo’s gesture of righteousness Rin.


Tonpa looked silently at Luo, subconsciously touched the spinal fluid in his pocket, and tried to vomit, but he couldn’t help it.

“Who told me to wait until all the spinal fluid was identified before making a decision?” Nobunaga was not as polite as Tonpa and went straight to the stage.

“And it has been emphasized many times in succession.” Uvogin added saltily.

“Luo, Luo, didn’t expect you to be such a person.”

Lao Bai shook his head and sighed, and wrote the words Hate Iron and Steel into his face.

Luo pretended not to hear it, soliciting opinions from others.

The result naturally passed.

Therefore, Luo decided to take the spinal fluid after 5 minutes. As for the risk of damage to the fine pores, he thought about it but would not care.

As an adventurer, I always take risks when exploring unknown places.

He was used to this feeling.

In 5 minutes, there is not much preparation to be done, that is, Lao Bai and Sambika are on standby, and if there is an emergency, they need to shoot in time.

In addition, Luo concentrated all the existing stocks of the new Nitolomi, making life aura in the area richer.

Although it’s not clear if this will work, it just feels necessary.

The use of spinal fluid to enhance the team’s battle strength is something that everyone is currently focusing on.

They are a little nervous and a little looking forward, and they want to see the results as soon as possible.

Of course, they will also worry.

If the reinforcement fails, Luo’s strength may be damaged, which will directly affect the overall battle strength of the team.

Ten five minutes passed quickly.

Luo stood in the area laid by the rich plants of life aura such as New Nitolomy, while Lao Bai and Sambica stood by, while others stood on the edge of the area.

“it has started.”

Luo squeezed the test tube, popped his thumb, and pried open a small section of the end of the test tube. The liquid inside was exposed to the air, emitting a faint odor, and it smelled like mint.

Originally thought that the smell would be more pungent, and it would be fishy if not good. Didn’t expect it to be tasteless, and actually life aura is quite strong.

No psychological pressure, Luo poured the liquid directly into his mouth, Paulie, and swallowed it in a spurt of energy.

The spinal fluid is flowing down the throat to the stomach, as if a thin layer of ice is frozen in the way, which is beyond the scope of cooling.

Luo closed her eyes and felt the changes in her body, waiting for the volatility of the spinal fluid.

Suddenly, the cold throat and stomach suddenly became hot.

Luo’s eyelids twitched a few times, holding back his stomach discomfort.

This degree of response is only trivial.

After a while, the stomach became hotter, as if lava was rolling inside.

Luo could not bear to say a word, but the body had already produced a lot of sweat.

About ten minutes later, the heat accumulated in the stomach was dispersed to 4 limbs in four limbs in vain.

That disperse Speed ​​too fast, making Luo completely unprepared, humming.

Tick, ticking.

Sweat fell on the ground, and after a while gathered at the feet.

Although Luo’s performance was relatively calm, judging from the sweating speed, he must be suffering unusual pain.

It is true that Luo is now in lava.

It is not an exaggeration to say so.

He even wondered if swallowing the grass-burning scented grass in the body would slow down the burning sensation inside the body.

“Luo, it’s smoking …”

Bu Ha 剌 愣愣 looks at Luo’s shoulders and heads continue to emit white gas, and the skin exposed to the air becomes red, and even glittering with a little gloss, like Luffy with 2 stops.

The crowd looked slightly nervous, but couldn’t interfere, just watching this.

Suddenly, Luo screamed lowly, the muscles on his face trembled frequently, and the blue tendons were violent, matching his flushed skin, looking rather embarrassed.

No one spoke on the court, all nervous looking at Luo, for fear that too heavy breathing would affect Luo.

At this moment, Luo only felt that his body was immersed in the high-temperature lava, and the muscles under the muddy body were being torn by countless double-handed forcibly. The violent pain was like the tide, wave after wave.

Even though he has a strong ability to endure pain, he can’t help the pain torture, and his screams have gone from low to unstoppable.

Suddenly, in the extreme pain, Luo noticed that the blood in the body was flowing out through the body’s pores, but had no time to pay attention to the bleeding, and could only use his will to counter the pain.

Eyes at Luo’s body was red with blood between the breath and the painful cry, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense and calm.

“That’s … the cost of the transformation.”

Tonpa subconsciously touched the spinal fluid in his pocket, and his heart was cold, and he had a faint thought about it.

Even Luo had to be like this, wouldn’t he faint on the spot instead?

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